Package 'nvmix'

Title: Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures
Description: Functions for working with (grouped) multivariate normal variance mixture distributions (evaluation of distribution functions and densities, random number generation and parameter estimation), including Student's t distribution for non-integer degrees-of-freedom as well as the grouped t distribution and copula with multiple degrees-of-freedom parameters. See <doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02> for a high-level description of select functionality.
Authors: Marius Hofert [aut, cre], Erik Hintz [aut], Christiane Lemieux [aut]
Maintainer: Marius Hofert <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3) | file LICENCE
Version: 0.1-1
Built: 2025-02-25 04:46:52 UTC

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Functionalities for Normal Variance Mixture Copulas


Evaluate the density / distribution function of normal variance mixture copulas (including Student t and normal copula) and generate vectors of random variates from normal variance mixture copulas.


dnvmixcopula(u, qmix, scale = diag(d), factor = NULL, control = list(),
             verbose = FALSE, log = FALSE, ...)
pnvmixcopula(upper, lower = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = d), qmix, scale = diag(d),
             control = list(), verbose = FALSE, ...)
rnvmixcopula(n, qmix, scale = diag(2), factor = NULL,
             method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0,
             control = list(), verbose = FALSE, ...)

dStudentcopula(u, df, scale = diag(d), factor = NULL, log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)
pStudentcopula(upper, lower = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = d), df, scale = diag(d),
               control = list(), verbose = TRUE)
rStudentcopula(n, df, scale = diag(2), method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"),
               skip = 0)

pgStudentcopula(upper, lower = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = d), groupings = 1:d,
                df, scale = diag(d), control = list(), verbose = TRUE)
dgStudentcopula(u, groupings = 1:d, df, scale = diag(d), factor = NULL,
                factor.inv = NULL, control = list(), verbose = TRUE, log = FALSE)
rgStudentcopula(n, groupings = 1:d, df, scale = diag(2), factor = NULL,
                method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0)

fitgStudentcopula(x, u, df.init = NULL, scale = NULL, groupings = rep(1, d),
                  df.bounds = c(0.5, 30), fit.method = c("joint-MLE",
                  "groupewise-MLE"), control = list(), verbose = TRUE)
fitStudentcopula(u, fit.method = c("Moment-MLE", "EM-MLE", "Full-MLE"),
                 df.init = NULL, df.bounds = c(0.1, 30), control = list(),
                 verbose = TRUE)



(n,d)(n, d)-matrix of evaluation points or data; Have to be in (0,1)(0,1).

upper, lower

(n,d)(n, d)-matrix of upper/lower evaluation limits. Have to be in (0,1)(0,1).


sample size nn (positive integer).


specification of the mixing variable WW; see pnvmix() for the ungrouped and pgnvmix() for the grouped case.


see pgnvmix().


positive degress of freedom; can also be Inf in which case the copula is interpreted as the Gaussian copula.


scale matrix (a covariance matrix entering the distribution as a parameter) of dimension (d,d)(d, d) (defaults to d=2d = 2); this equals the covariance matrix of a random vector following the specified normal variance mixture distribution divided by the expecation of the mixing variable WW if and only if the former exists. Note that scale must be positive definite; sampling from singular ungrouped normal variance mixtures can be achieved by providing factor.


(d,k)(d, k)-matrix such that factor %*% t(factor) equals scale; the non-square case kdk \neq d can be used to sample from singular normal variance mixtures. For dnvmixcopula(), this has to be a square matrix. Note that this notation coincides with McNeil et al. (2015, Chapter 6). If not provided, factor is internally determined via chol() (and multiplied from the right to an (n,k)(n, k)-matrix of independent standard normals to obtain a sample from a multivariate normal with zero mean vector and covariance matrix scale).


inverse of factor; if not provided, computed via solve(factor).


see rnvmix().


see rnvmix().


NULL or vector with initial estimates for df; can contain NAs.


22-vector with the lower/upper bounds on the degree-of-freedom parameter for the fitting.


character indicating which fitting method is to be used; see details below.


(n,d)(n, d)-matrix data matrix of which the underlying copula is to be estimated. See also details below.


list specifying algorithm specific parameters; see get_set_param().


logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required precision abstol has not been reached.


logical indicating whether the logarithmic density is to be computed.


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when rmix or qmix is a character string or function.


Functionalities for normal variance mixture copulas provided here essentially call pnvmix(), dnvmix() and rnvmix() as well as qnvmix(), see their documentations for more details.

We remark that computing normal variance mixtures is a challenging task; evaluating normal variance mixture copulas additionally requires the approximation of a univariate quantile function so that for large dimensions and sample sizes, these procedures can be fairly slow. As there are approximations on many levels, reported error estimates for the copula versions of pnvmix() and dnvmix() can be flawed.

The functions [d/p/r]Studentcopula() are user-friendly wrappers for [d/p/r]nvmixcopula(, qmix = "inverse.gamma"), designed for the imporant case of a t copula with degrees-of-freedom df.

The function fitgStudentcopula() can be used to estimate the matrix scale and the degrees-of-freedom for grouped t-copulas. The matrix scale, if not provided, is estimated non-parametrically. Initial values for the degrees-of-freedom are estimated for each group separately (by fitting the corresponding marginal t copula). Using these initial values, the joint likelihood over all (length(unique(groupings))-many) degrees-of-freedom parameters is optimized via optim(). For small dimensions, the results are satisfactory but the optimization becomes extremely challenging when the dimension is large, so care should be taking when interpreting the results.


The values returned by dnvmixcopula(), rnvmixcopula() and pnvmixcopula() are similar to the ones returned by their non-copula alternatives dnvmix(), rnvmix() and pnvmix().

The function fitgStudentcopula() returns an S3 object of class "fitgStudentcopula", basically a list which contains, among others, the components


Estimated degrees-of-freedom for each group.


Estimated or provided scale matrix.


Estimated log-likelihood at reported estimates.


Initial estimate for the degrees-of-freedom.

The methods print() and summary() are defined for the class "fitgStudentcopula".


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2020), Grouped Normal Variance Mixtures. Risks 8(4), 103.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Luo, X. and Shevchenko, P. (2010). The t copula with multiple parameters of degrees of freedom: bivariate characteristics and application to risk management. Quantitative Finance 10(9), 1039-1054.

Daul, S., De Giorgi, E. G., Lindskog, F. and McNeil, A (2003). The grouped t copula with an application to credit risk. Available at SSRN 1358956.

See Also

dnvmix(), pnvmix(), qnvmix(), rnvmix()


## Generate a random correlation matrix in d dimensions
d <- 2 # dimension
set.seed(42) # for reproducibility
rho <- runif(1, min = -1, max = 1)
P <- matrix(rho, nrow = d, ncol = d) # build the correlation matrix P
diag(P) <- 1
## Generate two random evaluation points:
u <- matrix(runif(2*d), ncol = d)
## We illustrate using a t-copula
df = 2.1
## Define quantile function which is inverse-gamma here:
qmix. <- function(u) 1/qgamma(1-u, shape = df/2, rate = df/2)

### Example for dnvmixcopula() ####################################################

## If qmix = "inverse.gamma", dnvmix() calls qt and dt:
d1 <- dnvmixcopula(u, qmix = "inverse.gamma", scale = P, df = df)
## Same can be obtained using 'dStudentcopula()'
d2 <- dStudentcopula(u, scale = P, df = df)
stopifnot(all.equal(d1, d2))
## Use qmix. to force the algorithm to use a rqmc procedure:
d3 <- dnvmixcopula(u, qmix = qmix., scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(d1, d3, tol = 1e-3, check.attributes = FALSE))

### Example for pnvmixcopula() ####################################################

## Same logic as above:
p1 <- pnvmixcopula(u, qmix = "inverse.gamma", scale = P, df = df)
p2 <- pnvmixcopula(u, qmix = qmix., scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(p1, p2, tol = 1e-3, check.attributes = FALSE))

### Examples for rnvmixcopula() ###################################################

## Draw random variates and compare
n <- 60
X  <- rnvmixcopula(n, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P) # with scale
X. <- rnvmixcopula(n, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, factor = t(chol(P))) # with factor
stopifnot(all.equal(X, X.))

### Example for the grouped case ##################################################

d <- 4 # dimension
set.seed(42) # for reproducibility
P <- matrix(runif(1, min = -1, max = 1), nrow = d, ncol = d) # build the correlation matrix P
diag(P) <- 1
groupings <- c(1, 1, 2, 2) # two groups of size two each
df <- c(1, 4) # dof for each of the two groups
U <- rgStudentcopula(n, groupings = groupings, df = df, scale = P)
(fit <- fitgStudentcopula(u = U, groupings = groupings, verbose = FALSE))

Dependence Measures for grouped normal variance mixture copulas


Computation of rank correlation coefficients Spearman's rho and Kendall's tau for grouped normal variance mixture copulas as well as computation of the (lower and upper) tail dependence coefficient of a grouped t copula.


corgnvmix(scale, qmix, method = c("kendall", "spearman"), groupings = 1:2,
          ellip.kendall = FALSE, control = list(), verbose = TRUE, ...)

lambda_gStudent(df, scale, control = list(), verbose = TRUE)



nn-vector giving the ρ\rho parameters of the copula.


specification of the mixing variables; see pgnvmix().


character indicating if Spearman's rho or Kendall's tau is to be computed.


vector specifying the grouping structure; either rep(1, 2) (ungrouped) or 1:2 (grouped case).


logical if the formula for Kendalll's tau for elliptical copulas shall be used; see details below.


either scalar or 22-vector giving the degrees-of- freedoms for the t copula; if provided as scalar, the copula is an (ungrouped) t copula and lambda_gStudent() uses a closed formula.


list specifying algorithm specific parameters; see get_set_param().


logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required precision has not been reached.


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when qmix is a character string or function.


For grouped normal variance mixture copulas, including the grouped t, there is no closed formula for Kendall's tau and Spearman's rho. The function corgnvmix() approximates these dependence measures by numerically approximating an integral representation for these measures.

If no grouping is present (i.e., when groupings = rep(1, 2)), the copula is an elliptical copula for which the formula τ=2asin(ρ)/pi\tau = 2asin(\rho)/pi holds. This formula holds only approximately in the grouped case; the quality of the approximation depends on how different the mixing variables for the two components are. When the mixing distributions are not too far apart and when the copula parameter is not close to 1, this approximation is “very accurate“, as demonstrated in Daul et al (2003).

In the ungrouped case, lambda_gStudent() computes the tail dependence coefficient lambdalambda based on the known formula 2 * pt( -sqrt( (df + 1)*(1 - rho) / (1 + rho)), df = df + 1) for the tail dependence coefficient of a t copula.

In the grouped case, RQMC methods are used to efficiently approximate the integral given in Eq. (26) of Luo and Shevchenko (2010).


lambda_gStudent() and corgnvmix() return a numeric nn-vector with the computed dependence measure with corresponding attributes "abs. error" and "rel. error"(error estimates of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter" (number of iterations).


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2020), Grouped Normal Variance Mixtures. Risks 8(4), 103.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

Luo, X. and Shevchenko, P. (2010). The t copula with multiple parameters of degrees of freedom: bivariate characteristics and application to risk management. Quantitative Finance 10(9), 1039-1054.

Daul, S., De Giorgi, E. G., Lindskog, F. and McNeil, A (2003). The grouped t copula with an application to credit risk. Available at SSRN 1358956.

See Also

dgStudentcopula(), pgStudentcopula(), rgStudentcopula()


### Examples for corgnvmix() ###################################################

## Create a plot displaying Spearman's rho for a grouped t copula as a function
## of the copula parameter for various choices of the degrees-of-freedom
qmix <- "inverse.gamma"
df <- matrix( c(1, 2, 1, 5, 1, Inf), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
l.df <- nrow(df)
scale <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = 99)
set.seed(1) # for reproducibility
kendalls <- sapply(seq_len(l.df), function(i)
   corgnvmix(scale, qmix = qmix, method = "kendall", df = df[i, ]))
## Include the elliptical approximation (exact when df1 = df2)
kendall_ell <- corgnvmix(scale, method = "kendall", ellip.kendall = TRUE)
## Plot
lgnd <- character(l.df + 1)
lgnd[1] <- "elliptical (equal df)"
plot(NA, xlim = c(0, 1), ylim = c(0, 1), xlab = expression(rho),
     ylab = "Kendall's tau")
lines(scale, kendall_ell, lty = 1)
for(i in 1:l.df){
   lines(scale, kendalls[, i], col = i + 1, lty = i + 1)
   lgnd[i+1] <- paste0("df1 = ", df[i, 1], ", df2 = ", df[i, 2])
legend("topleft", lgnd, col = 1:(l.df + 1), lty = 1:(l.df + 1), bty = 'n')

### Examples for lambda_gStudent() #############################################

## Create a plot displaying 'lambda' as a function of the copula parameter
## for various choices of the degrees-of-freedom
df <- c(3, 6, 9)
df_ <- list( rep(df[1], 2), rep(df[2], 2), rep(df[3], 2), # ungrouped
             c(df[1], df[2]), c(df[1], df[3]), c(df[2], df[3])) # grouped
l.df_ <- length(df_)
scale <- seq(from = -0.99, to = 0.99, length.out = 112) # scale parameters
set.seed(1) # for reproducibilty
lambdas <-
   sapply(seq_len(l.df_), function(i) lambda_gStudent(df_[[i]], scale = scale))
lgnd <- character(length(df_))
plot(NA, xlim = range(scale), ylim = range(lambdas), xlab = expression(rho),
     ylab = expression(lambda))
for(i in seq_len(l.df_)){
   lines(scale, lambdas[, i], col = i, lty = i)
   lgnd[i] <- if(df_[[i]][1] == df_[[i]][2]) paste0("df = ", df_[[i]][1]) else
      paste0("df1 = ", df_[[i]][1], ", df2 = ", df_[[i]][2])
legend("topleft", lgnd, col = seq_len(l.df_), lty = seq_len(l.df_),
       bty = 'n')
## If called with 'df' a 1-vector, closed formula for lambda is used => check
lambda.true <- sapply(1:3, function(i) lambda_gStudent(df_[[i]][1], scale = scale))
stopifnot(max(abs( lambda.true - lambdas[, 1:3])) < 4e-4)

Density of Grouped Normal Variance Mixtures


Evaluating grouped normal variance mixture density functions (including Student t with multiple degrees-of-freedom).


dgnvmix(x, groupings = 1:d, qmix, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d), factor = NULL,
        factor.inv = NULL, control = list(), log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)
dgStudent(x, groupings = 1:d, df, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d), factor = NULL,
          factor.inv = NULL, control = list(), log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE)



see dnvmix().


see pgnvmix().


specification of the mixing variables WiW_i via quantile functions; see pgnvmix().


see pnvmix().


see pnvmix(); must be positive definite.


(d,d)(d, d) lower triangular matrix such that factor %*% t(factor) equals scale. Internally used is factor.inv.


inverse of factor; if not provided, computed via solve(factor).


vector of length length(unique(groupings)) so that variable i has degrees-of-freedom df[groupings[i]]; all elements must be positive and can be Inf, in which case the corresponding marginal is normally distributed.


list specifying algorithm specific parameters; see get_set_param().


logical indicating whether the logarithmic density is to be computed.


see pnvmix().


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when qmix is a character string or an element of qmix is a function.


Internally used is factor.inv, so factor and scale are not required to be provided (but allowed for consistency with other functions in the package).

dgStudent() is a wrapper of dgnvmix(, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df). If there is no grouping, the analytical formula for the density of a multivariate t distribution is used.

Internally, an adaptive randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo (RQMC) approach is used to estimate the log-density. It is an iterative algorithm that evaluates the integrand at a randomized Sobol' point-set (default) in each iteration until the pre-specified error tolerance control$dnvmix.reltol in the control argument is reached for the log-density. The attribute "numiter" gives the worst case number of such iterations needed (over all rows of x). Note that this function calls underlying C code.

Algorithm specific parameters (such as above mentioned control$dnvmix.reltol) can be passed as a list via the control argument, see get_set_param() for details and defaults.

If the error tolerance cannot be achieved within control$max.iter.rqmc iterations and fun.eval[2] function evaluations, an additional warning is thrown if verbose=TRUE.


dgnvmix() and dgStudent() return a numeric nn-vector with the computed density values and corresponding attributes "abs. error" and "rel. error" (error estimates of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter" (number of iterations).


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2020), Grouped Normal Variance Mixtures. Risks 8(4), 103.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

See Also

rgnvmix(), pgnvmix(), get_set_param()


n <- 100 # sample size to generate evaluation points

### 1. Inverse-gamma mixture
## 1.1. Grouped t with mutliple dof

d <- 3 # dimension
A <- matrix(runif(d * d), ncol = d)
P <- cov2cor(A %*% t(A)) # random scale matrix
df <- c(1.1, 2.4, 4.9) # dof for margin i
groupings <- 1:d
x <- rgStudent(n, df = df, scale = P) # evaluation points for the density

### Call 'dgnvmix' with 'qmix' a string:
dgt1 <- dgnvmix(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P)
### Version providing quantile functions of the mixing distributions as list
qmix_ <- function(u, df) 1 / qgamma(1-u, shape = df/2, rate = df/2)
qmix <- list(function(u) qmix_(u, df = df[1]), function(u) qmix_(u, df = df[2]),
             function(u) qmix_(u, df = df[3]))
dgt2 <- dgnvmix(x, groupings = groupings, qmix = qmix, scale = P)
### Similar, but using ellipsis argument:
qmix <- list(function(u, df1) qmix_(u, df1), function(u, df2) qmix_(u, df2),
             function(u, df3) qmix_(u, df3))
dgt3 <- dgnvmix(x, groupings = groupings, qmix = qmix, scale = P, df1 = df[1],
                df2 = df[2], df3 = df[3])
### Using the wrapper 'dgStudent()'
dgt4 <- dgStudent(x, groupings = groupings, df = df, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(dgt1, dgt2, tol = 1e-5, check.attributes = FALSE),
          all.equal(dgt1, dgt3, tol = 1e-5, check.attributes = FALSE),
          all.equal(dgt1, dgt4, tol = 1e-5, check.attributes = FALSE))

## 1.2 Classical multivariate t

df <- 2.4
groupings <- rep(1, d) # same df for all components
x <- rStudent(n, scale = P, df = df) # evaluation points for the density
dt1 <- dStudent(x, scale = P, df = df, log = TRUE) # uses analytical formula
## If 'qmix' provided as string and no grouping, dgnvmix() uses analytical formula
dt2 <- dgnvmix(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma", groupings = groupings, df = df, scale = P, log = TRUE)
stopifnot(all.equal(dt1, dt2))
## Provide 'qmix' as a function to force estimation in 'dgnvmix()'
dt3 <- dgnvmix(x, qmix = qmix_, groupings = groupings, df = df, scale = P, log = TRUE)
stopifnot(all.equal(dt1, dt3, tol = 5e-4, check.attributes = FALSE))

### 2. More complicated mixutre

## Let W1 ~ IG(1, 1), W2 = 1, W3 ~ Exp(1), W4 ~ Par(2, 1), W5 = W1, all comonotone
## => X1 ~ t_2; X2 ~ normal; X3 ~ Exp-mixture; X4 ~ Par-mixture; X5 ~ t_2

d <- 5
A <- matrix(runif(d * d), ncol = d)
P <- cov2cor(A %*% t(A))
b <- 3 * runif(d) * sqrt(d) # random upper limit
groupings <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1) # since W_5 = W_1
qmix <- list(function(u) qmix_(u, df = 2), function(u) rep(1, length(u)),
             list("exp", rate=1), function(u) (1-u)^(-1/2)) # length 4 (# of groups)
x <- rgnvmix(n, groupings = groupings, qmix = qmix, scale = P)
dg <- dgnvmix(x, groupings = groupings, qmix = qmix, scale = P, log = TRUE)

Density of Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures


Evaluating multivariate normal variance mixture densities (including Student t and normal densities).


dnvmix(x, qmix, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d),
       factor = NULL, control = list(), log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,...)

dStudent(x, df, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d), factor = NULL,
         log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)
dNorm(x, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d), factor = NULL,
      log = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, ...)



(n,d)(n, d)-matrix of evaluation points.


specification of the mixing variable WW; see pnvmix() for details and examples.


positive degress of freedom; can also be Inf in which case the distribution is interpreted as the multivariate normal distribution with mean vector loc and covariance matrix scale).


location vector of dimension dd; this equals the mean vector of a random vector following the specified normal variance mixture distribution if and only if the latter exists.


scale matrix (a covariance matrix entering the distribution as a parameter) of dimension (d,d)(d, d); this equals the covariance matrix of a random vector following the specified normal variance mixture distribution divided by the expecation of the mixing variable WW if and only if the former exists. Needs to be full rank for the density to exist.


(d,d)(d, d) lower triangular matrix such that factor %*% t(factor) equals scale; note that for performance reasons, this property is not tested. If not provided, factor is internally determined via t(chol()).


list specifying algorithm specific parameters; see get_set_param().


logical indicating whether the logarithmic density is to be computed.


logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required precision abstol has not been reached.


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when qmix is a character string or function.


For the density to exist, scale must be full rank. Internally used is factor, so scale is not required to be provided if factor is given. The default factorization used to obtain factor is the Cholesky decomposition via chol().

dStudent() and dNorm() are wrappers of dnvmix(, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df) and dnvmix(, qmix = "constant"), respectively. In these cases, dnvmix() uses the analytical formulas for the density of a multivariate Student t and normal distribution, respectively.

Internally, an adaptive randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo (RQMC) approach is used to estimate the log-density. It is an iterative algorithm that evaluates the integrand at a randomized Sobol' point-set (default) in each iteration until the pre-specified error tolerance control$dnvmix.reltol in the control argument is reached for the log-density. The attribute "numiter" gives the worst case number of such iterations needed (over all rows of x). Note that this function calls underlying C code.

Algorithm specific parameters (such as above mentioned control$dnvmix.reltol) can be passed as a list via the control argument, see get_set_param() for details and defaults.

If the error tolerance cannot be achieved within control$max.iter.rqmc iterations and fun.eval[2] function evaluations, an additional warning is thrown if verbose=TRUE.


dnvmix(), dStudent() and dNorm() return a numeric nn-vector with the computed (log-)density values and attributes "abs. error" and "rel. error" (containing the absolute and relative error estimates of the of the (log-)density) and "numiter" (containing the number of iterations).


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux.


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

See Also

pnvmix(), rnvmix(), fitnvmix(), get_set_param().


### Examples for dnvmix() ######################################################

## Generate a random correlation matrix in three dimensions
d <- 3
A <- matrix(runif(d * d), ncol = d)
P <- cov2cor(A %*% t(A))

## Evaluate a t_{3.5} density
df <- 3.5
x <- matrix(1:12/12, ncol = d) # evaluation points
dt1 <- dnvmix(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(dt1, c(0.013266542, 0.011967156, 0.010760575, 0.009648682),
                    tol = 1e-7, check.attributes = FALSE))

## Here is a version providing the quantile function of the mixing distribution
qW <- function(u, df) 1 / qgamma(1-u, shape = df/2, rate = df/2)
dt2 <- dnvmix(x, qmix = qW, df = df, scale = P)

## Compare
stopifnot(all.equal(dt1, dt2, tol = 5e-4, check.attributes = FALSE))

## Evaluate a normal density
dn <- dnvmix(x, qmix = "constant", scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(dn, c(0.013083858, 0.011141923, 0.009389987, 0.007831596),
                    tol = 1e-7, check.attributes = FALSE))

## Case with missing data
x. <- x
x.[3,2] <- NA
x.[4,3] <- NA
dt <- dnvmix(x., qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P)
stopifnot( == rep(c(FALSE, TRUE), each = 2))

## Univariate case
x.. <- cbind(1:10/10) # (n = 10, 1)-matrix; vectors are considered rows in dnvmix()
dt1 <- dnvmix(x.., qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, factor = 1)
dt2 <- dt(as.vector(x..), df = df)
stopifnot(all.equal(dt1, dt2, check.attributes = FALSE))

### Examples for dStudent() and dNorm() ########################################

## Evaluate a t_{3.5} density
dt <- dStudent(x, df = df, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(dt, c(0.013266542, 0.011967156, 0.010760575, 0.009648682),
                    tol = 1e-7, check.attributes = FALSE))

## Evaluate a normal density
x <- x[1,] # use just the first point this time
dn <- dNorm(x, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(dn, 0.013083858, tol = 1e-7, check.attributes = FALSE))

Fitting Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures


Functionalities for fitting multivariate normal variance mixtures (in particular also Multivariate t distributions) via an ECME algorithm.


fitnvmix(x, qmix, mix.param.bounds, nu.init = NA, loc = NULL, scale = NULL,
         init.size.subsample = min(n, 100), size.subsample = n,
         control = list(), verbose = TRUE)

fitStudent(x, loc = NULL, scale = NULL, mix.param.bounds = c(1e-3, 1e2), ...)



(n,d)(n, d)-data matrix.


specification of the mixing variable WW; see McNeil et al. (2015, Chapter 6). Supported are the following types of specification (see also the examples below):


character string specifying a supported distribution; currently available are "constant" (in which case W=1W = 1 and thus the multivariate normal distribution with mean vector loc and covariance matrix scale results), "inverse.gamma" (in which case WW is inverse gamma distributed with shape and rate parameters df/2 and thus the multivariate Student t distribution with df degrees of freedom results) and "pareto" (in which case WW is Pareto distributed with scale equal to unity and shape equal to alpha).


function interpreted as the quantile function of the mixing variable WW. In this case, qmix must have the form qmix = function(u, nu), where the argument nu corresponds to the parameter (vector) specifying the distribution of the mixing variable.


either numeric(2) or a matrix with two columns. The first/second column corresponds to the lower/upper bound of nuinu_i, the ith component of the parameter vector nunu of the mixing variable WW. All elements need to be finite, numeric values. Note: The algorithm tends to converge quicker if the parameter ranges supplied are smaller.


either NA or an initial guess for the parameter (vector) nunu. In the former case an initial estimate is calculated by the algorithm. If nu.init is provided, the algorithm often converges faster; the better the starting value, the faster convergence.


dd-vector; if provided, taken as the 'true' location vector in which case loc is not estimated.


positive definite (d,d)(d, d)-matrix; if provided, taken as the 'true' scale matrix in which case scale is not estimated.


numeric, non-negative, giving the sub-samplesize used to get an initial estimate for nunu. Only used if, otherwise ignored.


numeric, non-negative, specifying the size of the subsample that is being used in the ECME iterations to optimize the log-likelihood over nunu. Defaults to n, so that the full sample is being used. Decreasing this number can lead to faster run-times (as fewer log-densities need to be estimated) but also to an increase in bias and variance.


list specifying algorithm specific parameters; see below under 'Details' and get_set_param().


numeric or logical (in which case it is converted to numeric) specifying the amount of tracing to be done. If 0 or FALSE, neither tracing nor warnigns are communicated; if 1, only warnigns are communicated, if 2 or 3, warnings and (shorter or longer) tracing information is provided.


additional arguments passed to the underlying fitnvmix().


The function fitnvmix() uses an ECME algorithm to approximate the MLEs of the parameters nu, loc and scale of a normal variance mixture specified by qmix. The underlying procedure successively estimates nu (with given loc and scale) by maximizing the likelihood which is approximated by dnvmix() (unless qmix is a character string, in which case analytical formulas for the log-densities are used) and scale and loc (given nu) using weights (which again need to be approximated) related to the posterior distribution, details can be found in the first reference below.

It should be highlighted that (unless unless qmix is a character string), every log-likelihood and every weight needed in the estimation is numerically approximated via RQMC methods. For large dimensions and sample sizes this procedure can therefore be slow.

Various tolerances and convergence criteria can be changed by the user via the control argument. For more details, see get_set_param().


The function fitnvmix() returns an S3 object of class "fitnvmix", basically a list which contains, among others, the components


Estimated mixing parameter (vector) nu.


Estimated or provided loc vector.


Estimated or provided scale matrix.


Estimated log-likelihood at reported estimates.


Input data matrix x.

The methods print(), summary() and plot() are defined for the class "fitnvmix".

fitStudent() is a wrapper to fitnvmix() for parameter estimation of multivariate Student t distributions; it also returns an S3 object of class "fitnvmix" where the fitted degrees of freedom are called "df" instead of "nu" (to be consistent with the other wrappers for the Student t distributions).

fitNorm() just returns a list with components loc (columnwise sample means) and scale (sample covariance matrix).


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Liu, C. and Rubin, D. (1994). The ECME algorithm: a simple extension of EM and ECM with faster monotone convergence. Biometrika 81(4), 633–648.

See Also

dnvmix(), rnvmix(), pnvmix(), qqplot_maha(), get_set_param().


## Sampling parameters
set.seed(274) # for reproducibility
nu               <- 2.8 # parameter used to sample data
d                <- 4 # dimension
n                <- 75 # small sample size to have examples run fast
loc              <- rep(0, d) # location vector
A                <- matrix(runif(d * d), ncol = d)
diag_vars        <- diag(runif(d, min = 2, max = 5))
scale            <- diag_vars %*% cov2cor(A %*% t(A)) %*% diag_vars # scale matrix
mix.param.bounds <- c(1, 5) # nu in [1, 5]

### Example 1: Fitting a multivariate t distribution ###########################

    ## Define 'qmix' as the quantile function of an IG(nu/2, nu/2) distribution
    qmix <- function(u, nu) 1 / qgamma(1 - u, shape = nu/2, rate = nu/2)
    ## Sample data using 'rnvmix'
    x <- rnvmix(n, qmix = qmix, nu = nu, loc = loc, scale = scale)
    ## Call 'fitvnmix' with 'qmix' as a function (so all densities/weights are estimated)
    (MyFit11 <- fitnvmix(x, qmix = qmix, mix.param.bounds = mix.param.bounds))
    ## Call 'fitnvmix' with 'qmix = "inverse.gamma"' in which case analytical formulas
    ## for weights and densities are used:
    (MyFit12 <- fitnvmix(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma",
                         mix.param.bounds = mix.param.bounds))
    ## Alternatively, use the wrapper 'fitStudent()'
    (MyFit13 <- fitStudent(x))
    ## Check
    stopifnot(all.equal(MyFit11$nu, MyFit12$nu, tol = 5e-2),
              all.equal(MyFit11$nu, MyFit13$nu, tol = 5e-2))
    ## Can also provide 'loc' and 'scale' in which case only 'nu' is estimated
    (MyFit13 <- fitnvmix(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma", mix.param.bounds = mix.param.bounds,
                         loc = loc, scale = scale))
    (MyFit14 <- fitStudent(x, loc = loc, scale = scale))
    stopifnot(all.equal(MyFit13$nu, MyFit14$df, tol = 1e-6))

### Example 2: Fitting a Pareto mixture ########################################

## Define 'qmix' as the quantile function of a Par(nu, 1) distribution
qmix <- function(u, nu) (1-u)^(-1/nu)
## Sample data using 'rnvmix':
x <- rnvmix(n, qmix = qmix, nu = nu, loc = loc, scale = scale)
## Call 'fitvnmix' with 'qmix' as function (=> densities/weights estimated)
(MyFit21 <- fitnvmix(x, qmix = qmix, mix.param.bounds = mix.param.bounds))
## Call 'fitnvmix' with 'qmix = "pareto"' in which case an analytical formula
## for the density is used
(MyFit22 <- fitnvmix(x, qmix = "pareto", mix.param.bounds = mix.param.bounds))
stopifnot(all.equal(MyFit21$nu, MyFit22$nu, tol = 5e-2))

Functionalities for Gamma Scale Mixture Models


Evaluating density-, distribution- and quantile-function of Gamma scale mixtures as well as random variate generation.


dgammamix(x, qmix, d, control = list(), verbose = TRUE, log = FALSE, ...)
pgammamix(x, qmix, d, lower.tail = TRUE, control = list(), verbose = TRUE, ...)
qgammamix(u, qmix, d, control = list(), verbose = TRUE, q.only = TRUE,
          stored.values = NULL, ...)
rgammamix(n, rmix, qmix, d, method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"),
          skip = 0, ...)



nn-vector of evaluation points.


nn-vector of probabilities.


see pnvmix().


see rnvmix().


dimension of the underlying normal variance mixture, see also details below.


sample size nn (positive integer).


logical; if TRUE (default), probabilities are P(X<=x)P(X<= x), otherwise P(X>x)P(X > x).


logical indicating whether the log-density shall be returned.


see qnvmix().


see qnvmix().


see rnvmix().


see rnvmix().


list specifying algorithm specific parameters; see get_set_param().


logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required precision has not been reached.


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when qmix is a character string or function.


We define a Gamma mixture as a random variable DsqDsq satisfying, in distribution, Dsq=WGamma(d/2,2)Dsq = W*Gamma(d/2, 2) where WW is specified via qmix. If XX follows a dd-dimensional normal variance mixture, the squared Mahalanobis distance (Xμ)TSigma1(Xμ)(X-\mu)^T Sigma^{-1}(X-\mu) has the same distribution as DsqDsq.

The functions presented here are similar to the corresponding functions for normal variance mixtures (d/p/q/rnvmix()), details can be found in the corresponding help-files there.


pgammamix() and dgammamix() return a numeric nn-vector with the computed probabilities/densities and corresponding attributes "abs. error" and "rel. error" (error estimates of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter" (number of iterations).

If q.only = TRUE, qgammamix() a vector of the same length as u with entries qiq_i where qiq_i satisfies qi=infxF(x)>=uiq_i = inf_x { F(x) >= u_i} where F(x)F(x) the df of the Gamma mixture specified via qmix; if q.only = FALSE, see qnvmix.

rgammamix() returns a nn-vector containing nn samples of the specified (via mix) Gamma mixture.


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

See Also

dnvmix(), pnvmix(), qnvmix(), rnvmix(), get_set_param(), qqplot_maha(), fitnvmix()


## Specify inverse-gamma mixture => results in d * F(d, nu) dist'n,
## handled correctly when 'qmix = "inverse.gamma"' is specified
qmix <- function(u, nu) 1/qgamma(1 - u, shape = nu/2, rate = nu/2)

## Example for rgammamix()
set.seed(271) # for reproducibility
n  <- 25
nu <- 3
d  <- 5
x  <- rgammamix(n, qmix = qmix, d = d, nu = nu)

## Evaluate distribution function at 'x'
p.true_1 <- pgammamix(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma", d = d, df = nu) # calls pf(...)
p.true_2 <- pf(x/d, df1 = d, df2 = nu)
p.estim  <- pgammamix(x, qmix = qmix, d = d, nu = nu)
stopifnot(all.equal(p.true_1, p.true_2, tol = 1e-3,
                    check.attributes = FALSE),
          all.equal(p.true_1, p.estim, tol = 1e-3,
                    check.attributes = FALSE))

## Evaluate density function at 'x'
d.true_1 <- dgammamix(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma", d = d, df = nu)
d.true_2 <- df(x/d, df1 = d, df2 = nu)/d
d.est  <- dgammamix(x, qmix = qmix, d = d, nu = nu)
stopifnot(all.equal(d.true_1, d.true_2, tol = 5e-4,
                    check.attributes = FALSE),
          all.equal(d.true_1, d.est, tol = 5e-4,
                    check.attributes = FALSE))

## Evaluate quantile function
u <- seq(from = 0.5, to = 0.9, by = 0.1)
q.true_1 <- qgammamix(u, qmix = "inverse.gamma", d = d, df = nu)
q.true_2 <- qf(u, df1 = d, df2 = nu) * d
q.est  <- qgammamix(u, qmix = qmix, d = d, nu = nu)
stopifnot(all.equal(q.true_1, q.true_2, tol = 5e-4,
                    check.attributes = FALSE),
          all.equal(q.true_1, q.est, tol = 5e-4,
                    check.attributes = FALSE))

Algorithm-specific Parameters


Algorithm specific parameters for functionalities in the nvmix package, notably for fitnvmix(), dnvmix(), pnvmix(), qnvmix(), pgammamix(), dgammamix() and ES_nvmix() as well as the corresponding functions for grouped mixtures.


get_set_param(control = list())



list specifying algorithm specific parameters to beset; see below under details.


For most functions in the nvmix package, internally, an iterative randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo (RQMC) approach is used to estimate probabilities, weights and (log-)densities. There are various parameters of underlying methods than can be changed.

Algorithm specific parameters can be passed as a list via control. It can contain any of the following:

For all algorithms:

character string indicating the method to be used to compute the integral. Available are:


Sobol' sequence (default),


generalized Halton sequence,


plain Monte Carlo based on a pseudo-random number generator.


character string indicating how the sample size should be increased in each iteration. Available are:


next iteration has as many sample points as all the previous iterations combined,


all iterations use an additional fun.eval[1]-many points (default for most functions).


multiplier of the Monte Carlo confidence interval bounds. The algorithm runs until CI.factor times the estimated standard error is less than abstol or reltol (whichever is provided). If CI.factor = 3.5 (the default), one can expect the actual absolute error to be less than abstol in 99.9% of the cases.


numeric(2) providing the size of the first point set to be used to estimate integrals (typically a power of 2) and the maximal number of function evaluations. fun.eval defaults to c(2^7, 1e12).


numeric, providing the maximum number of iterations allowed in the RQMC approach; the default is 15 if increment = "doubling" and 1250 otherwise.


number of randomizations for obtaining an error estimate in the RQMC approach; the default is 15.

For pnvmix() and pgnvmix():
pnvmix.abstol, pnvmix.reltol

non-negative numeric providing the relative/absolute precision required for the distribution function. Relative precision via pnvmix.reltol is only used when pnvmix.abstol = NA; in all other cases, absolute precision will be used. pnvmix.abstol defaults to 1e-3. If pnvmix.abstol = 0 and pnvmix.reltol = 0, the algorithm will typically run until the total number of function evaluations exceeds fun.eval[2] or until the total number of iterations exeeds max.iter.rqmc, whichever happens first. If n>1n > 1 (so upper has more than one row), the algorithm runs until the precision requirement is reached for all nn probability estimates.


expectation of the square root (W)\sqrt(W) of the mixing variable WW. If NULL, it will be estimated via QMC; this is only needed for determining the reordering of the integration bounds, so a rather crude approximation is fine.


logical indicating whether preconditioning is applied, that is, reordering of the integration variables. If TRUE, integration limits lower, upper as well as scale are internally re-ordered in a way such that the overall variance of the integrand is usually smaller than with the original ordering; this usually leads smaller run-times.


non-negative numeric providing lower threshold for non-zero elements in the computation of the cholesky factor: If calculated C(i,i)2<cholesky.tolScale(i,i)C(i,i)^2 < | cholesky.tol * Scale(i,i)|, the diagonal element (and all other elements in column ii) of the cholesky factor CC are set to zero, yielding a singular matrix. cholesky.tol defaults to 1e-9.

For dnvmix() and dgnvmix():
dnvmix.reltol, dnvmix.abstol

non-negative numeric providing the relative/absolute precision for the *log-* density required. Absolute precision via dnvmix.abstol is only used when dnvmix.reltol = NA; in all other cases, relative precision will be used. dnvmix.reltol defaults to 1e-2. If dnvmix.reltol=0 and dnvmix.abstol=0, the algorithm will typically run until the total number of function evaluations exceeds fun.eval[2] or until the total number of iterations exeeds max.iter.rqmc, whichever happens first. If n>1n > 1 (so x has more than one row), the algorithm runs until the precision requirement is reached for all nn log-density estimates.


logical indicating if an adaptive integration procedure shall be used that only samples in relevant subdomains of the mixing variable; defaults to TRUE.


numeric, providing the maximum number of unstratified, non-adaptive pilot runs the internal integration procedure performs. Defaults to 6., dnvmix.order.lower

both numeric and nonnegative. RQMC integration is only performed where the integrand is > than the maximum of and 10cgmax10^{-c} g_{max}, where gmaxg_{max} is the theoretical maximum of the integrand and cc is the specified dnvmix.order.lower. Default to 1e-100 and 5, respectively.


numeric vector of length 3 specifying bisection tolerances in the adaptive RQMC algorithm. First/second/third element specify the tolerance on uu, WW and the log-integrand and default to 1e-6, 1e-1 and 1e-1, respectively.


numeric, maximum number of iterations in the internal bisection procedure to find good cutting points allowed, defaults to 15.


numeric, nonnegative. If the stratum found by the adaptive integration method has length > dnvmix.tol.stratlength RQMC integration is used there; otherwise a crude approximation. Defaults to 1e-50.

For fitnvmix():

logical, if TRUE (default), ECME iteration is performed; if FALSE, no ECME step is performed so that fitnvmix() performs between zero and two optimizations over nunu, depending on and whether nu.init was provided.

logical, if TRUE (default), the likelihood is maximized over nunu in each ECME iteration; if FALSE, this step is omitted.

logical, if TRUE another last maximization of the likelihood over nunu is performed using all observations after the ECME iterations. Only makes sense if either or if size.subsample is smaller than the number of observations. Defaults to FALSE.


logical, if TRUE, a different subsample of x is taken in each optimization over nunu in the ECME iterations. Only relevant when size.subsample is smaller than the number of observations. Defaults to FALSE.

ECME.miniter, ECME.maxiter

numeric positive, minimum and maximum number of ECME iterations. Default to 5 and 200, respectively.


numeric positive. Maximum number of location-scale updates (while helding nunu fixed) in each individual ECME iteration; defaults to 50.


numeric non-negative. Relative tolerance to estimate internal weights used to update locloc and scalescale estimates in the ECME iterations. Defaults to 1e-2.


numeric non-negative. Some weights can be obtained by interpolating previously calculated weights; if the maximal relative interpolation error is smaller than weights.interpol.reltol, this is done. Defaults to 1e-2.


numeric(3) vector specifying relative convergence tolerances for loc, scale and nu (in this order). Defaults to c(1e-2, 1e-2, 1e-3).


list of control parameters passed to the underlying optim in the initial step as well as in the ECME iterations. See optim() for details; defaults to list(maxit=75).


like control.optim; this list of control arguments is passed to optim in the last-step. Only relevant when = TRUE and defaults to list() (so no defaults of optim() changed).

For qnvmix():

numeric, maximum number of Newton iterations allowed to approximate the quantile; defaults to 45.


numeric, convergence tolerance for the Newton proceudre; convergence is detected once the difference of estimated quantiles in two successive iterations is smaller than newton.conv.abstol; defaults to 5e-4.


numeric, relative error tolerance for estimating the univariate distribution function; defaults to 2.5e-4.


numeric, absolute error tolerance for the internal estimation of the log-density needed for the update; defaults to 1e-2.


numeric, maximum number of iterations to estimate the univariate distribution function required in the Newton update; defaults to 350. Note that internally used is increment = "doubling", no matter what.

For qqplot_maha():

numeric, with the same meaning as newton.df.reltol for the function qnvmix(). Defaults to 5e-3.

For ES_nvmix():
riskmeasures.abstol, riskmeasures.reltol

numeric, absolute or relative error tolerance for estimating riskmeasures, notably for ES_nvmix(). By default, riskmeasures.reltol=5e-2 and riskmeasures.abstol=NA, so that a relative tolerance is used.

Care should be taken when changing algorithm specific parameters, notably tolerances, as the accuracy of the result is heavily influenced by those.


get_set_param() returns a list with more than 30 elements specifying algorithm specific parameters for the functions fitnvmix(), dnvmix(), pnvmix(), qnvmix(), pgammamix(), dgammamix() and ES_nvmix(), as well as the corresponding functions for grouped mixtures such as pgnvmix() and dgnvmix(). Parameter values passed to get_set_param() via the control argument overwrite the defaults; for parameters not specified in the control argument, the default values are being returned.


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2020), Grouped Normal Variance Mixtures. Risks 8(4), 103.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

See Also

fitnvmix(), dnvmix(), pnvmix(), qnvmix(), pgammamix(), dgammamix(), ES_nvmix()


get_set_param() # obtain defaults

Plotting parameters for QQ Plots


Plotting parameters for the method plot() of the class qqplot_maha.


get_set_qqplot_param( = list(log = ""))


list specifying plotting parameters to be set; see below under details.


This function provides a convenient way to set plotting parameters in the argument of the function qqplot_maha() (more precisely, the underlying plot() method), such as logarithmic plotting, colors, linetypes and more.

The input list can contain any of the following:


character specifying the logarithmic axes. Just like for the generic plot, must be one of "", "x", "y" or "xy".

xlim, ylim

The x- and y-limits for plotting.

xlab, ylab

character specifying the x- and y-axis labels. Default to "Theoretical quantiles" and "Sample quantiles", respectively.

sub, main

character specifying title and subtitle of the plot; default to "", so no titles.

plot_legend, plot_test, plot_line

logical specifying if a legend should be plotted; if the test result of the GoF test should be displayed on the 3rd axis and if the plot should contain a fitted line. All default to TRUE.


specification of the plotting symbol; see ?points(). Defaults to 1.


3-vector containing the specification of the linetypes for i) the diagonal, ii) the asymptotic CI and iii) the bootstrap CI; see also ?par(). Defaults to 1:3.


4-vector specifying the colors to be used for i) the points in the QQ plot; ii) the diagonal; iii) the asymptotic CI and iv) the bootstrap CI. Defaults to c("black", "red", "azure4", "chocolate4").


get_set_qqplot_param() returns a list with 13 elements that is passed to qqplot_maha(), more specifically, to the underlying plot() method. Parameter values passed to get_set_qqplot_param() via the argument overwrite the defaults; for parameters not specified in the argument, the default values are being returned.


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux

See Also



get_set_qqplot_param( = list()) # obtain defaults

## See ?qqplot_maha() for more examples.

Data Generated by the Demo 'numerical_experiments'


Data generated by the demo('numerical_experiments') of the nvmix package.


data(numerical_experiments_data, package = "nvmix")


A list with 10 elements:


Array as returned by the function pnvmix_testing_abserr(), see Section 1.1 of the demo('numerical_experiments').


Array as returned by the function precond_testing_variance(), see Section 1.1 of the demo('numerical_experiments').


Array as returned by the function pnvmix_estimate_sobolind(), see Section 1.1 of the demo('numerical_experiments').


Array as returned by the function pnvmix_timing_mvt(), see Section 1.1 of the demo('numerical_experiments').


Array as returned by the function dnvmix_testing(), see Section 1.2 of the demo('numerical_experiments').


Array as returned by the function fitnvmix_testing(), see Section 1.3 of the demo('numerical_experiments').


Array containing results of fitnvmix() applied to DJ30 data using analytical weights/densities, see Section 5 of demo('numerical_experiments').


Array containing results of fitnvmix() applied to DJ30 data using estimated weights/densities, see Section 5 of demo('numerical_experiments').


Array containing results of qqplot.maha() applied to DJ30 data, see Section 5 of the demo('numerical_experiments').


Array containing estimated quantile shortfall probabilities of models fitted to DJ30 data, see Section 5 of demo('numerical_experiments').


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Distribution Function of Grouped Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures


Evaluating grouped and generalized multivariate normal variance mixture distribution functions (including Student t with multiple degrees-of-freedom).


pgnvmix(upper, lower = matrix(-Inf, nrow = n, ncol = d), groupings = 1:d, qmix,
        rmix, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d), standardized = FALSE,
        control = list(), verbose = TRUE, ...)

pgStudent(upper, lower = matrix(-Inf, nrow = n, ncol = d), groupings = 1:d, df,
          loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d), standardized = FALSE,
          control = list(), verbose = TRUE)



see pnvmix().


see pnvmix().


dd-vector. Specification of the groupings so that variable ii has mixing variable WkW_k where k = groupings[i]. If groupings = 1:d, each variable has a different mixing distribution.


specification of the mixing variables WiW_i via quantile functions; see McNeil et al. (2015, Chapter 6) and Hintz et al. (2020). Supported are the following types of specification (see also the examples below):


character string specifying a supported distribution; currently available are "inverse.gamma" (in which case WiW_i is inverse gamma distributed with shape and rate parameters df[groupings[i]]/2 and a multivariate Student t distribution multiple degreess-of-freedom results) and "pareto" (in which case WiW_i is Pareto distributed with scale equal to unity and shape equal to alpha[groupings[i]]. alpha and df must be of length length(unique(groupings)) and need to be provided via the ellipsis argument).


list of length length(unique(groupings)) (number of different mixing distributions). Element ii of this list specifies the mixing variable for component groupings[i]. Each element of this list can be


a list of length at least one, where the first component is a character string specifying the base name of a distribution whose quantile function can be accessed via the prefix "q". An example "exp" for which "qexp" exists. If the list is of length larger than one, the remaining elements contain additional parameters of the distribution; for "exp", for example, this can be the parameter rate.


function interpreted as the quantile function or random number generator of the mixing variable WiW_i


only allowed when groupings = rep(1, d) in which case pgnvmix() is equivalent to pnvmix(); see pnvmix().


vector of length length(unique(groupings)) so that variable i has degrees-of-freedom df[groupings[i]]; all elements must be positive and can be Inf, in which case the corresponding marginal is normally distributed.


see pnvmix().


see pnvmix(); must be positive definite.


see pnvmix().


list specifying algorithm specific parameters; see get_set_param().


see pnvmix().


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when qmix is a character string or an element of qmix is a function.


One should highlight that evaluating grouped normal variance mixtures is a non-trivial tasks which, at the time of development of nvmix, was not available in R before, not even the special case of a multivariate Student t distribution for non-integer degrees of freedoms, which frequently appears in applications in finance, insurance and risk management after estimating such distributions.

Internally, an iterative randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo (RQMC) approach is used to estimate the probabilities. It is an iterative algorithm that evaluates the integrand at a point-set (with size as specified by control$increment in the control argument) in each iteration until the pre-specified absolute error tolerance control$pnvmix.abstol (or relative error tolerance control$pnvmix.reltol which is used only when control$pnvmix.abstol = NA) is reached. The attribute "numiter" gives the number of such iterations needed. Algorithm specific parameters (such as the above mentioned control$pnvmix.abstol) can be passed as a list via control, see get_set_param() for more details. If specified error tolerances are not reached and verbose = TRUE, a warning is thrown.

pgStudent() is a wrapper of pgnvmix(, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df).


pgnvmix() and pgStudent() return a numeric nn-vector with the computed probabilities and corresponding attributes "abs. error" and "rel. error" (error estimates of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter" (number of iterations).


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2020), Grouped Normal Variance Mixtures. Risks 8(4), 103.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Genz, A. and Bretz, F. (1999). Numerical computation of multivariate t-probabilities with application to power calculation of multiple contrasts. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 63(4), 103–117.

Genz, A. and Bretz, F. (2002). Comparison of methods for the computation of multivariate t probabilities. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 11(4), 950–971.

See Also

rgnvmix(), dgnvmix(), get_set_param()


### Examples for pgnvmix() #####################################################

## 1. Inverse-gamma mixture (=> distribution is grouped t with mutliple dof)
d <- 3
A <- matrix(runif(d * d), ncol = d)
P <- cov2cor(A %*% t(A))
a <- -3 * runif(d) * sqrt(d) # random lower limit
b <-  3 * runif(d) * sqrt(d) # random upper limit
df <- c(1.1, 2.4, 4.9) # dof for margin i
groupings <- 1:d

### Call 'pgnvmix' with 'qmix' a string:
(pgt1 <- pgnvmix(b, lower = a, groupings = groupings, qmix = "inverse.gamma",
                df = df, scale = P))
### Version providing quantile functions of the mixing distributions as list
qmix_ <- function(u, df) 1 / qgamma(1-u, shape = df/2, rate = df/2)
qmix <- list(function(u) qmix_(u, df = df[1]), function(u) qmix_(u, df = df[2]),
             function(u) qmix_(u, df = df[3]))
(pgt2 <- pgnvmix(b, lower = a, groupings = groupings, qmix = qmix, scale = P))
### Similar, but using ellipsis argument:
qmix <- list(function(u, df1) qmix_(u, df1), function(u, df2) qmix_(u, df2),
             function(u, df3) qmix_(u, df3))
(pgt3 <- pgnvmix(b, lower = a, groupings = groupings, qmix = qmix,
                        scale = P, df1 = df[1], df2 = df[2], df3 = df[3]))
## Version using the user friendly wrapper 'pgStudent()'
(pgt4 <- pgStudent(b, lower = a, groupings = groupings, scale = P, df = df))
stopifnot(all.equal(pgt1, pgt2, tol = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE),
          all.equal(pgt2, pgt3), all.equal(pgt1, pgt4))

## 2. More complicated mixutre
## Let W1 ~ IG(1, 1), W2 = 1, W3 ~ Exp(1), W4 ~ Par(2, 1), W5 = W1, all comonotone
## => X1 ~ t_2; X2 ~ normal; X3 ~ Exp-mixture; X4 ~ Par-mixture; X5 ~ t_2

d <- 5
A <- matrix(runif(d * d), ncol = d)
P <- cov2cor(A %*% t(A))
b <- 3 * runif(d) * sqrt(d) # random upper limit
groupings <- c(1, 2, 3, 4, 1) # since W_5 = W_1
qmix <- list(function(u) qmix_(u, df = 2), function(u) rep(1, length(u)),
             list("exp", rate=1), function(u) (1-u)^(-1/2)) # length 4 (# of groups)
pg1 <- pgnvmix(b, groupings = groupings, qmix = qmix, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(pg1, 0.78711, tol = 5e-6, check.attributes = FALSE))

Distribution Function of Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures


Evaluating multivariate normal variance mixture distribution functions (including Student t and normal distributions).


pnvmix(upper, lower = matrix(-Inf, nrow = n, ncol = d), qmix, rmix,
      loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(d), standardized = FALSE,
      control = list(), verbose = TRUE, ...)

pStudent(upper, lower = matrix(-Inf, nrow = n, ncol = d), df, loc = rep(0, d),
         scale = diag(d), standardized = FALSE, control = list(), verbose = TRUE)
pNorm(upper, lower = matrix(-Inf, nrow = n, ncol = d), loc = rep(0, d),
      scale = diag(d), standardized = FALSE, control = list(), verbose = TRUE)



(n,d)(n, d)-matrix of upper integration limits; each row represents a dd-vector of upper integration limits.


(n,d)(n, d)-matrix of lower integration limits (componentwise less than or equal to upper); each row represents a dd-vector of lower integration limits.

qmix, rmix

specification of the mixing variable WW via a quantile function (qmix) (recommended, see details below) *or* random number generator (rmix); see McNeil et al. (2015, Chapter 6) and Hintz et al. (2020). Supported are the following types of specification (see also the examples below):


character string specifying a supported distribution; currently available are "constant" (in which case W=1W = 1 and thus the multivariate normal distribution with mean vector loc and covariance matrix scale results), "inverse.gamma" (in which case WW is inverse gamma distributed with shape and rate parameters df/2 and thus the multivariate Student t distribution with df degrees of freedom (required to be provided via the ellipsis argument) results) and "pareto" (in which case WW is Pareto distributed with scale equal to unity and shape equal to alpha, which needs to be provided via the ellipsis argument).


list of length at least one, where the first component is a character string specifying the base name of a distribution whose quantile function or random number generator can be accessed via the prefix "q" and "r", respectively. an example is "exp" for which "qexp" exists. If the list is of length larger than one, the remaining elements contain additional parameters of the distribution; for "exp", for example, this can be the parameter rate.


function interpreted as the quantile function or random number generator of the mixing variable WW.


positive degress of freedom; can also be Inf in which case the distribution is interpreted as the multivariate normal distribution with mean vector loc and covariance matrix scale.


location vector of dimension dd; this equals the mean vector of a random vector following the specified normal variance mixture distribution if and only if the latter exists.


scale matrix (a covariance matrix entering the distribution as a parameter) of dimension (d,d)(d, d); this equals the covariance matrix of a random vector following the specified normal variance mixture distribution divided by the expecation of the mixing variable WW if and only if the former exists. scale is allowed to be singular in which case the distribution function of the singular normal variance mixture is returned.


logical indicating whether scale is assumed to be a correlation matrix.


list specifying algorithm specific parameters; see get_set_param().


logical indicating whether a warning is thrown if the required precision pnvmix.abstol or pnvmix.reltol as specified in the control argument has not been reached; can also be an integer in which case 0 is FALSE, 1 is TRUE and 2 stands for producing a more verbose warning (for each set of provided integration bounds).


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when qmix is a character string or function.


One should highlight that evaluating normal variance mixtures is a non-trivial tasks which, at the time of development of nvmix, was not available in R before, not even the special case of a multivariate Student t distribution for non-integer degrees of freedom, which frequently appears in applications in finance, insurance and risk management after estimating such distributions.

Note that the procedures call underlying C code. Currently, dimensions d16510d\ge 16510 are not supported for the default method sobol.

Internally, an iterative randomized Quasi-Monte Carlo (RQMC) approach is used to estimate the probabilities. It is an iterative algorithm that evaluates the integrand at a point-set (with size as specified by control$increment in the control argument) in each iteration until the pre-specified absolute error tolerance control$pnvmix.abstol (or relative error tolerance control$pnvmix.reltol which is used only when control$pnvmix.abstol = NA) is reached. The attribute "numiter" gives the number of such iterations needed. Algorithm specific parameters (such as the above mentioned control$pnvmix.abstol) can be passed as a list via control, see get_set_param() for more details. If specified error tolerances are not reached and verbose = TRUE, a warning is thrown.

If provided scale is singular, pnvmix() estimates the correct probability but throws a warning if verbose = TRUE.

It is recommended to supply a quantile function via qmix, if available, as in this case efficient RQMC methods are used to approximate the probability. If rmix is provided, internally used is plain MC integration, typically leading to slower convergence. If both qmix and rmix are provided, the latter is ignored.

pStudent() and pNorm() are wrappers of pnvmix(, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df) and pnvmix(, qmix = "constant"), respectively. In the univariate case, the functions pt() and pnorm() are used.


pnvmix(), pStudent() and pNorm() return a numeric nn-vector with the computed probabilities and corresponding attributes "abs. error" and rel. error (error estimates of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter" (number of iterations).


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Genz, A. and Bretz, F. (1999). Numerical computation of multivariate t-probabilities with application to power calculation of multiple contrasts. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 63(4), 103–117.

Genz, A. and Bretz, F. (2002). Comparison of methods for the computation of multivariate t probabilities. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics 11(4), 950–971.

Genz, A. and Kwong, K. (2000). Numerical evaluation of singular multivariate normal distributions. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 68(1), 1–21.

See Also

dnvmix(), rnvmix(), fitnvmix(), pgnvmix(), get_set_param()


### Examples for pnvmix() ######################################################

## Generate a random correlation matrix in d dimensions
d <- 3
A <- matrix(runif(d * d), ncol = d)
P <- cov2cor(A %*% t(A))

## Evaluate a t_{1/2} distribution function
a <- -3 * runif(d) * sqrt(d) # random lower limit
b <-  3 * runif(d) * sqrt(d) # random upper limit
df <- 1.5 # note that this is *non-integer*
pt1 <- pnvmix(b, lower = a, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P)

## Here is a version providing the quantile function of the mixing distribution
qmix <- function(u, df) 1 / qgamma(1-u, shape = df/2, rate = df/2)
mean.sqrt.mix <- sqrt(df) * gamma(df/2) / (sqrt(2) * gamma((df+1) / 2))
pt2 <- pnvmix(b, lower = a, qmix = qmix, df  = df, scale = P,
              control = list(mean.sqrt.mix = mean.sqrt.mix))

## Compare
stopifnot(all.equal(pt1, pt2, tol = 7e-4, check.attributes = FALSE))

## mean.sqrt.mix will be approximated by QMC internally if not provided,
## so the results will differ slightly.
pt3 <- pnvmix(b, lower = a, qmix = qmix, df = df, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(pt3, pt1, tol = 7e-4, check.attributes = FALSE))

## Here is a version providing a RNG for the mixing distribution
## Note the significantly larger number of iterations in the attribute 'numiter'
## compared to when 'qmix' was provided (=> plain MC versus RQMC)
pt4 <- pnvmix(b, lower = a,
              rmix = function(n, df) 1/rgamma(n, shape = df/2, rate = df/2),
              df = df, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(pt4, pt1, tol = 8e-4, check.attributes = FALSE))

## Case with missing data and a matrix of lower and upper bounds
a. <- matrix(rep(a, each = 4), ncol = d)
b. <- matrix(rep(b, each = 4), ncol = d)
a.[2,1] <- NA
b.[3,2] <- NA
pt <- pnvmix(b., lower = a., qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P)
stopifnot( == c(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE))

## Case where upper = (Inf,..,Inf) and lower = (-Inf,...,-Inf)
stopifnot(all.equal(pnvmix(upper = rep(Inf, d), qmix = "constant"), 1,
                    check.attributes = FALSE))

## An example with singular scale:
A <- matrix( c(1, 0, 0, 0,
               2, 1, 0, 0,
               3, 0, 0, 0,
               4, 1, 0, 1), ncol = 4, nrow = 4, byrow = TRUE)
scale <- A%*%t(A)
upper <- 2:5

pn <- pnvmix(upper, qmix = "constant", scale = scale) # multivariate normal
pt <- pnvmix(upper, qmix = "inverse.gamma", scale = scale, df = df) # multivariate t

stopifnot(all.equal(pn, 0.8581, tol = 1e-3, check.attributes = FALSE))
stopifnot(all.equal(pt, 0.7656, tol = 1e-3, check.attributes = FALSE))

## Evaluate a Exp(1)-mixture
## Specify the mixture distribution parameter
rate <- 1.9 # exponential rate parameter

## Method 1: Use R's qexp() function and provide a list as 'mix'
(p1 <- pnvmix(b, lower = a, qmix = list("exp", rate = rate), scale = P))

## Method 2: Define the quantile function manually (note that
##           we do not specify rate in the quantile function here,
##           but conveniently pass it via the ellipsis argument)
(p2 <- pnvmix(b, lower = a, qmix = function(u, lambda) -log(1-u)/lambda,
              scale = P, lambda = rate))

## Check
stopifnot(all.equal(p1, p2))

### Examples for pStudent() and pNorm() ########################################

## Evaluate a t_{3.5} distribution function
pt <- pStudent(b, lower = a, df = 3.5, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(pt, 0.6180, tol = 7e-5, check.attributes = FALSE))

## Evaluate a normal distribution function
pn <- pNorm(b, lower = a, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(pn, 0.7001, tol = 1e-4, check.attributes = FALSE))

## pStudent deals correctly with df = Inf:
p.St.dfInf <- pStudent(b, df = Inf, scale = P)
p.Norm <- pNorm(b, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(p.St.dfInf, p.Norm, check.attributes = FALSE))

Quantile Function of a univariate Normal Variance Mixture Distribution


Evaluating multivariate normal variance mixture distribution functions (including normal and Student t for non-integer degrees of freedom).


qnvmix(u, qmix, control = list(),
       verbose = TRUE, q.only = TRUE, stored.values = NULL, ...)



vector of probabilities .


specification of the mixing variable WW; see pnvmix() for details and examples.


list specifying algorithm specific parameters; see get_set_param().


logical, if TRUE a warning is printed if one of the error tolerances is not met.


logical. If TRUE, only the quantiles are returned; if FALSE, see Section 'value' below.


matrix with 3 columns of the form [x,F(x),logf(x)][x, F(x), logf(x)] where F()F() and logf()logf() are the distribution- and log-density function of the distribution specified in qmix. If provided it is used to determine starting values for internal newton proceudures. Only very basic checking is done.


additional arguments containing parameters of mixing distributions when qmix is a character string.


This function uses a Newton procedure to estimate the quantile of the specified univariate normal variance mixture distribution. Internally, a randomized quasi-Monte Carlo (RQMC) approach is used to estimate the distribution and (log)density function; the method is similar to the one in pnvmix() and dnvmix(). The result depends slightly on .random.seed.

Internally, symmetry is used for u0.5u \le 0.5. Function values (i.e., df and log-density values) are stored and reused to get good starting values. These values are returned if q.only = FALSE and can be re-used by passing it to qnvmix() via the argument stored.values; this can significantly reduce run-time.

Accuracy and run-time depend on both the magnitude of uu and on how heavy the tail of the underlying distributions is. Numerical instabilities can occur for values of uu close to 0 or 1, especially when the tail of the distribution is heavy.

If q.only = FALSE the log-density values of the underlying distribution evaluated at the estimated quantiles are returned as well: This can be useful for copula density evaluations where both quantities are needed.

Underlying algorithm specific parameters can be changed via the control argument, see get_set_param() for details.


If q.only = TRUE a vector of the same length as u with entries qiq_i where qiq_i satisfies qi=infxF(x)uiq_i = inf_x { F(x) \ge u_i} where F(x)F(x) the univariate df of the normal variance mixture specified via qmix;

if q.only = FALSE a list of four:


Vector of quantiles,


vector log-density values at q,


matrix with 3 columns [x, F(x), logf(x)]; see details above,


vector giving the number of Newton iterations needed for u[i].


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

See Also

dnvmix(), rnvmix(), pnvmix()


## Evaluation points
u <- seq(from = 0.05, to = 0.95, by = 0.025)
set.seed(271) # for reproducibility

## Evaluate the t_{1.4} quantile function
df <- 1.4
qmix. <- function(u) 1/qgamma(1-u, shape = df/2, rate = df/2)
## If qmix = "inverse.gamma", qt() is being called
qt1 <- qnvmix(u, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df)
## Estimate quantiles (without using qt())
qt1. <- qnvmix(u, qmix = qmix., q.only = FALSE)
stopifnot(all.equal(qt1, qt1.$q, tolerance = 2.5e-3))
## Look at absolute error:
abs.error <- abs(qt1 - qt1.$q)
plot(u, abs.error, type = "l", xlab = "u", ylab = "Absolute error")
## Now do this again but provide qt1.$stored.values, in which case at most
## one Newton iteration will be needed:
qt2 <- qnvmix(u, qmix = qmix., stored.values = qt1.$computed.values, q.only = FALSE)
stopifnot(max(qt2$newton.iterations) <= 1)

QQ Plot for Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures


Visual goodness-of-fit test for multivariate normal variance mixtures: Plotting squared Mahalanobis distances against their theoretical quantiles.


qqplot_maha(x, qmix, loc, scale, fitnvmix_object,
   = FALSE, test = c("KS.AD", "KS", "AD", "none"),
   = list(B = 500, level = 0.95),
            plot = TRUE, verbose = TRUE, control = list(),
            digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 4), = list(), ...)



(n,d)(n, d)-data matrix.


see pnvmix().


see pnvmix().


see pnvmix().


Optional. Object of class "fitnvmix" typically returned by fitnvmix(); if provided, x, qmix, loc and scale are ignored.

logical. If TRUE, the underlying Mahalanobis distances are mapped to normals by a probability- quantile-transform so that the resulting QQ plot is essentially a normal QQ plot. Defaults to FALSE.


character specifying if (and which) GoF test shall be performed. "KS" performs a Kolmogorov-Smirnoff (see ks.test()), "AD" an Anderson-Darling test (see ad.test() from the package ADGofTest and "none" performs no test. By default, test = "KS.AD" in which case both tests are performed.

list with elements B (Bootstrap sample size for computing CIs; if B <= 1, no Bootstrap is performed) and level specifying the confidence level.


logical specifying if the results should be plotted.


see pnvmix().


see get_set_param().


integer specifying the number of digits of the test statistic and the p-value to be displayed.

list specifying plotting parameters such as logarithmic axes; see get_set_qqplot_param().


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when qmix is a character string or function.


If XX follows a multivariate normal variance mixture, the distribution of the Mahalanobis distance D2=(Xμ)TΣ1(Xμ)D^2 = (X-\mu)^T \Sigma^{-1} (X-\mu) is a gamma mixture whose distribution function can be approximated.

The function qqplot_maha() first estimates the theoretical quantiles by calling qgammamix() and then plots those against the empirical squared Mahalanobis distances from the data in x (with μ=\mu=loc and Σ=\Sigma=scale). Furthermore, the function computes asymptotic standard errors of the sample quantiles by using an asymptotic normality result for the order statistics which are used to plot the asymptotic CI; see Fox (2008, p. 35 – 36).+

If$B > 1 (which is the default), the function additionally performs Bootstrap to construct a CI. Note that by default, the plot contains both the asymptotic and the Bootstrap CI.

Finally, depending on the parameter test, the function performs a univariate GoF test of the observed Mahalanobis distances as described above. The test result (i.e., the value of the statistic along with a p-value) are typically plotted on the second y-axis.

The return object of class "qqplot_maha" contains all computed values (such as p-value, test-statistics, Bootstrap CIs and more). We highlight that storing this return object makes the QQ plot quickly reproducible, as in this case, the theoretical quantiles do not need to be recomputed.

For changing plotting parameters (such as logarithmic axes or colors) via the argument, see get_set_qqplot_param().


qqplot_maha() (invisibly) returns an object of the class "qqplot_maha" for which the methods plot() and print() are defined. The return object contains, among others, the components


Sorted, squared Mahalanobis distances of the data from loc wrt to scale.


The theoretical quantile function evaluated at ppoints(length(maha2)).


(2,length(maha2))(2,length(maha2)) matrix containing the Bootstrap CIs for the empirical quantiles.


vector of length length(maha2) with estimated, asympotic standard errors for the empirical quantiles.


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

See Also

fitnvmix(), get_set_qqplot_param(), rnvmix(), pnvmix(), dnvmix()


## Sample from a heavy tailed multivariate t and construct QQ plot
d <- 2
n <- 1000
df <- 3.1
rho <- 0.5
loc <- rep(0, d)
scale <- matrix(c(1, rho, rho, 1), ncol = 2)
qmix <- "inverse.gamma"
## Sample data
x <- rnvmix(n, qmix = qmix, loc = loc, scale = scale, df = df)
# Construct QQ Plot with 'true' parameters and store result object
qq1 <- qqplot_maha(x, qmix = qmix, df = df, loc = loc, scale = scale)
## ... which is an object of class "qqplot_maha" with two methods
stopifnot(class(qq1) == "qqplot_maha", "plot.qqplot_maha" %in% methods(plot),
          "print.qqplot_maha" %in% methods(print))
plot(qq1) # reproduce the plot
plot(qq1, plotpars = list(log = "xy")) # we can also plot on log-log scale

## In fact, with the 'plotpars' argument, we can change a lot of things
plot(qq1, plotpars = list(col = rep("black", 4), lty = 4:6, pch = "*",
                          plot_test = FALSE, main = "Same with smaller y limits",
                          sub = "MySub", xlab = "MyXlab", ylim = c(0, 1.5e3)))

## What about estimated parameters?
myfit <- fitStudent(x)
## We can conveniently pass 'myfit', rather than specifying 'x', 'loc', ...
qq2.1 <- qqplot_maha(fitnvmix_object = myfit, test = "AD", trafo_to_normal = TRUE)
qq2.2 <- qqplot_maha(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma", loc = myfit$loc,
                     scale = myfit$scale, df = myfit$df,
                     test = "AD", trafo_to_normal = TRUE)
stopifnot(all.equal(qq2.1$boot_CI, qq2.2$boot_CI)) # check
qq2.2 # it mentions here that the Maha distances were transformed to normal

## Another example where 'qmix' is a function, so quantiles are internally
## estimated via 'qgammamix()'
n <- 15 # small sample size to have examples run fast
## Define the quantile function of an IG(nu/2, nu/2) distribution
qmix <- function(u, df) 1 / qgamma(1 - u, shape = df/2, rate = df/2)
## Sample data
x <- rnvmix(n, qmix = qmix, df = df, loc = loc, scale = scale)
## QQ Plot of empirical quantiles vs true quantiles, all values estimated
## via RQMC:
qq3.1 <- qqplot_maha(x, qmix = qmix, loc = loc, scale = scale, df = df)
## Same could be obtained by specifying 'qmix' as string in which case
## qqplot_maha() calls qf()
qq3.2 <- qqplot_maha(x, qmix = "inverse.gamma", loc = loc, scale = scale, df = df)

(Quasi-)Random Number Generator for Grouped Normal Variance Mixtures


Generate vectors of random variates from grouped normal variance mixtures (including Student t with multiple degrees-of-freedom).


rgnvmix(n, qmix, groupings = 1:d, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(2),
       factor = NULL, method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0, ...)
rgStudent(n, groupings = 1:d, df, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(2),
          factor = NULL, method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0)



sample size nn (positive integer).


specification of the mixing variables WiW_i; see pgnvmix().


vector specifying the group structure; see pgnvmix().


vector specifying the degrees-of-freedom; see see pgStudent().


see pgnvmix().


see pgnvmix(). scale must be positive definite; sampling from singular normal variance mixtures can be achieved by providing factor.


see rnvmix().


see rnvmix().


see rnvmix().


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when qmix is a character string or an element of qmix is a function.


Internally used is factor, so scale is not required to be provided if factor is given.

The default factorization used to obtain factor is the Cholesky decomposition via chol(). To this end, scale needs to have full rank.

rgStudent() is a wrapper of rgnvmix(, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df).


rgnvmix() returns an (n,d)(n, d)-matrix containing nn samples of the specified (via qmix) dd-dimensional grouped normal variance mixture with location vector loc and scale matrix scale (a covariance matrix).

rgStudent() returns samples from the dd-dimensional multivariate t distribution with multiple degrees-of-freedom specified by df, location vector loc and scale matrix scale.


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2020), Grouped Normal Variance Mixtures. Risks 8(4), 103.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

See Also

rnvmix(), pgnvmix()


n <- 1000 # sample size

## Generate a random correlation matrix in d dimensions
d <- 2
A <- matrix(runif(d * d), ncol = d)
scale <- cov2cor(A %*% t(A))

## Example 1: Exponential mixture
## Let W_1 ~ Exp(1), W_2 ~ Exp(10)
rates <- c(1, 10)
#qmix <- list(list("exp", rate = rates[1]), list("exp", rate = rates[2]))
qmix <- lapply(1:2, function(i) list("exp", rate = rates[i]))
X.exp1 <- rgnvmix(n, qmix = qmix, scale = scale)
## For comparison, consider NVM distribution with W ~ Exp(1)
X.exp2 <- rnvmix(n, qmix = list("exp", rate = rates[1]), scale = scale)
## Plot both samples with the same axes
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
plot(X.exp1, xlim = range(X.exp1, X.exp2), ylim = range(X.exp1, X.exp2),
     xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
mtext("Two groups with rates 1 and 10")
plot(X.exp2, xlim = range(X.exp1, X.exp2), ylim = range(X.exp1, X.exp2),
     xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))
mtext("One group with rate 1")

## Example 2: Exponential + Inverse-gamma mixture
## Let W_1 ~ Exp(1), W_2 ~ IG(1.5, 1.5) (=> X_2 ~ t_3 marginally)
df <- 3
qmix <- list(list("exp", rate = rates[1]),
             function(u, df) 1/qgamma(1-u, shape = df/2, rate = df/2))
X.mix1 <- rgnvmix(n, qmix = qmix, scale = scale, df = df)
plot(X.mix1, xlab = expression(X[1]), ylab = expression(X[2]))

## Example 3: Mixtures in d > 2
d <- 5
A <- matrix(runif(d * d), ncol = d)
scale <- cov2cor(A %*% t(A))

## Example 3.1: W_i ~ Exp(i), i = 1,...,d
qmix <- lapply(1:d, function(i) list("exp", rate = i))
X.mix2 <- rgnvmix(n, qmix = qmix, scale = scale)

## Example 3.2: W_1, W_2 ~ Exp(1), W_3, W_4, W_5 ~ Exp(2)
## => 2 groups, so we need two elements in 'qmix'
qmix <- lapply(1:2, function(i) list("exp", rate = i))
groupings <- c(1, 1, 2, 2, 2)
X.mix3 <- rgnvmix(n, qmix = qmix, groupings = groupings, scale = scale)

## Example 3.3: W_1, W_3 ~ IG(1, 1), W_2, W_4 ~ IG(2, 2), W_5 = 1
## => X_1, X_3 ~ t_2; X_2, X_4 ~ t_4, X_5 ~ N(0, 1)
qmix <- list(function(u, df1) 1/qgamma(1-u, shape = df1/2, rate = df1/2),
             function(u, df2) 1/qgamma(1-u, shape = df2/2, rate = df2/2),
             function(u) rep(1, length(u)))
groupings = c(1, 2, 1, 2, 3)
df = c(2, 4, Inf)
X.t1 <- rgnvmix(n, qmix = qmix, groupings = groupings, scale = scale,
                df1 = df[1], df2 = df[2])

## This is equivalent to calling 'rgnmvix' with 'qmix = "inverse.gamma"'
X.t2 <- rgnvmix(n, qmix = "inverse.gamma", groupings = groupings, scale = scale,
                df = df)

## Alternatively, one can use the user friendly wrapper 'rgStudent()'
X.t3 <- rgStudent(n, df = df, groupings = groupings, scale = scale)

stopifnot(all.equal(X.t1, X.t2), all.equal(X.t1, X.t3))

Risk measures for normal variance mixtures


Estimation of value-at-risk and expected shortfall for univariate normal variance mixtures


VaR_nvmix(level, qmix, loc = 0, scale = 1, control = list(), verbose = TRUE, ...)
ES_nvmix(level, qmix, loc = 0, scale = 1, control = list(), verbose = TRUE, ...)



nn-vector of confidence levels.


see pnvmix().


numeric location, see also pnvmix()


numeric scale, see also pnvmix()


list specifying algorithm specific parameters; see get_set_param().


logical indicating whether a warning is given if the required precision has not been reached.


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when qmix is a character string or function, see also pnvmix()


VaR_nvmix calls qnvmix().

The function ES_nvmix() estimates the expected shortfall using a randomized quasi Monte Carlo procedure by sampling from the mixing variable specified via qmix and and using the identity kxϕ(x)dx=ϕ(k)\int_k^{\infty} x\phi(x)dx=\phi(k) where ϕ(x)\phi(x) denotes the density of a standard normal distribution. Algorithm specific paramaters (such as tolerances) can be conveniently passed via the control argument, see get_set_param() for more details.


VaR_nvmix() and ES_nvmix() return a numeric nn-vector with the computed risk measures and in case of ES_nvmix() corresponding attributes "abs. error" and "rel. error"(error estimates of the RQMC estimator) and "numiter" (number of iterations).


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

See Also

dnvmix(), pnvmix(), qnvmix(), rnvmix(), get_set_param()


## Example for inverse-gamma mixture (resulting in a t distribution) for
## which the expected shortfall admits a closed formula
set.seed(42) # reproducibility
level <- seq(from = 0.9, to = 0.95, by = 0.01)
df <- 4
## If 'qmix' is provided as string, ES_nvmix() uses the closed formula
ES1 <- ES_nvmix(level, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df)
## If 'qmix' is provided as function, the expected shortfall is estimated
ES2 <- ES_nvmix(level, qmix = function(u, df) 1/qgamma(1-u, shape = df/2, rate = df/2),
       df = df)
stopifnot(all.equal(ES1, ES2, tol = 1e-2, check.attributes = FALSE))

(Quasi-)Random Number Generation for Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures


Generate vectors of random variates from multivariate normal variance mixtures (including Student t and normal distributions).


rnvmix(n, rmix, qmix, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(2),
       factor = NULL, method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"),
       skip = 0, ...)

rStudent(n, df, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(2), factor = NULL,
         method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0)
rNorm(n, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(2), factor = NULL,
      method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0)
rNorm_sumconstr(n, weights, s, method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0)



sample size nn (positive integer).


specification of the mixing variable WW, see McNeil et al. (2015, Chapter 6) and Hintz et al. (2020), via a random number generator. This argument is ignored for method = "sobol" and method = "ghalton". Supported are the following types of specification (see also the examples below):


character string specifying a supported distribution; currently available are "constant" (in which case W=1W = 1 and thus a sample from the multivariate normal distribution with mean vector loc and covariance matrix scale results) and "inverse.gamma" (in which case WW is inverse gamma distributed with shape and rate parameters df/2 and thus the multivariate Student t distribution with df degrees of freedom (required to be provided via the ellipsis argument) results).


list of length at least one, where the first component is a character string specifying the base name of a distribution which can be sampled via prefix "r"; an example is "exp" for which "rexp" exists for sampling. If the list is of length larger than one, the remaining elements contain additional parameters of the distribution; for "exp", for example, this can be the parameter rate.


function interpreted as a random number generator of the mixing variable WW; additional arguments (such as parameters) can be passed via the ellipsis argument.


numeric vector of length n providing a random sample of the mixing variable WW.


specification of the mixing variable WW via a quantile function. This argument is required for method = "sobol" and method = "ghalton". Supported are the following types of specification (see also the examples below):


character string specifying a supported distribution; currently available are "constant" (in which case W=1W = 1 and thus a sample from the multivariate normal distribution with mean vector loc and covariance matrix scale results) and "inverse.gamma" (in which case WW is inverse gamma distributed with shape and rate parameters df/2 and thus the multivariate Student t distribution with df degrees of freedom (required to be provided via the ellipsis argument) results).


list of length at least one, where the first component is a character string specifying the base name of a distribution which can be sampled via prefix "q"; an example is "exp" for which "qexp" exists for sampling. If the list is of length larger than one, the remaining elements contain additional parameters of the distribution; for "exp", for example, this can be the parameter rate.


function interpreted as the quantile function of the mixing variable WW; internally, sampling is then done with the inversion method by applying the provided function to U(0,1) random variates.


positive degress of freedom; can also be Inf in which case the distribution is interpreted as the multivariate normal distribution with mean vector loc and covariance matrix scale).


location vector of dimension dd; this equals the mean vector of a random vector following the specified normal variance mixture distribution if and only if the latter exists.


scale matrix (a covariance matrix entering the distribution as a parameter) of dimension (d,d)(d, d) (defaults to d=2d = 2); this equals the covariance matrix of a random vector following the specified normal variance mixture distribution divided by the expecation of the mixing variable WW if and only if the former exists. Note that scale must be positive definite; sampling from singular normal variance mixtures can be achieved by providing factor.


(d,k)(d, k)-matrix such that factor %*% t(factor) equals scale; the non-square case kdk \neq d can be used to sample from singular normal variance mixtures. Note that this notation coincides with McNeil et al. (2015, Chapter 6). If not provided, factor is internally determined via chol() (and multiplied from the right to an (n,k)(n, k)-matrix of independent standard normals to obtain a sample from a multivariate normal with zero mean vector and covariance matrix scale).


character string indicating the method to be used to obtain the sample. Available are:


pseudo-random numbers,


Sobol' sequence,


generalized Halton sequence.

If method = "PRNG", either qmix or rmix can be provided. If both are provided, rmix is used and qmix ignored. For the other two methods, sampling is done via inversion, hence qmix has to be provided and rmix is ignored.


integer specifying the number of points to be skipped when method = "sobol", see also example below.


dd-numeric vector of weights.


numeric vector of length 1 or n giving the value of the constrained sum; see below under details.


additional arguments (for example, parameters) passed to the underlying mixing distribution when rmix or qmix is a character string or function.


Internally used is factor, so scale is not required to be provided if factor is given.

The default factorization used to obtain factor is the Cholesky decomposition via chol(). To this end, scale needs to have full rank.

Sampling from a singular normal variance mixture distribution can be achieved by providing factor.

The number of rows of factor equals the dimension dd of the sample. Typically (but not necessarily), factor is square.

rStudent() and rNorm() are wrappers of rnvmix(, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df) and rnvmix(, qmix = "constant", df = df), respectively.

The function rNorm_sumconstr() can be used to sample from the multivariate standard normal distribution under a weighted sum constraint; the implementation is based on Algorithm 1 in Vrins (2018). Let Z=(Z1,,Zd) Nd(0,Id)Z = (Z_1,\dots,Z_d)~N_d(0, I_d). The function rNorm_sumconstr() then samples from ZwTZ=sZ | w^T Z = s where ww and ss correspond to the arguments weights and s. If supplied s is a vector of length n, the i'th row of the returned matrix uses the constraint wTZ=siw^T Z = s_i where sis_i is the i'th element in s.


rnvmix() returns an (n,d)(n, d)-matrix containing nn samples of the specified (via mix) dd-dimensional multivariate normal variance mixture with location vector loc and scale matrix scale (a covariance matrix).

rStudent() returns samples from the dd-dimensional multivariate Student t distribution with location vector loc and scale matrix scale.

rNorm() returns samples from the dd-dimensional multivariate normal distribution with mean vector loc and covariance matrix scale.

rNorm_sumconstr() returns samples from the dd-dimensional multivariate normal distribution conditional on the weighted sum being constrained to s.


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Vrins, E. (2018) Sampling the Multivariate Standard Normal Distribution under a Weighted Sum Constraint. Risks 6(3), 64.

See Also

dnvmix(), pnvmix()


### Examples for rnvmix() ######################################################

## Generate a random correlation matrix in d dimensions
d <- 3
A <- matrix(runif(d * d), ncol = d)
P <- cov2cor(A %*% t(A))

## Draw random variates and compare
df <- 3.5
n <- 1000
X  <- rnvmix(n, rmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P) # with scale
X. <- rnvmix(n, rmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, factor = t(chol(P))) # with factor
stopifnot(all.equal(X, X.))

## Checking df = Inf
X <- rnvmix(n, rmix = "constant", scale = P) # normal
X. <- rnvmix(n, rmix = "inverse.gamma", scale = P, df = Inf) # t_infinity
stopifnot(all.equal(X, X.))

## Univariate case (dimension = number of rows of 'factor' = 1 here)
X.1d  <- rnvmix(n, rmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, factor = 1/2)
X.1d. <- rnvmix(n, rmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, factor = 1)/2 # manual scaling
stopifnot(all.equal(X.1d, X.1d.))

## Checking different ways of providing 'mix'
## 1) By providing a character string (and corresponding ellipsis arguments)
X.mix1 <- rnvmix(n, rmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P)
## 2) By providing a list; the first element has to be an existing distribution
##    with random number generator available with prefix "r"
rinverse.gamma <- function(n, df) 1 / rgamma(n, shape = df/2, rate = df/2)
X.mix2 <- rnvmix(n, rmix = list("inverse.gamma", df = df), scale = P)
## 3) The same without extra arguments (need the extra list() here to
##    distinguish from Case 1))
rinverseGamma <- function(n) 1 / rgamma(n, shape = df/2, rate = df/2)
X.mix3 <- rnvmix(n, rmix = list("inverseGamma"), scale = P)
## 4) By providing a quantile function
##    Note: P(1/Y <= x) = P(Y >= 1/x) = 1-F_Y(1/x) = y <=> x = 1/F_Y^-(1-y)
X.mix4 <- rnvmix(n, qmix = function(p) 1/qgamma(1-p, shape = df/2, rate = df/2),
                 scale = P)
## 5) By providing random variates
set.seed(271) # if seed is set here, results are comparable to the above methods
W <- rinverse.gamma(n, df = df)
X.mix5 <- rnvmix(n, rmix = W, scale = P)
## Compare (note that X.mix4 is not 'all equal' with X.mix1 or the other samples)
## since rgamma() != qgamma(runif()) (or qgamma(1-runif()))
stopifnot(all.equal(X.mix2, X.mix1),
          all.equal(X.mix3, X.mix1),
          all.equal(X.mix5, X.mix1))

## For a singular normal variance mixture:
## Need to provide 'factor'
A <- matrix( c(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1), ncol = 2, byrow = TRUE)
stopifnot(all.equal(dim(rnvmix(n, rmix = "constant", factor = A)),    c(n, 3)))
stopifnot(all.equal(dim(rnvmix(n, rmix = "constant", factor = t(A))), c(n, 2)))

## Using 'skip'. Need to reset the seed everytime to get the same shifts in "sobol".
## Note that when using method = "sobol", we have to provide 'qmix' instead of 'rmix'.
X.skip0 <- rnvmix(n, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P, method = "sobol")
X.skip1 <- rnvmix(n, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P, method = "sobol",
                  skip = n)
X.wo.skip <- rnvmix(2*n, qmix = "inverse.gamma", df = df, scale = P, method = "sobol")
X.skip <- rbind(X.skip0, X.skip1)
stopifnot(all.equal(X.wo.skip, X.skip))

### Examples for rStudent() and rNorm() ########################################

## Draw N(0, P) random variates by providing scale or factor and compare
n <- 1000
X.n  <- rNorm(n, scale = P) # providing scale
X.n. <- rNorm(n, factor = t(chol(P))) # providing the factor
stopifnot(all.equal(X.n, X.n.))

## Univariate case (dimension = number of rows of 'factor' = 1 here)
X.n.1d  <- rNorm(n, factor = 1/2)
X.n.1d. <- rNorm(n, factor = 1)/2 # manual scaling
stopifnot(all.equal(X.n.1d, X.n.1d.))

## Draw t_3.5 random variates by providing scale or factor and compare
df <- 3.5
n <- 1000
X.t  <- rStudent(n, df = df, scale = P) # providing scale
X.t. <- rStudent(n, df = df, factor = t(chol(P))) # providing the factor
stopifnot(all.equal(X.t, X.t.))

## Univariate case (dimension = number of rows of 'factor' = 1 here)
X.t.1d  <- rStudent(n, df = df, factor = 1/2)
X.t.1d. <- rStudent(n, df = df, factor = 1)/2 # manual scaling
stopifnot(all.equal(X.t.1d, X.t.1d.))

## Check df = Inf
X.t <- rStudent(n, df = Inf, scale = P)
X.n <- rNorm(n, scale = P)
stopifnot(all.equal(X.t, X.n))

### Examples for rNorm_sumconstr() #############################################
weights <- c(1, 1)
Z.constr <- rNorm_sumconstr(n, weights = c(1, 1), s = 2)
stopifnot(all(rowSums(Z.constr ) == 2))
plot(Z.constr , xlab = expression(Z[1]), ylab = expression(Z[2]))

Functionalities for the skew-t distribution and copula


Sampling and density evaluation for the multivariate skew-t distribution and copula.


rskewt(n, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(2), factor = NULL, gamma = rep(0, d),
       df = Inf, method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0)
dskewt(x, loc = rep(0, d), scale = diag(2), gamma = rep(0, d), df,
       log = FALSE, scale.inv, ldet)

rskewtcopula(n, scale = diag(2), factor = NULL, gamma = rep(0, d), df = Inf,
             pseudo = TRUE, method = c("PRNG", "sobol", "ghalton"), skip = 0)
dskewtcopula(u, scale = diag(2), gamma = rep(0, d), df, log = FALSE,
             scale.inv, ldet)



(n,d)(n, d)-matrix of evaluation points or data; Have to be in (0,1)(0,1).


(n,d)(n, d)-matrix of evaluation points or data


sample size nn (positive integer).


positive degress of freedom; can also be Inf in which case the copula is interpreted as the Gaussian copula.


location of length dd.


Skewness-vector of dimension dd; if all(gamma == 0), the classical t distribution or copula results.


scale matrix (a covariance matrix entering the distribution as a parameter) of dimension (d,d)(d, d) (defaults to d=2d = 2). Note that scale must be positive definite,


(d,d)(d, d)-matrix such that factor %*% t(factor) equals scale. If not provided, factor is internally determined via chol()


inverse of scale; if not provided, computed via pd.solve(scale).


log(det(scale)); if not provided, computed via pd.solve(scale).


logical indicating whether the logarithmic density is to be computed.


logical; if TRUE, copula samples are computed via pobs() from a multivariate skew-t sample. If FALSE, the univariate skew t distribution functions are internally approximated via integrate(); see details below.


see rnvmix().


see rnvmix().


Functionalities for sampling from the multivariate skew-t distribution and copula; the former has stochastic representation μ+Wγ+WAZ\mu + W\gamma + \sqrt{W}AZ where AAT=scaleAA^T=scale, WW follows an inverse-gamma distrubution with parameters df/2 and is independent of the dd-dimensional vector ZZ following a standard multivariate normal distribution. When gammagamma is the null-vector, the distribution becomes the multivariate tt distribution.

A major computational challenge when working with the skew t copula is the lack of an available distribution and quantile function of the univariate skew t distribution. These are required in rskewtcopula(, pobs = FALSE) and in dskewtcopula(). The unviarate skew t distribution and quantile functions are currently implemented as described Yoshiba, T. (2018).

The functions described here are currently being further developed to improve stability, accuracy and speed, so that arguments may change in subsequent versions of nvmix.


nn-vector of (log-)density values and (n,d)(n, d)-matrix of samples, respectively.


Erik Hintz, Marius Hofert and Christiane Lemieux


Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2020), Grouped Normal Variance Mixtures. Risks 8(4), 103.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2021), Normal variance mixtures: Distribution, density and parameter estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 157C, 107175.

Hintz, E., Hofert, M. and Lemieux, C. (2022), Multivariate Normal Variance Mixtures in R: The R Package nvmix. Journal of Statistical Software, doi:10.18637/jss.v102.i02.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Yoshiba, T. (2018). Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Skew-t Copulas with Its Applications to Stock Returns. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 88 (13): 2489–2506.

See Also

rStudent(), dStudent(), rStudentcopula(), dStudentcopula()


## Sampling from the skew-t copula

n <- 100 # sample size
d <- 10 # dimension
rho <- 0.5
scale <- matrix(rho, ncol = d, nrow = d)
diag(scale) <- 1 # scale
gamma <- rep(1, d) # skewness
df <- 7 # degrees-of-freedom parameter
set.seed(1) # same random numbers for both runs
system.time(samplecop_pobs <- rskewtcopula(n, scale = scale, gamma = gamma,
                                           df = df, pseudo = TRUE))
system.time(samplecop_pskewt <- rskewtcopula(n, scale = scale, gamma = gamma,
                                             df = df, pseudo = FALSE))
## Plot first two coordinates
plot(samplecop_pobs, xlab = expression(U[1]), ylab = expression(U[2]))
mtext("pobs = TRUE")
plot(samplecop_pskewt, xlab = expression(U[1]), ylab = expression(U[2]))
mtext("pobs = FALSE")