Package 'qrmtools'

Title: Tools for Quantitative Risk Management
Description: Functions and data sets for reproducing selected results from the book "Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques and Tools". Furthermore, new developments and auxiliary functions for Quantitative Risk Management practice.
Authors: Marius Hofert [aut, cre], Kurt Hornik [aut], Alexander J. McNeil [aut]
Maintainer: Marius Hofert <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 3) | file LICENCE
Version: 0.0-17
Built: 2025-02-23 04:17:55 UTC

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Computing allocations


Computing (capital) allocations.


## For elliptical distributions under certain assumptions
alloc_ellip(total, loc, scale)

## Nonparametrically
conditioning(x, level, risk.measure = "VaR_np", ...)
alloc_np(x, level, risk.measure = "VaR_np", include.conditional = FALSE, ...)



total to be allocated (typically the risk measure of the sum of the underlying loss random variables).


location vector of the elliptical distribution of the loss random vector.


scale (covariance) matrix of the elliptical distribution of the loss random vector.


(n,d)(n, d)-matrix containing nn iid dd-dimensional losses.


either one or two confidence level(s) for risk.measure; in the former case the upper bound on the conditioning region is determined by confidence level 1.


character string or function specifying the risk measure to be computed on the row sums of x based on the given level(s) in order to determine the conditioning region.


logical indicating whether the computed sub-sample of x is to be returned, too.


additional arguments passed to risk.measure.


The result of alloc_ellip() for loc = 0 can be found in McNeil et al. (2015, Corollary 8.43). Otherwise, McNeil et al. (2015, Theorem 8.28 (1)) can be used to derive the result.


dd-vector of allocated amounts (the allocation) according to the Euler principle under the assumption that the underlying loss random vector follows a dd-dimensional elliptical distribution with location vector loc (mu\bm{mu} in the reference) and scale matrix scale (Σ\Sigma in the reference, a covariance matrix) and that the risk measure is law-invariant, positive-homogeneous and translation invariant.


Marius Hofert


McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.


### Ellipitical case ###########################################################

## Construct a covariance matrix
sig <- 1:3 # standard deviations
library(copula) # for p2P() here
P <- p2P(c(-0.5, 0.3, 0.5)) # (3, 3) correlation matrix
Sigma <- P * sig %*% t(sig) # corresponding covariance matrix
stopifnot(all.equal(cov2cor(Sigma), P)) # sanity check

## Compute the allocation of 1.2 for a joint loss L ~ E_3(0, Sigma, psi)
AC <- alloc_ellip(1.2, loc = 0, scale = Sigma) # allocated amounts
stopifnot(all.equal(sum(AC), 1.2)) # sanity check
## Be careful to check whether the aforementioned assumptions hold.

### Nonparametrically ##########################################################

## Generate data
X <- qt(rCopula(1e5, copula = gumbelCopula(2, dim = 5)), df = 3.5)

## Estimate an allocation via MC based on a sub-sample whose row sums have a
## nonparametric VaR with confidence level in ...
alloc_np(X, level = 0.9) # ... (0.9, 1]
CA  <- alloc_np(X, level = c(0.9, 0.95)) # ... in (0.9, 0.95]
CA. <- alloc_np(X, level = c(0.9, 0.95), risk.measure = VaR_np) # providing a function
stopifnot(identical(CA, CA.))

Black–Scholes formula and the Greeks


Compute the Black–Scholes formula and the Greeks.


Black_Scholes(t, S, r, sigma, K, T, type = c("call", "put"))
Black_Scholes_Greeks(t, S, r, sigma, K, T, type = c("call", "put"))



initial or current time tt (in years).


stock price at time tt.


risk-free annual interest rate.


annual volatility (standard deviation).




maturity (in years).


character string indicating whether a call (the default) or a put option is considered.


Note again that t is time in years. In the context of McNeil et al. (2015, Chapter 9), this is τt=t/250\tau_t = t/250.


Black_Scholes() returns the value of a European-style call or put option (depending on the chosen type) on a non-dividend paying stock.

Black_Scholes_Greeks() returns the first-order derivatives delta, theta, rho, vega and the second-order derivatives gamma, vanna and vomma (depending on the chosen type) in this order.


Marius Hofert


McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Brownian and Related Motions


Simulate paths of dependent Brownian motions, geometric Brownian motions and Brownian bridges based on given increment copula samples. And extract copula increments from paths of dependent Brownian motions and geometric Brownian motions.


rBrownian(N, t, d = 1, U = matrix(runif(N * n * d), ncol = d),
          drift = 0, vola = 1, type = c("BM", "GBM", "BB"), init = 1)
deBrowning(x, t, drift = 0, vola = 1, type = c("BM", "GBM"))



number NN of paths to simulate (positive integer).


n+1n+1-vector containing one path of the specified stochastic process or (n+1,d)(n+1, d)-matrix containing one path of the specified dd stochastic processes or (N,n+1,d)(N, n+1, d)-array containing NN paths of the specified dd stochastic processes.


n+1n+1-vector of the form (t0,,tn)(t_0,\dots,t_n) with 0=t0<<tn0 = t_0 < \dots < t_n containing the time points where the stochastic processes are considered.


number dd of stochastic processes to simulate (positive integer).


(Nn,d)(N\cdot n, d)-matrix of copula realizations to be converted to the joint increments of the stochastic processes.


dd-vector or number (then recycled to a dd-vector) of drifts (typically denoted by μ\mu). Note that risk-neutral drifts are rσ2/2r - \sigma^2/2, where rr is the risk-free interest rate and σ\sigma the volatility.


dd-vector or number (then recycled to a dd-vector) of volatilities (typically denoted by σ\sigma).


character string indicating whether a Brownian motion ("BM"), geometric Brownian motion ("GBM") or Brownian bridge ("BB") is to be considered.


dd-vector or number (then recycled to a dd-vector) of initial values (typically stock prices at time 0) for type = "GBM".


rBrownian() returns an (N,n+1,d)(N, n+1, d)-array containing the NN paths of the specified dd stochastic processes simulated at the n+1n+1 time points (t0=0,t1,,tnt_0 = 0, t_1,\dots, t_n).

deBrowning() returns an (N,n,d)(N, n, d)-array containing the NN paths of the copula increments of the dd stochastic processes over the n+1n+1 time points (t0=0,t1,,tnt_0 = 0, t_1,\dots, t_n).


Marius Hofert


## Setup
d <- 3 # dimension
tcop <- tCopula(iTau(tCopula(), tau = 0.5), dim = d, df = 4) # t_4 copula
vola <- seq(0.05, 0.20, length.out = d) # volatilities sigma
r <- 0.01 # risk-free interest rate
drift <- r - vola^2/2 # marginal drifts
init <- seq(10, 100, length.out = d) # initial stock prices
N <- 100 # number of replications
n <- 25 # number of time intervals
t <- 0:n/n # time points 0 = t_0 < ... < t_n

## Simulate N paths of a cross-sectionally dependent d-dimensional
## (geometric) Brownian motion ((G)BM) over n time steps
U <- rCopula(N * n, copula = tcop) # for dependent increments
X <- rBrownian(N, t = t, d = d, U = U, drift = drift, vola = vola) # BM
S <- rBrownian(N, t = t, d = d, U = U, drift = drift, vola = vola,
               type = "GBM", init = init) # GBM
stopifnot(dim(X) == c(N, n+1, d), dim(S) == c(N, n+1, d))

## DeBrowning
Z.X <- deBrowning(X, t = t, drift = drift, vola = vola) # BM
Z.S <- deBrowning(S, t = t, drift = drift, vola = vola, type = "GBM") # GBM
stopifnot(dim(Z.X) == c(N, n, d), dim(Z.S) == c(N, n, d))
## Note that for BMs, one loses one observation as X_{t_0} = 0 (or some other
## fixed value, so there is no random increment there that can be deBrowned.

    ## If we map the increments back to their copula sample, do we indeed
    ## see the copula samples again?
    U.Z.X <- pnorm(Z.X) # map to copula sample
    U.Z.S <- pnorm(Z.S) # map to copula sample
    stopifnot(all.equal(U.Z.X, U.Z.S)) # sanity check
    ## Visual check
    pairs(U.Z.X[,1,], gap = 0) # check at the first time point of the BM
    pairs(U.Z.X[,n,], gap = 0) # check at the last time point of the BM
    pairs(U.Z.S[,1,], gap = 0) # check at the first time point of the GBM
    pairs(U.Z.S[,n,], gap = 0) # check at the last time point of the GBM
    ## Numerical check
    ## First convert the (N * n, d)-matrix U to an (N, n, d)-array but in
    ## the right way (array(U, dim = c(N, n, d)) would use the U's in the
    ## wrong order)
    U. <- aperm(array(U, dim = c(n, N, d)), perm = c(2,1,3))
    ## Now compare
    stopifnot(all.equal(U.Z.X, U., check.attributes = FALSE))
    stopifnot(all.equal(U.Z.S, U., check.attributes = FALSE))

    ## Generate dependent GBM sample paths with quasi-random numbers
    U.. <- cCopula(to_array(sobol(N, d = d * n, randomize = "digital.shift"), f = n),
                   copula = tcop, inverse = TRUE)
    S. <- rBrownian(N, t = t, d = d, U = U.., drift = drift, vola = vola,
                    type = "GBM", init = init)
    pairs(S [,2,], gap = 0) # pseudo-samples at t_1
    pairs(S.[,2,], gap = 0) # quasi-samples at t_1
    pairs(S [,n+1,], gap = 0) # pseudo-samples at t_n
    pairs(S.[,n+1,], gap = 0) # quasi-samples at t_n

    ## Generate paths from a Brownian bridge
    B <- rBrownian(N, t = t, type = "BB")
    plot(NA, xlim = 0:1, ylim = range(B),
         xlab = "Time t", ylab = expression("Brownian bridge path"~(B[t])))
    for(i in 1:N)
        lines(t, B[i,,], col = adjustcolor("black", alpha.f = 25/N))

Catching Results, Warnings and Errors Simultaneously


Catches results, warnings and errors.





expression to be evaluated, typically a function call.


This function is particularly useful for large(r) simulation studies to not fail until finished.


list with components:


value of expr or NULL in case of an error.


warning message (see simpleWarning or warning()) or NULL in case of no warning.


error message (see simpleError or stop()) or NULL in case of no error.


Marius Hofert (based on doCallWE() and tryCatch.W.E() in the R package simsalapar).



Fitting ARMA-GARCH Processes


Fail-safe componentwise fitting of univariate ARMA-GARCH processes.


fit_ARMA_GARCH(x, ugarchspec.list = ugarchspec(), solver = "hybrid",
               verbose = FALSE, ...)



matrix-like data structure, possibly an xts object.


object of class uGARCHspec (as returned by ugarchspec()) or a list of such. In case of a list, its length has to be equal to the number of columns of x. ugarchspec.list provides the ARMA-GARCH specifications for each of the time series (columns of x).


string indicating the solver used; see ?ugarchfit.


logical indicating whether verbose output is given.


additional arguments passed to the underlying ugarchfit().


If x consists of one column only (e.g. a vector), ARMA_GARCH() returns the fitted object; otherwise it returns a list of such.


Marius Hofert

See Also

fit_GARCH_11() for fast(er) and numerically more robust fitting of GARCH(1,1) processes.



## Read the data, build -log-returns
data(SMI.12) # Swiss Market Index data
stocks <- c("CSGN", "BAER", "UBSN", "SREN", "ZURN") # components we work with
x <- SMI.12[, stocks]
X <- -returns(x)
n <- nrow(X)
d <- ncol(X)

## Fit ARMA-GARCH models to the -log-returns
## Note: - Our choice here is purely for demonstration purposes.
##         The models are not necessarily adequate
##       - The sample size n is *too* small here for properly capturing GARCH effects.
##         Again, this is only for demonstration purposes here.
uspec <- c(rep(list(ugarchspec(distribution.model = "std")), d-2), # ARMA(1,1)-GARCH(1,1)
           list(ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", garchOrder = c(2,2)),
                           distribution.model = "std")),
           list(ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH", garchOrder = c(2,1)),
                           mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(1,2), include.mean = TRUE),
                           distribution.model = "std")))
system.time(fitAG <- fit_ARMA_GARCH(X, ugarchspec.list = uspec))
str(fitAG, max.level = 1) # list with components fit, warning, error
## Now access the list to check

## Not run: 
## Pick out the standardized residuals, plot them and fit a t copula to them
## Note: ugarchsim() needs the residuals to be standardized; working with
##       standardize = FALSE still requires to simulate them from the
##       respective standardized marginal distribution functions.
Z <- sapply(fitAG$fit, residuals, standardize = TRUE)
U <- pobs(Z)
pairs(U, gap = 0)
system.time(fitC <- fitCopula(tCopula(dim = d, dispstr = "un"), data = U,
                              method = "mpl"))

## Simulate (standardized) Z
U. <- rCopula(n, fitC@copula) # simulate from the fitted copula
nu <- sapply(1:d, function(j) fitAG$fit[[j]]@fit$coef["shape"]) # extract (fitted) d.o.f. nu
Z. <- sapply(1:d, function(j) sqrt((nu[j]-2)/nu[j]) * qt(U.[,j], df = nu[j])) # Z

## Simulate from fitted model
X. <- sapply(1:d, function(j)
    fitted(ugarchsim(fitAG$fit[[j]], n.sim = n, m.sim = 1, startMethod = "sample",
                     rseed = 271, custom.dist = list(name = "sample",
                                                     distfit = Z.[,j, drop = FALSE]))))

## Plots original vs simulated -log-returns
opar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
layout(matrix(1:(2*d), ncol = d)) # layout
ran <- range(X, X.)
for(j in 1:d) {
    plot(X[,j],  type = "l", ylim = ran, ylab = paste(stocks[j], "-log-returns"))
    plot(X.[,j], type = "l", ylim = ran, ylab = "Simulated -log-returns")

## End(Not run)

Fast(er) and Numerically More Robust Fitting of GARCH(1,1) Processes


Fast(er) and numerically more robust fitting of GARCH(1,1) processes according to Zumbach (2000).


fit_GARCH_11(x, init = NULL, sig2 = mean(x^2), delta = 1,
             distr = c("norm", "st"), control = list(), ...)
tail_index_GARCH_11(innovations, alpha1, beta1,
                    interval = c(1e-6, 1e2), ...)



vector of length nn containing the data (typically log-returns) to be fitted a GARCH(1,1) to.


vector of length 2 giving the initial values for the likelihood fitting. Note that these are initial values for zcorrz_{corr} and zemaz_{ema} as in Zumbach (2000).


annualized variance (third parameter of the reparameterization according to Zumbach (2000)).


unit of time (defaults to 1 meaning daily data; for yearly data, use 250).


character string specifying the innovation distribution ("norm" for N(0,1) or "st" for a standardized tt distribution).


see ?optim().


random variates from the innovation distribution; for example, obtained via rnorm() or rt(, df = nu) * sqrt((nu-2)/nu) where nu are the d.o.f. of the tt distribution.


nonnegative GARCH(1,1) coefficient alpha[1]alpha[1] satisfying alpha[1]+beta[1]<1alpha[1] + beta[1] < 1.


nonnegative GARCH(1,1) coefficient beta[1]beta[1] satisfying alpha[1]+beta[1]<1alpha[1] + beta[1] < 1.


initial interval for computing the tail index; passed to the underlying uniroot().


additional arguments passed to the underlying optim().


additional arguments passed to the underlying uniroot().



estimated coefficients α0\alpha_0, α1\alpha_1, β1\beta_1 and, if distr = "st" the estimated degrees of freedom.


maximized log-likelihood.


number of calls to the objective function; see ?optim.


convergence code ('0' indicates successful completion); see ?optim.


see ?optim.


vector of length nn giving the conditional volatility.


vector of length nn giving the standardized residuals.


The tail index alphaalpha estimated by Monte Carlo via McNeil et al. (2015, p. 576), so the alphaalpha which solves

E((α1Z2+β1)α/2)=1E({(\alpha_1Z^2 + \beta_1)}^{\alpha/2}) = 1

, where ZZ are the innovations. If no solution is found (e.g. if the objective function does not have different sign at the endpoints of interval), NA is returned.


Marius Hofert


Zumbach, G. (2000). The pitfalls in fitting GARCH (1,1) processes. Advances in Quantitative Asset Management 1, 179–200.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

See Also

fit_ARMA_GARCH() based on rugarch.


### Example 1: N(0,1) innovations ##############################################

## Generate data from a GARCH(1,1) with N(0,1) innovations
uspec <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH",
                                          garchOrder = c(1, 1)),
                    distribution.model = "norm",
                    mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0, 0)),
           = list(mu = 0,
                                      omega = 0.1, # alpha_0
                                      alpha1 = 0.2, # alpha_1
                                      beta1 = 0.3)) # beta_1
X <- ugarchpath(uspec, n.sim = 1e4, rseed = 271) # sample (set.seed() fails!)
X.t <- as.numeric(X@path$seriesSim) # actual path (X_t)

## Fitting via ugarchfit()
uspec. <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH",
                                           garchOrder = c(1, 1)),
                     distribution.model = "norm",
                     mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0, 0)))
fit <- ugarchfit(uspec., data = X.t)
coef(fit) # fitted mu, alpha_0, alpha_1, beta_1
Z <- fit@fit$z # standardized residuals
stopifnot(all.equal(mean(Z), 0, tol = 1e-2),
          all.equal(var(Z),  1, tol = 1e-3))

## Fitting via fit_GARCH_11()
fit. <- fit_GARCH_11(X.t)
fit.$coef # fitted alpha_0, alpha_1, beta_1
Z. <- fit.$Z.t # standardized residuals
stopifnot(all.equal(mean(Z.), 0, tol = 5e-3),
          all.equal(var(Z.),  1, tol = 1e-3))

## Compare
stopifnot(all.equal(fit.$coef, coef(fit)[c("omega", "alpha1", "beta1")],
                    tol = 5e-3, check.attributes = FALSE)) # fitted coefficients
summary(Z. - Z) # standardized residuals

### Example 2: t_nu(0, (nu-2)/nu) innovations ##################################

## Generate data from a GARCH(1,1) with t_nu(0, (nu-2)/nu) innovations
uspec <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH",
                                          garchOrder = c(1, 1)),
                    distribution.model = "std",
                    mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0, 0)),
           = list(mu = 0,
                                      omega = 0.1, # alpha_0
                                      alpha1 = 0.2, # alpha_1
                                      beta1 = 0.3, # beta_1
                                      shape = 4)) # nu
X <- ugarchpath(uspec, n.sim = 1e4, rseed = 271) # sample (set.seed() fails!)
X.t <- as.numeric(X@path$seriesSim) # actual path (X_t)

## Fitting via ugarchfit()
uspec. <- ugarchspec(variance.model = list(model = "sGARCH",
                                           garchOrder = c(1, 1)),
                     distribution.model = "std",
                     mean.model = list(armaOrder = c(0, 0)))
fit <- ugarchfit(uspec., data = X.t)
coef(fit) # fitted mu, alpha_0, alpha_1, beta_1, nu
Z <- fit@fit$z # standardized residuals
stopifnot(all.equal(mean(Z), 0, tol = 1e-2),
          all.equal(var(Z),  1, tol = 5e-2))

## Fitting via fit_GARCH_11()
fit. <- fit_GARCH_11(X.t, distr = "st")
c(fit.$coef, fit.$df) # fitted alpha_0, alpha_1, beta_1, nu
Z. <- fit.$Z.t # standardized residuals
stopifnot(all.equal(mean(Z.), 0, tol = 2e-2),
          all.equal(var(Z.),  1, tol = 2e-2))

## Compare
fit.coef <- coef(fit)[c("omega", "alpha1", "beta1", "shape")]
fit..coef <- c(fit.$coef, fit.$df)
stopifnot(all.equal(fit.coef, fit..coef, tol = 7e-2, check.attributes = FALSE))
summary(Z. - Z) # standardized residuals

Parameter Estimators of the Generalized Extreme Value Distribution


Quantile matching estimator, probability weighted moments estimator, log-likelihood and maximum-likelihood estimator for the parameters of the generalized extreme value distribution (GEV).


fit_GEV_quantile(x, p = c(0.25, 0.5, 0.75), cutoff = 3)

logLik_GEV(param, x)
fit_GEV_MLE(x, init = c("shape0", "PWM", "quantile"),
            estimate.cov = TRUE, control = list(), ...)



numeric vector of data. In the block maxima method, these are the block maxima.


numeric(3) specifying the probabilities whose quantiles are matched.


positive zz after which exp(z)\exp(-z) is truncated to 0.


numeric(3) containing the value of the shape ξ\xi (a real), location μ\mu (a real) and scale σ\sigma (positive real) parameters of the GEV distribution in this order.


character string specifying the method for computing initial values. Can also be numeric(3) for directly providing ξ\xi, μ\mu, σ\sigma.


logical indicating whether the asymptotic covariance matrix of the parameter estimators is to be estimated (inverse of observed Fisher information (negative Hessian of log-likelihood evaluated at MLE)) and standard errors for the estimators of ξ\xi, μ\mu, σ\sigma returned, too.


list; passed to the underlying optim().


additional arguments passed to the underlying optim().


fit_GEV_quantile() matches the empirical p-quantiles.

fit_GEV_PWM() computes the probability weighted moments (PWM) estimator of Hosking et al. (1985); see also Landwehr and Wallis (1979).

fit_GEV_MLE() uses, as default, the case ξ=0\xi = 0 for computing initial values; this is actually a small positive value since Nelder–Mead could fail otherwise. For the other available methods for computing initial values, σ\sigma (obtained from the case ξ=0\xi = 0) is doubled in order to guarantee a finite log-likelihood at the initial values. After several experiments (see the source code), one can safely say that finding initial values for fitting GEVs via MLE is non-trivial; see also the block maxima method script about the Black Monday event on

Caution: See Coles (2001, p. 55) for how to interpret ξ0.5\xi\le -0.5; in particular, the standard asymptotic properties of the MLE do not apply.


fit_GEV_quantile() and fit_GEV_PWM() return a numeric(3) giving the parameter estimates for the GEV distribution.

logLik_GEV() computes the log-likelihood of the GEV distribution (-Inf if not admissible).

fit_GEV_MLE() returns the return object of optim() (by default, the return value value is the log-likelihood) and, appended, the estimated asymptotic covariance matrix and standard errors of the parameter estimators, if estimate.cov.


Marius Hofert


McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Hosking, J. R. M., Wallis, J. R. and Wood, E. F. (1985). Estimation of the Generalized Extreme-Value Distribution by the Method of Probability-Weighted Moments. Technometrics 27(3), 251–261.

Landwehr, J. M. and Wallis, J. R. (1979). Probability Weighted Moments Compared With Some Traditional Techniques in Estimating Gumbel Parameters and Quantiles. Water Resourches Research 15(5), 1055–1064.

Coles, S. (2001). An Introduction to Statistical Modeling of Extreme Values. Springer-Verlag.


## Simulate some data
xi <- 0.5
mu <- -2
sig <- 3
n <- 1000
X <- rGEV(n, shape = xi, loc = mu, scale = sig)

## Fitting via matching quantiles
(fit.q <- fit_GEV_quantile(X))
stopifnot(all.equal(fit.q[["shape"]], xi,  tol = 0.12),
          all.equal(fit.q[["loc"]],   mu,  tol = 0.12),
          all.equal(fit.q[["scale"]], sig, tol = 0.005))

## Fitting via PWMs
(fit.PWM <- fit_GEV_PWM(X))
stopifnot(all.equal(fit.PWM[["shape"]], xi,  tol = 0.16),
          all.equal(fit.PWM[["loc"]],   mu,  tol = 0.15),
          all.equal(fit.PWM[["scale"]], sig, tol = 0.08))

## Fitting via MLE
(fit.MLE <- fit_GEV_MLE(X))
(est <- fit.MLE$par) # estimates of xi, mu, sigma
stopifnot(all.equal(est[["shape"]], xi,  tol = 0.07),
          all.equal(est[["loc"]],   mu,  tol = 0.12),
          all.equal(est[["scale"]], sig, tol = 0.06))
fit.MLE$SE # estimated asymp. variances of MLEs = std. errors of MLEs

## Plot the log-likelihood in the shape parameter xi for fixed
## location mu and scale sigma (fixed as generated)
xi. <- seq(-0.1, 0.8, length.out = 65)
logLik <- sapply(xi., function(xi..) logLik_GEV(c(xi.., mu, sig), x = X))
plot(xi., logLik, type = "l", xlab = expression(xi),
     ylab = expression("GEV distribution log-likelihood for fixed"~mu~"and"~sigma))
## => Numerically quite challenging (for this seed!)

## Plot the profile likelihood for these xi's
## Note: As initial values for the nuisance parameters mu, sigma, we
##       use their values in the case xi = 0 (for all fixed xi = xi.,
##       in particular those xi != 0). Furthermore, for the given data X
##       and xi = xi., we make sure the initial value for sigma is so large
##       that the density is not 0 and thus the log-likelihood is finite.
pLL <- sapply(xi., function(xi..) {
    scale.init <- sqrt(6 * var(X)) / pi
    loc.init <- mean(X) - scale.init * 0.5772157
    while(!is.finite(logLik_GEV(c(xi.., loc.init, scale.init), x = X)) &&
          is.finite(scale.init)) scale.init <- scale.init * 2
    optim(c(loc.init, scale.init), fn = function(nuis)
                logLik_GEV(c(xi.., nuis), x = X),
    		        control = list(fnscale = -1))$value
plot(xi., pLL, type = "l", xlab = expression(xi),
     ylab = "GEV distribution profile log-likelihood")

Parameter Estimators of the Generalized Pareto Distribution


Method-of-moments estimator, probability weighted moments estimator, log-likelihood and maximum-likelihood estimator for the parameters of the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD).



logLik_GPD(param, x)
fit_GPD_MLE(x, init = c("PWM", "MOM", "shape0"),
            estimate.cov = TRUE, control = list(), ...)



numeric vector of data. In the peaks-over-threshold method, these are the excesses (exceedances minus threshold).


numeric(2) containing the value of the shape ξ\xi (a real) and scale β\beta (positive real) parameters of the GPD in this order.


character string specifying the method for computing initial values. Can also be numeric(2) for directly providing ξ\xi and β\beta.


logical indicating whether the asymptotic covariance matrix of the parameter estimators is to be estimated (inverse of observed Fisher information (negative Hessian of log-likelihood evaluated at MLE)) and standard errors for the estimators of ξ\xi and β\beta returned, too.


list; passed to the underlying optim().


additional arguments passed to the underlying optim().


fit_GPD_MOM() computes the method-of-moments (MOM) estimator.

fit_GPD_PWM() computes the probability weighted moments (PWM) estimator of Hosking and Wallis (1987); see also Landwehr et al. (1979).

fit_GPD_MLE() uses, as default, fit_GPD_PWM() for computing initial values. The former requires the data x to be non-negative and adjusts β\beta if ξ\xi is negative, so that the log-likelihood at the initial value should be finite.


fit_GEV_MOM() and fit_GEV_PWM() return a numeric(3) giving the parameter estimates for the GPD.

logLik_GPD() computes the log-likelihood of the GPD (-Inf if not admissible).

fit_GPD_MLE() returns the return object of optim() and, appended, the estimated asymptotic covariance matrix and standard errors of the parameter estimators, if estimate.cov.


Marius Hofert


McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Hosking, J. R. M. and Wallis, J. R. (1987). Parameter and Quantile Estimation for the Generalized Pareto Distribution. Technometrics 29(3), 339–349.

Landwehr, J. M., Matalas, N. C. and Wallis, J. R. (1979). Estimation of Parameters and Quantiles of Wakeby Distributions. Water Resourches Research 15(6), 1361–1379.


## Simulate some data
xi <- 0.5
beta <- 3
n <- 1000
X <- rGPD(n, shape = xi, scale = beta)

## Fitting via matching moments
(fit.MOM <- fit_GPD_MOM(X))
stopifnot(all.equal(fit.MOM[["shape"]], xi,   tol = 0.52),
          all.equal(fit.MOM[["scale"]], beta, tol = 0.24))

## Fitting via PWMs
(fit.PWM <- fit_GPD_PWM(X))
stopifnot(all.equal(fit.PWM[["shape"]], xi,   tol = 0.2),
          all.equal(fit.PWM[["scale"]], beta, tol = 0.12))

## Fitting via MLE
(fit.MLE <- fit_GPD_MLE(X))
(est <- fit.MLE$par) # estimates of xi, mu, sigma
stopifnot(all.equal(est[["shape"]], xi,   tol = 0.12),
          all.equal(est[["scale"]], beta, tol = 0.11))
fit.MLE$SE # estimated asymp. variances of MLEs = std. errors of MLEs

## Plot the log-likelihood in the shape parameter xi for fixed
## scale beta (fixed as generated)
xi. <- seq(-0.1, 0.8, length.out = 65)
logLik <- sapply(xi., function(xi..) logLik_GPD(c(xi.., beta), x = X))
plot(xi., logLik, type = "l", xlab = expression(xi),
     ylab = expression("GPD log-likelihood for fixed"~beta))

## Plot the profile likelihood for these xi's
## (with an initial interval for the nuisance parameter beta such that
##  logLik_GPD() is finite)
pLL <- sapply(xi., function(xi..) {
    ## Choose beta interval for optimize()
    int <- if(xi.. >= 0) {
               ## Method-of-Moment estimator
               mu.hat <- mean(X)
               sig2.hat <- var(X)
               shape.hat <- (1-mu.hat^2/sig2.hat)/2
               scale.hat <- mu.hat*(1-shape.hat)
               ## log-likelihood always fine for xi.. >= 0 for all beta
               c(1e-8, 2 * scale.hat)
           } else { # xi.. < 0
               ## Make sure logLik_GPD() is finite at endpoints of int
               mx <- max(X)
               -xi.. * mx * c(1.01, 100) # -xi * max(X) * scaling
               ## Note: for shapes xi.. closer to 0, the upper scaling factor
               ##       needs to be chosen sufficiently large in order
               ##       for optimize() to find an optimum (not just the
               ##       upper end point). Try it with '2' instead of '100'.
    ## Optimization
    optimize(function(nuis) logLik_GPD(c(xi.., nuis), x = X),
             interval = int, maximum = TRUE)$maximum
plot(xi., pLL, type = "l", xlab = expression(xi),
     ylab = "GPD profile log-likelihood")

Tools for Getting and Working with Data


Download (and possibly) merge data from freely available databases.


get_data(x, from = NULL, to = NULL,
         src = c("yahoo", "quandl", "oanda", "FRED", "google"),
         FUN = NULL, verbose = TRUE, warn = TRUE, ...)



vector of ticker symbols (e.g. "^GSPC" if src = "yahoo" or "EUR/USD" if src = "oanda").


start date as a Date object or character string (in international date format "yyyy-mm-dd"); if NULL, the earliest date with available data is picked.


end date as a Date object or character string (in international date format "yyyy-mm-dd"); if NULL, the last date with available data is picked.


character string specifying the data source (e.g. "yahoo" for stocks or "oanda" for FX data); see getSymbols() and Quandl().


function to be applied to the data before being returned. This can be

the identity:

if the data could not be retrieved (and is thus replaced by NA);

the given FUN:

if FUN has been provided;

a useful default:

if FUN = NULL; the default uses the adjusted close price Ad() if src = "yahoo", the close price Cl() if src = "google" and the identity otherwise.


logical indicating whether progress monitoring should be done.


logical indicating whether a warning is given showing the error message when fetching x fails.


additional arguments passed to the underlying getSymbols() from quantmod or Quandl() from Quandl (if src = "quandl").


FUN is typically one of quantmod's Op, Hi, Lo, Cl, Vo, Ad or one of the combined functions OpCl, ClCl, HiCl, LoCl, LoHi, OpHi, OpLo, OpOp.


xts object containing the data with column name(s) adjusted to be the ticker symbol (in case lengths match; otherwise the column names are not adjusted); NA if data is not available.


Marius Hofert


## Not run: 
## Note: This needs a working internet connection
## Get stock and volatility data (for all available trading days)
dat <- get_data(c("^GSPC", "^VIX")) # note: this needs a working internet connection
## Plot them (Alternative: plot.xts() from xtsExtra)
plot.zoo(dat, screens = 1, main = "", xlab = "Trading day", ylab = "Value")

## End(Not run)

Generalized Extreme Value Distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random variate generation for the generalized extreme value distribution (GEV).


dGEV(x, shape, loc = 0, scale = 1, log = FALSE)
pGEV(q, shape, loc = 0, scale = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
qGEV(p, shape, loc = 0, scale = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
rGEV(n, shape, loc = 0, scale = 1)


x, q

vector of quantiles.


vector of probabilities.


number of observations.


GEV shape parameter ξ\xi, a real.


GEV location parameter μ\mu, a real.


GEV scale parameter σ\sigma, a positive real.


logical; if TRUE (default) probabilities are P(Xx)P(X \le x) otherwise, P(X>x)P(X > x).

log, log.p

logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).


The distribution function of the generalized extreme value distribution is given by

F(x)={exp((1ξ(xμ)/σ)1/ξ),ξ0, 1+ξ(xμ)/σ>0,exp(e(xμ)/σ),ξ=0,F(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} \exp(-(1-\xi(x-\mu)/\sigma)^{-1/\xi}), & \xi\neq 0,\ 1+\xi(x-\mu)/\sigma>0,\\ \exp(-e^{-(x-\mu)/\sigma}), & \xi = 0, \end{array}\right.

where σ>0\sigma>0.


dGEV() computes the density, pGEV() the distribution function, qGEV() the quantile function and rGEV() random variates of the generalized extreme value distribution.


Marius Hofert


McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.


## Basic sanity checks
plot(pGEV(rGEV(1000, shape = 0.5), shape = 0.5)) # should be U[0,1]
curve(dGEV(x, shape = 0.5), from = -3, to = 5)

Fitted GEV Shape as a Function of the Threshold


Fit GEVs to block maxima and plot the fitted GPD shape as a function of the block size.


GEV_shape_plot(x, blocksize = tail(pretty(seq_len(length(x)/20), n = 64), -1),
               estimate.cov = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95,
               CI.col = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.2),
               lines.args = list(), xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
               xlab = "Block size",  ylab = NULL,
               xlab2 = "Number of blocks", plot = TRUE, ...)



vector of numeric data.


numeric vector of block sizes for which to fit a GEV to the block maxima.


logical indicating whether confidence intervals are to be computed.


confidence level of the confidence intervals if estimate.cov.


color of the pointwise asymptotic confidence intervals (CIs); if NA, no CIs are shown.


list of arguments passed to the underlying lines() for drawing the shape parameter as a function of the block size.

xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab

see plot().


label of the secondary x-axis.


logical indicating whether a plot is produced.


additional arguments passed to the underlying plot().


Such plots can be used in the block maxima method for determining the optimal block size (as the smallest after which the plot is (roughly) stable).


Invisibly returns a list containing the block sizes considered, the corresponding block maxima and the fitted GEV distribution objects as returned by the underlying fit_GEV_MLE().


Marius Hofert


X <- rPar(5e4, shape = 4)
abline(h = 1/4, lty = 3) # theoretical xi = 1/shape for Pareto

(Generalized) Pareto Distribution


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random variate generation for the (generalized) Pareto distribution (GPD).


dGPD(x, shape, scale, log = FALSE)
pGPD(q, shape, scale, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
qGPD(p, shape, scale, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
rGPD(n, shape, scale)

dPar(x, shape, scale = 1, log = FALSE)
pPar(q, shape, scale = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
qPar(p, shape, scale = 1, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
rPar(n, shape, scale = 1)


x, q

vector of quantiles.


vector of probabilities.


number of observations.


GPD shape parameter ξ\xi (a real number) and Pareto shape parameter θ\theta (a positive number).


GPD scale parameter β\beta (a positive number) and Pareto scale parameter κ\kappa (a positive number).


logical; if TRUE (default) probabilities are P(Xx)P(X \le x) otherwise, P(X>x)P(X > x).

log, log.p

logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).


The distribution function of the generalized Pareto distribution is given by

F(x)={1(1+ξx/β)1/ξ,ξ0,1exp(x/β),ξ=0,F(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} 1-(1+\xi x/\beta)^{-1/\xi}, & \xi \neq 0,\\ 1-\exp(-x/\beta), & \xi = 0, \end{array}\right.

where β>0\beta>0 and x0x\ge0 if ξ0\xi\ge 0 and x[0,β/ξ]x\in[0,-\beta/\xi] if ξ<0\xi<0.

The distribution function of the Pareto distribution is given by

F(x)=1(1+x/κ)θ, x0,F(x) = 1-(1+x/\kappa)^{-\theta},\ x\ge 0,

where θ>0\theta > 0, κ>0\kappa > 0.

In contrast to dGPD(), pGPD(), qGPD() and rGPD(), the functions dPar(), pPar(), qPar() and rPar() are vectorized in their main argument and the parameters.


dGPD() computes the density, pGPD() the distribution function, qGPD() the quantile function and rGPD() random variates of the generalized Pareto distribution.

Similary for dPar(), pPar(), qPar() and rPar() for the Pareto distribution.


Marius Hofert


McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.


## Basic sanity checks
curve(dGPD(x, shape = 0.5, scale = 3), from = -1, to = 5)
plot(pGPD(rGPD(1000, shape = 0.5, scale = 3), shape = 0.5, scale = 3)) # should be U[0,1]

Fitted GPD Shape as a Function of the Threshold


Fit GPDs to various thresholds and plot the fitted GPD shape as a function of the threshold.


GPD_shape_plot(x, thresholds = seq(quantile(x, 0.5), quantile(x, 0.99),
                                   length.out = 65),
               estimate.cov = TRUE, conf.level = 0.95,
               CI.col = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.2),
               lines.args = list(), xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
               xlab = "Threshold", ylab = NULL,
               xlab2 = "Excesses", plot = TRUE, ...)



vector of numeric data.


numeric vector of thresholds for which to fit a GPD to the excesses.


logical indicating whether confidence intervals are to be computed.


confidence level of the confidence intervals if estimate.cov.


color of the pointwise asymptotic confidence intervals (CIs); if NA, no CIs are shown.


list of arguments passed to the underlying lines() for drawing the shape parameter as a function of the threshold.

xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab

see plot().


label of the secondary x-axis.


logical indicating whether a plot is produced.


additional arguments passed to the underlying plot().


Such plots can be used in the peaks-over-threshold method for determining the optimal threshold (as the smallest after which the plot is (roughly) stable).


Invisibly returns a list containing the thresholds considered, the corresponding excesses and the fitted GPD objects as returned by the underlying fit_GPD_MLE().


Marius Hofert


X <- rt(1000, df = 3.5)

GPD-Based Tail Distribution (POT method)


Density, distribution function, quantile function and random variate generation for the GPD-based tail distribution in the POT method.


dGPDtail(x, threshold, p.exceed, shape, scale, log = FALSE)
pGPDtail(q, threshold, p.exceed, shape, scale, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
qGPDtail(p, threshold, p.exceed, shape, scale, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE)
rGPDtail(n, threshold, p.exceed, shape, scale)


x, q

vector of quantiles.


vector of probabilities.


number of observations.


threshold uu in the POT method.


probability of exceeding the threshold u; for the Smith estimator, this is mean(x > threshold) for x being the data.


GPD shape parameter ξ\xi (a real number).


GPD scale parameter β\beta (a positive number).


logical; if TRUE (default) probabilities are P(Xx)P(X \le x) otherwise, P(X>x)P(X > x).

log, log.p

logical; if TRUE, probabilities p are given as log(p).


Let uu denote the threshold (threshold), pup_u the exceedance probability (p.exceed) and FGPDF_{GPD} the GPD distribution function. Then the distribution function of the GPD-based tail distribution is given by

F(q)=1pu(1FGPD(qu))F(q) = 1-p_u(1-F_{GPD}(q - u))

. The quantile function is

F1(p)=u+FGPD1(1(1p)/pu)F^{-1}(p) = u + F_GPD^{-1}(1-(1-p)/p_u)

and the density is

f(x)=pufGPD(xu)f(x) = p_u f_{GPD}(x - u)

, where fGPDf_{GPD} denotes the GPD density.

Note that the distribution function has a jumpt of height P(Xu)P(X \le u) (1-p.exceed) at uu.


dGPDtail() computes the density, pGPDtail() the distribution function, qGPDtail() the quantile function and rGPDtail() random variates of the GPD-based tail distribution in the POT method.


Marius Hofert


McNeil, A. J., Frey, R., and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.


## Generate data to work with
X <- rt(1000, df = 3.5) # in MDA(H_{1/df}); see MFE (2015, Section 16.1.1)

## Determine thresholds for POT method
mean_excess_plot(X[X > 0])
abline(v = 1.5)
u <- 1.5 # threshold

## Fit GPD to the excesses (per margin)
fit <- fit_GPD_MLE(X[X > u] - u)
1/fit$par["shape"] # => close to df

## Estimate threshold exceedance probabilities
p.exceed <- mean(X > u)

## Define corresponding densities, distribution function and RNG
dF <- function(x) dGPDtail(x, threshold = u, p.exceed = p.exceed,
                           shape = fit$par["shape"], scale = fit$par["scale"])
pF <- function(q) pGPDtail(q, threshold = u, p.exceed = p.exceed,
                           shape = fit$par["shape"], scale = fit$par["scale"])
rF <- function(n) rGPDtail(n, threshold = u, p.exceed = p.exceed,
                           shape = fit$par["shape"], scale = fit$par["scale"])

## Basic check of dF()
curve(dF, from = u - 1, to = u + 5)

## Basic check of pF()
curve(pF, from = u, to = u + 5, ylim = 0:1) # quite flat here
abline(v = u, h = 1-p.exceed, lty = 2) # mass at u is 1-p.exceed (see 'Details')

## Basic check of rF()
X. <- rF(1000)
plot(X., ylab = "Losses generated from the fitted GPD-based tail distribution")
stopifnot(all.equal(mean(X. == u), 1-p.exceed, tol = 7e-3)) # confirms the above
## Pick out 'continuous part'
X.. <- X.[X. > u]
plot(pF(X..), ylab = "Probability-transformed tail losses") # should be U[1-p.exceed, 1]

Construction of Hierarchical Matrices


Constructing hierarchical matrices, used, for example, for hierarchical dependence models, clustering, etc.


hierarchical_matrix(x, diagonal = rep(1, d))



list of length 2 or 3 containing the homogeneous numeric entry of the current block of the hierarchical matrix, the integer components belongning to the current block (or NULL) and, possibly, another (nested) list of the same type.


diagonal elements of the hierarchical matrix.


See the examples for how to use.


A hierarchical matrix of the structure as specified in x with off-diagonal entries as specified in x and diagonal entries as specified in diagonal.


Marius Hofert


rho <- c(0.2, 0.3, 0.5, 0.8) # some entries (e.g., correlations)

## Test homogeneous case
x <- list(rho[1], 1:6)

## Two-level case with one block of size 2
x <- list(rho[1], 1, list(rho[2], 2:3))

## Two-level case with one block of size 2 and a larger homogeneous block
x <- list(rho[1], 1:3, list(rho[2], 4:5))

## Test two-level case with three blocks of size 2
x <- list(rho[1], NULL, list(list(rho[2], 1:2),
                             list(rho[3], 3:4),
                             list(rho[4], 5:6)))

## Test three-level case
x <- list(rho[1], 1:3, list(rho[2], NULL, list(list(rho[3], 4:5),
                                               list(rho[4], 6:8))))

## Test another three-level case
x <- list(rho[1], c(3, 6, 1), list(rho[2], c(9, 2, 7, 5),
                                   list(rho[3], c(8, 4))))

Hill Estimator and Plot


Compute the Hill estimator and Hill plot.


Hill_estimator(x, k = c(10, length(x)), conf.level = 0.95)
Hill_plot(x, k = c(10, length(x)), conf.level = 0.95, Hill.estimator = NULL,
          log = "x", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
          xlab = "Order statistics", ylab = "Tail index",
          CI.col = adjustcolor(1, alpha.f = 0.2), lines.args = list(),
          xaxis2 = TRUE, xlab2 = "Empirical probability", ...)



vector of numeric data.


vector of length 2, determining the smallest and largest number of order statistics of x to compute the Hill estimator for (the smallest needs to be >= 2). If k is of length 1, k is expanded by length(x).


confidence level of the confidence intervals.


object as returned by Hill_estimator().

log, xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab

see plot().


color of the pointwise asymptotic confidence intervals (CIs); if NA, no CIs are shown.


list of additional arguments for the underlying lines() call to draw the Hill estimator.


logical indicating whether a third axis is drawn that shows the empirical probabilities 1-(k-1)/length(x) corresponding to k, so the value of the column k.prob as returned by Hill_estimator().


label of the secondary x-axis.


additional arguments passed to the underlying plot().


See McNeil et al. (2015, Section 5.2.4, (5.23))



A five-column matrix containing the indices k, their corresponding empirical probabilities k.prob, the estimated tail indices tail.index, and the lower and upper CI endpoints CI.low and CI.up.


Hill plot by side-effect.


Marius Hofert


McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.


X <- rt(1000, df = 3.5)
Y <- X[X > 0]
Hill_plot(Y, log = "", CI.col = NA)

Density Plot of the Values from a Lower Triangular Matrix


Density plot of all values in the lower triangular part of a matrix.


matrix_density_plot(x, xlab = "Entries in the lower triangular matrix",
                    main = "", text = NULL, side = 4, line = 1, adj = 0, ...)



matrix-like object.


x-axis label.




see mtext(). The text = "", it is omitted.


see mtext().


see mtext().


see mtext().


additional arguments passed to the underlying plot().


matrix_density_plot() is typically used for symmetric matrices (like correlation matrices, matrices of pairwise Kendall's tau or tail dependence parameters) to check the distribution of their off-diagonal entries.




Marius Hofert


## Generate a random correlation matrix
d <- 50
L <- diag(1:d)
L[lower.tri(L)] <- runif(choose(d,2))
Sigma <- L 
P <- cor(Sigma)
## Density of its lower triangular entries

Graphical Tool for Visualizing Matrices


Plot of a matrix.


matrix_plot(x, ran = range(x, na.rm = TRUE), ylim = rev(c(0.5, nrow(x) + 0.5)),
            xlab = "Column", ylab = "Row",
            scales = list(alternating = c(1,1), tck = c(1,0),
                          x = list(at = pretty(1:ncol(x)), rot = 90),
                          y = list(at = pretty(1:nrow(x)))),
            at = NULL, colorkey = NULL, col = c("royalblue3", "white", "maroon3"),
            col.regions = NULL, ...)



matrix-like object.


range (can be used to enforce (-1,1), for example).


y-axis limits in reverse order (for the rows to appear 'top down').


x-axis label.


y-axis label.


see levelplot(); if NULL, labels and ticks are omitted.


see levelplot(). If NULL, a useful default is computed based on the given values in x.


see levelplot(). If NULL, a useful default is computed based on at.


vector of length two (if all values of x are non-positive or all are non-negative; note that also a vector of length three is allowed in this case) or three (if x contains negative and positive values) providing the color key's default colors.


see levelplot(). If NULL, a useful default is computed based on at.


additional arguments passed to the underlying levelplot().


Plot of a matrix.


The plot, a Trellis object.


Marius Hofert


## Generate a random correlation matrix
d <- 50
L <- diag(1:d)
L[lower.tri(L)] <- runif(choose(d,2)) # random Cholesky factor
Sigma <- L 
P <- cor(Sigma)

## Default
matrix_plot(P, ran = c(-1, 1)) # within (-1, 1)
matrix_plot(abs(P)) # if nonnegative
L. <- L
diag(L.) <- NA
matrix_plot(L.) # Cholesky factor without diagonal

## Default if nonpositive

## Changing colors
matrix_plot(P, ran = c(-1, 1),
            col.regions = grey(c(seq(0, 1, length.out = 100),
                                 seq(1, 0, length.out = 100))))

## An example with overlaid lines
my_panel <- function(...) {
    panel.abline(h = c(10, 20), v = c(10, 20), lty = 2)
matrix_plot(P, panel = my_panel)

Mean Excess


Sample mean excess function, mean excess function of a GPD and sample mean excess plot.


mean_excess_np(x, omit = 3)
mean_excess_plot(x, omit = 3,
                 xlab = "Threshold", ylab = "Mean excess over threshold", ...)
mean_excess_GPD(x, shape, scale)



numeric vector of evaluation points of the mean excess function of the GPD.


numeric vector of data.


number 1\ge 1 of unique last observations to be omitted from the sorted data (as mean excess plot becomes unreliable for these observations as thresholds).


x-axis label.


y-axis label.


additional arguments passed to the underlying plot().


GPD shape parameter ξ\xi.


GPD scale parameter β\beta.


Mean excess plots can be used in the peaks-over-threshold method for choosing a threshold. To this end, one chooses the smallest threshold above which the mean excess plot is roughly linear.


mean_excess_np() returns a two-column matrix giving the sorted data without the omit-largest unique values (first column) and the corresponding values of the sample mean excess function (second column). It is mainly used in mean_excess_plot().

mean_excess_plot() returns invisible().

mean_excess_GPD() returns the mean excess function of a generalized Pareto distribution evaluated at x.


Marius Hofert


## Generate losses to work with
X <- rt(1000, df = 3.5) # in MDA(H_{1/df}); see MFE (2015, Section 16.1.1)

## (Sample) mean excess plot and threshold choice
mean_excess_plot(X[X > 0]) # we only use positive values here to see 'more'
## => Any value in [0.8, 2] seems reasonable as threshold at first sight
##    but 0.8 to 1 turns out to be too small for the degrees of
##    freedom implied by the GPD estimator to be close to the true value 3.5.
## => We go with threshold 1.5 here.
u <- 1.5 # thresholds

## An alternative way
ME <- mean_excess_np(X[X > 0])
plot(ME, xlab = "Threshold", ylab = "Mean excess over threshold")

## Mean excess plot with mean excess function of the fitted GPD
fit <- fit_GPD_MLE(X[X > u] - u)
q <- seq(u, ME[nrow(ME),"x"], length.out = 129)
MEF.GPD <- mean_excess_GPD(q-u, shape = fit$par[["shape"]], scale = fit$par[["scale"]])
mean_excess_plot(X[X > 0]) # mean excess plot for positive losses...
lines(q, MEF.GPD, col = "royalblue", lwd = 1.4) # ... with mean excess function of the fitted GPD

Graphical Tool for Visualizing NAs in a Data Set


Plot NAs in a data set.


NA_plot(x, col = c("black", "white"), xlab = "Time", ylab = "Component",
        text = "Black: NA; White: Available data",
        side = 4, line = 1, adj = 0, ...)



matrix (ideally an xts object).


bivariate vector containing the colors for missing and available data, respectively.


x-axis label.


y-axis label.


see mtext(). The text = "", it is omitted.


see mtext().


see mtext().


see mtext().


additional arguments passed to the underlying image().


Indicate NAs in a data set.




Marius Hofert


## Generate data
n <- 1000 # sample size
d <- 100 # dimension
set.seed(271) # set seed
x <- matrix(runif(n*d), ncol = d) # generate data

## Assign missing data
k <- ceiling(d/4) # fraction of columns with some NAs
j <- sample(1:d, size = k) # columns j with NAs
i <- sample(1:n, size = k) # 1:i will be NA in each column j
X <- x
for(k. in seq_len(k)) X[1:i[k.], j[k.]] <- NA # put in NAs

## Plot NAs
NA_plot(X) # indicate NAs

P-P and Q-Q Plots


Probability-probability plots and quantile-quantile plots.


pp_plot(x, FUN, pch = 20, xlab = "Theoretical probabilities",
        ylab = "Sample probabilities", ...)
qq_plot(x, FUN = qnorm, method = c("theoretical", "empirical"),
        pch = 20, do.qqline = TRUE, qqline.args = NULL,
        xlab = "Theoretical quantiles", ylab = "Sample quantiles",



data vector.


function. For


The distribution function (vectorized).


The quantile function (vectorized).


plot symbol.


x-axis label.


y-axis label.


logical indicating whether a Q-Q line is plotted.


method used to construct the Q-Q line. If "theoretical", the theoretically true line with intercept 0 and slope 1 is displayed; if "empirical", the intercept and slope are determined with qqline(). The former helps deciding whether x comes from the distribution specified by FUN exactly, the latter whether x comes from a location-scale transformed distribution specified by FUN.


list containing additional arguments passed to the underlying abline() functions. Defaults to list(a = 0, b = 1) if method = "theoretical" and list() if method = "empirical".


additional arguments passed to the underlying plot().


Note that Q-Q plots are more widely used than P-P plots (as they highlight deviations in the tails more clearly).




Marius Hofert


## Generate data
n <- 1000
mu <- 1
sig <- 3
nu <- 3.5
set.seed(271) # set seed
x <- mu + sig * sqrt((nu-2)/nu) * rt(n, df = nu) # sample from t_nu(mu, sig^2)

## P-P plot
pF <- function(q) pt((q - mu) / (sig * sqrt((nu-2)/nu)), df = nu)
pp_plot(x, FUN = pF)

## Q-Q plot
qF <- function(p) mu + sig * sqrt((nu-2)/nu) * qt(p, df = nu)
qq_plot(x, FUN = qF)

## A comparison with R's qqplot() and qqline()
qqplot(qF(ppoints(length(x))), x) # the same (except labels)
qqline(x, distribution = qF) # slightly different (since *estimated*)

## Difference of the two methods
z <- rnorm(1000)
## Standardized data
qq_plot(z, FUN = qnorm) # fine
qq_plot(z, FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # fine
## Location-scale transformed data
mu <- 3
sig <- 2
z. <- mu+sig*z
qq_plot(z., FUN = qnorm) # not fine (z. comes from N(mu, sig^2), not N(0,1))
qq_plot(z., FUN = qnorm, method = "empirical") # fine (as intercept and slope are estimated)

Computing Returns and Inverse Transformation


Compute log-returns, simple returns and basic differences (or the inverse operations) from given data.


returns(x, method = c("logarithmic", "simple", "diff"), inverse = FALSE,
returns_qrmtools(x, method = c("logarithmic", "simple", "diff"),
                 inverse = FALSE, start,



matrix or vector (possibly a xts object) to be turned into returns (if inverse = FALSE) or returns to be turned into the original data (if inverse = TRUE).


character string indicating the method to be used (log-returns (logarithmic changes), simple returns (relative changes), or basic differences). Note that this can also be a vector of such methods of length equal to the number of columns of x.


logical indicating whether the inverse transformation (data from given returns) shall be computed (if TRUE, this requires start to be specified).


if inverse = TRUE, the last available value of the time series to be constructed from the given returns x.

character or Date object to be used as the date corresponding to the value start; currently only used for xts objects.


If inverse = FALSE and x is an xts object, the returned object is an xts, too.

Note that the R package timeSeries also contains a function returns() (and hence the order in which timeSeries and qrmtools are loaded matters to get the right returns()). For this reason, returns_qrmtools() is an alias for returns() from qrmtools.


vector or matrix with the same number of columns as x just one row less if inverse = FALSE or one row more if inverse = TRUE.


Marius Hofert


## Generate two paths of a geometric Brownian motion
S0 <- 10 # current stock price S_0
r <- 0.01 # risk-free annual interest rate
sig <- 0.2 # (constant) annual volatility
T <- 2 # maturity in years
N <- 250 # business days per year
t <- 1:(N*T) # time points to be sampled
npath <- 2 # number of paths
set.seed(271) # for reproducibility
S <- replicate(npath, S0 * exp(cumsum(rnorm(N*T, # sample paths of S_t
                                            mean = (r-sig^2/2)/N,
                                            sd = sqrt((sig^2)/N))))) # (N*T, npath)

## Turn into xts objects
sdate <- as.Date("2000-05-02") # start date
S.  <- as.xts(S, = seq(sdate, length.out = N*T, by = "1 week"))
plot(S.[,1], main = "Stock 1")
plot(S.[,2], main = "Stock 2")

### Log-returns ################################################################

## Based on S[,1]
X <- returns(S[,1]) # build log-returns (one element less than S)
Y <- returns(X, inverse = TRUE, start = S[1,1]) # transform back
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S[,1]))

## Based on S
X <- returns(S) # build log-returns (one element less than S)
Y <- returns(X, inverse = TRUE, start = S[1,]) # transform back
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S))

## Based on S.[,1]
X <- returns(S.[,1])
Y <- returns(X, inverse = TRUE, start = S.[1,1], = sdate)
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S.[,1], check.attributes = FALSE))

## Based on S.
X <- returns(S.)
Y <- returns(X, inverse = TRUE, start = S.[1], = sdate)
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S., check.attributes = FALSE))

## Sign-adjusted (negative) log-returns
X <- -returns(S) # build -log-returns
Y <- returns(-X, inverse = TRUE, start = S[1,]) # transform back
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S))

### Simple returns #############################################################

## Simple returns based on S
X <- returns(S, method = "simple")
Y <- returns(X, method = "simple", inverse = TRUE, start = S[1,])
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S))

## Simple returns based on S.
X <- returns(S., method = "simple")
Y <- returns(X, method = "simple", inverse = TRUE, start = S.[1,],
    = sdate)
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S., check.attributes = FALSE))

## Sign-adjusted (negative) simple returns
X <- -returns(S, method = "simple")
Y <- returns(-X, method = "simple", inverse = TRUE, start = S[1,])
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S))

### Basic differences ##########################################################

## Basic differences based on S
X <- returns(S, method = "diff")
Y <- returns(X, method = "diff", inverse = TRUE, start = S[1,])
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S))

## Basic differences based on S.
X <- returns(S., method = "diff")
Y <- returns(X, method = "diff", inverse = TRUE, start = S.[1,],
    = sdate)
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S., check.attributes = FALSE))

## Sign-adjusted (negative) basic differences
X <- -returns(S, method = "diff")
Y <- returns(-X, method = "diff", inverse = TRUE, start = S[1,])
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S))

### Vector-case of 'method' ####################################################

X <- returns(S., method = c("logarithmic", "diff"))
Y <- returns(X, method = c("logarithmic", "diff"), inverse = TRUE, start = S.[1,],
    = sdate)
stopifnot(all.equal(Y, S., check.attributes = FALSE))

Risk Measures


Computing risk measures.


## Value-at-risk
VaR_np(x, level, names = FALSE, type = 1, ...)
VaR_t(level, loc = 0, scale = 1, df = Inf)
VaR_t01(level, df = Inf)
VaR_GPD(level, shape, scale)
VaR_Par(level, shape, scale = 1)
VaR_GPDtail(level, threshold, p.exceed, shape, scale)

## Expected shortfall
ES_np(x, level, method = c(">", ">="), verbose = FALSE, ...)
ES_t(level, loc = 0, scale = 1, df = Inf)
ES_t01(level, df = Inf)
ES_GPD(level, shape, scale)
ES_Par(level, shape, scale = 1)
ES_GPDtail(level, threshold, p.exceed, shape, scale)

## Range value-at-risk
RVaR_np(x, level, ...)

## Multivariate geometric value-at-risk and expectiles
gVaR(x, level, start = colMeans(x),
     method = if(length(level) == 1) "Brent" else "Nelder-Mead", ...)
gEX(x, level, start = colMeans(x),
    method = if(length(level) == 1) "Brent" else "Nelder-Mead", ...)


gVaR(), gEX():

matrix of (rowwise) multivariate losses.

VaR_np(), ES_np(), RVaR_np():

if x is a matrix then rowSums() is applied first (so value-at-risk and expected shortfall of the sum is computed).


vector of losses.


vector of length 1 or 2 giving the lower and upper confidence level; if of length 1, it is interpreted as the lower confidence level and the upper one is taken to be 1.

gVaR(), gEX():

vector or matrix of (rowwise) confidence levels α\alpha (all in [0,1][0,1]).


confidence level α[0,1]\alpha\in[0,1].


see ?quantile.


see ?quantile.


location parameter μ\mu.

VaR_GPD(), ES_GPD():

GPD shape parameter ξ\xi, a real number.

VaR_Par(), ES_Par():

Pareto shape parameter θ\theta, a positive number.

VaR_t(), ES_t():

tt scale parameter σ\sigma, a positive number.

VaR_GPD(), ES_GPD():

GPD scale parameter β\beta, a positive number.

VaR_Par(), ES_Par():

Pareto scale parameter κ\kappa, a positive number.


degrees of freedom, a positive number; choose df = Inf for the normal distribution. For the standardized tt distributions, df has to be greater than 2.


threhold uu (used to estimate the exceedance probability based on the data x).


exceedance probability; typically mean(x > threshold) for x being the data modeled with the peaks-over-threshold (POT) method.


vector of initial values for the underlying optim().


character string indicating the method for computing expected shortfall.

gVaR(), gEX():

the optimization method passed to the underlying optim().


logical indicating whether verbose output is given (in case the mean is computed over (too) few observations).


additional arguments passed to the underlying quantile().

ES_np(), RVaR_np():

additional arguments passed to the underlying VaR_np().

gVaR(), gEX():

additional arguments passed to the underlying optim().


The distribution function of the Pareto distribution is given by

F(x)=1(κ/(κ+x))θ, x0,F(x) = 1-(\kappa/(\kappa+x))^{\theta},\ x\ge 0,

where θ>0\theta > 0, κ>0\kappa > 0.


VaR_np(), ES_np(), RVaR_np() estimate value-at-risk, expected shortfall and range value-at-risk non-parametrically. For expected shortfall, if method = ">=" (method = ">", the default), losses greater than or equal to (strictly greater than) the nonparametric value-at-risk estimate are averaged; in the former case, there might be no such loss, in which case NaN is returned. For range value-at-risk, losses greater than the nonparametric VaR estimate at level level[1] and less than or equal to the nonparametric VaR estimate at level level[2] are averaged.

VaR_t(), ES_t() compute value-at-risk and expected shortfall for the tt (or normal) distribution. VaR_t01(), ES_t01() compute value-at-risk and expected shortfall for the standardized tt (or normal) distribution, so scaled tt distributions to have mean 0 and variance 1; note that they require a degrees of freedom parameter greater than 2.

VaR_GPD(), ES_GPD() compute value-at-risk and expected shortfall for the generalized Pareto distribution (GPD).

VaR_Par(), ES_Par() compute value-at-risk and expected shortfall for the Pareto distribution.

gVaR(), gEX() compute the multivariate geometric value-at-risk and expectiles suggested by Chaudhuri (1996) and Herrmann et al. (2018), respectively.


Marius Hofert


McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Chaudhuri, P. (1996). On a geometric notion of quantiles for multivariate data. Journal of the American Statistical Assosiation 91(434), 862–872.

Herrmann, K., Hofert, M. and Mailhot, M. (2018). Multivariate geometric expectiles. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal, 2018(7), 629–659.


### 1 Univariate measures ######################################################

## Generate some losses and (non-parametrically) estimate VaR_alpha and ES_alpha
L <- rlnorm(1000, meanlog = -1, sdlog = 2) # L ~ LN(mu, sig^2)
## Note: - meanlog = mean(log(L)) = mu, sdlog = sd(log(L)) = sig
##       - E(L) = exp(mu + (sig^2)/2), var(L) = (exp(sig^2)-1)*exp(2*mu + sig^2)
##         To obtain a sample with E(L) = a and var(L) = b, use:
##         mu = log(a)-log(1+b/a^2)/2 and sig = sqrt(log(1+b/a^2))
VaR_np(L, level = 0.99)
ES_np(L,  level = 0.99)

## Example 2.16 in McNeil, Frey, Embrechts (2015)
V <- 10000 # value of the portfolio today
sig <- 0.2/sqrt(250) # daily volatility (annualized volatility of 20%)
nu <- 4 # degrees of freedom for the t distribution
alpha <- seq(0.001, 0.999, length.out = 256) # confidence levels
VaRnorm <- VaR_t(alpha, scale = V*sig, df = Inf)
VaRt4 <- VaR_t(alpha, scale = V*sig*sqrt((nu-2)/nu), df = nu)
ESnorm <- ES_t(alpha, scale = V*sig, df = Inf)
ESt4 <- ES_t(alpha, scale = V*sig*sqrt((nu-2)/nu), df = nu)
ran <- range(VaRnorm, VaRt4, ESnorm, ESt4)
plot(alpha, VaRnorm, type = "l", ylim = ran, xlab = expression(alpha), ylab = "")
lines(alpha, VaRt4, col = "royalblue3")
lines(alpha, ESnorm, col = "darkorange2")
lines(alpha, ESt4, col = "maroon3")
legend("bottomright", bty = "n", lty = rep(1,4), col = c("black",
       "royalblue3", "darkorange3", "maroon3"),
       legend = c(expression(VaR[alpha]~~"for normal model"),
                  expression(VaR[alpha]~~"for "*t[4]*" model"),
                  expression(ES[alpha]~~"for normal model"),
                  expression(ES[alpha]~~"for "*t[4]*" model")))

### 2 Multivariate measures ####################################################

## Setup
n <- 1e4 # MC sample size
nu <- 3 # degrees of freedom
th <- iTau(tCopula(df = nu), tau = 0.5) # correlation parameter
cop <- tCopula(param = th, df = nu) # t copula
set.seed(271) # for reproducibility
U <- rCopula(n, cop = cop) # copula sample
theta <- c(2.5, 4) # marginal Pareto parameters
stopifnot(theta > 2) # need finite 2nd moments
X <- sapply(1:2, function(j) qPar(U[,j], shape = theta[j])) # generate X
N <- 17 # number of angles (rather small here because of run time)
phi <- seq(0, 2*pi, length.out = N) # angles
r <- 0.98 # radius
alpha <- r * cbind(alpha1 = cos(phi), alpha2 = sin(phi)) # vector of confidence levels

## Compute geometric value-at-risk
system.time(res <- gVaR(X, level = alpha))
gvar <- t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(alpha)), function(i) {
    x <- res[[i]]
    if(x[["convergence"]] != 0) # 0 = 'converged'
        warning("No convergence for alpha = (", alpha[i,1], ", ", alpha[i,2],
                ") (row ", i, ")")
})) # (N, 2)-matrix

## Compute geometric expectiles
system.time(res <- gEX(X, level = alpha))
gex <- t(sapply(seq_len(nrow(alpha)), function(i) {
    x <- res[[i]]
    if(x[["convergence"]] != 0) # 0 = 'converged'
        warning("No convergence for alpha = (", alpha[i,1], ", ", alpha[i,2],
                ") (row ", i, ")")
})) # (N, 2)-matrix

## Plot geometric VaR and geometric expectiles
plot(gvar, type = "b", xlab = "Component 1 of geometric VaRs and expectiles",
     ylab = "Component 2 of geometric VaRs and expectiles",
     main = "Multivariate geometric VaRs and expectiles")
lines(gex, type = "b", col = "royalblue3")
legend("bottomleft", lty = 1, bty = "n", col = c("black", "royalblue3"),
       legend = c("geom. VaR", "geom. expectile"))
lab <- substitute("MC sample size n ="~n.*","~t[nu.]~"copula with Par("*th1*
                  ") and Par("*th2*") margins",
                  list(n. = n, nu. = nu, th1 = theta[1], th2 = theta[2]))
mtext(lab, side = 4, line = 1, adj = 0)

Plot of Step Functions, Empirical Distribution and Quantile Functions


Plotting step functions, empirical distribution functions and empirical quantile functions.


step_plot(x, y, y0 = NA, x0 = NA, x1 = NA, method = c("edf", "eqf"), log = "",
          verticals = NA, do.points = NA, add = FALSE,
          col = par("col"), main = "", xlab = "x", ylab = "Function value at x",
          plot.args = NULL, segments.args = NULL, points.args = NULL)
edf_plot(x, y0 = 0, x0 = NA, x1 = NA, log = "",
         verticals = NA, do.points = NA, col = par("col"),
         main = "", xlab = "x", ylab = "Distribution function at x", ...)
eqf_plot(x, y0 = NA, x0 = 0, x1 = 1, log = "",
         verticals = NA, do.points = NA, col = par("col"),
         main = "", xlab = "x", ylab = "Quantile function at x", ...)



numeric vector of x-values.


numeric vector or a list of numeric vectors; if a list, each element corresponds to the x-values of an empirical distribution function.


similar to edf_plot().


y-values corresponding to x.


y-value of the graph extending to the left of the first x-value.


smallest x-value.


largest x-value.


character string indicating the type of method to be used ("edf" for empricial distribution function types of plots and "eqf" for empirical quantile function types).


character indicating whether a logarithmic x-axis is used.


logical indicating whether to plot vertical lines (defaults to TRUE if and only if there are 100 or more data points).


logical (vector) indicating whether points are to be plotted (defaults to TRUE if and only if there are less than 100 data points).


logical indicating whether the current plot is added to the last one.


color (for edf_plot() this can be a vector).




x-axis label.


y-axis label.


list of additional arguments passed to the underlying plot().


list of additional arguments passed to the underlying segments().


list of additional arguments passed to the underlying points().


additional arguments passed to the underlying step_plot().


Nothing (plot by side-effect).


Marius Hofert


x <- c(5, 2, 4, 2, 3, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2) # example data
edf_plot(x) # empirical distribution function (edf)
edf_plot(x, log = "x")
edf_plot(x, verticals = TRUE)
edf_plot(x, do.points = FALSE)
cols <- c("black", "royalblue3")
edf_plot(list(x, x+2), col = cols) # edf with shifted edf
edf_plot(list(x, x+2), col = cols, x0 = 0.5, x1 = 7.5)
edf_plot(list(x, x+2), col = cols, x0 = 0.5, x1 = 7.5, verticals = TRUE)
eqf_plot(x) # empirical quantile function
eqf_plot(x, verticals = TRUE)

Plot of an Empirical Surival Function with Smith Estimator


Plot an empirical tail survival function, possibly overlaid with the Smith estimator.


tail_plot(x, threshold, shape = NULL, scale = NULL,
          q = NULL, length.out = 129, lines.args = list(),
          log = "xy", xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL,
          xlab = "x", ylab = "Tail probability at x", ...)



numeric vector of data.


numeric(1) giving the threshold uu above which the tail (starts and) is to be plotted.


NULL or the GPD shape parameter ξ\xi (typically obtained via fit_GPD_MLE()).


NULL or the GPD shape parameter β\beta (typically obtained via fit_GPD_MLE()).


NULL, numeric(1) or numeric vector of evaluationn points of the Smith estimator (semi-parametric GPD-based tail estimator in the POT method). If NULL, the evaluation points are determined internally as an equidistant sequence of length length.out between the smallest and largest exceedance (taken equidistant in log-scale if log contains "x"). If numeric(1), then the behavior is similar to NULL with the exception that the plot is extended to the right of the largest exceedance if q is larger than the largest exceedance.


length of q.


list of arguments passed to the underlying lines().


character indicating whether logarithmic axes are to be used.


x-axis limits.


y-axis limits.


x-axis label.


y-axis label.


additional arguments passed to the underlying plot().


If both shape and scale are provided, tail_plot() overlays the empirical tail survival function estimator (evaluated at the exceedances) with the corresponding GPD. In this case, tail_plot() invisibly returns a list with two two-column matrices, one containing the x-values and y-values of the empirical survival distribution estimator and one containing the x-values and y-values of the Smith estimator. If shape or scale are NULL, tail_plot() invisibly returns a two-column matrix with the x-values and y-values of the empirical survival distribution estimator.


Marius Hofert


## Generate losses to work with
X <- rt(1000, df = 3.5) # in MDA(H_{1/df}); see MFE (2015, Section 16.1.1)

## Threshold (see ?dGPDtail, for example)
u <- 1.5 # threshold

## Plots of empirical survival distribution functions (overlaid with Smith estimator)
tail_plot(X, threshold = u, log = "", type = "b") # => need log-scale
tail_plot(X, threshold = u, type = "s") # as a step function
fit <- fit_GPD_MLE(X[X > u] - u) # fit GPD to excesses (POT method)
tail_plot(X, threshold = u, # without log-scale
          shape = fit$par[["shape"]], scale = fit$par[["scale"]], log = "")
tail_plot(X, threshold = u, # highlights linearity
          shape = fit$par[["shape"]], scale = fit$par[["scale"]])

Formal Tests of Multivariate Normality


Compute formal tests based on the Mahalanobis distances and Mahalanobis angles of multivariate normality (including Mardia's kurtosis test and Mardia's skewness test).


maha2_test(x, type = c("ad.test", "ks.test"), dist = c("chi2", "beta"), ...)
mardia_test(x, type = c("kurtosis", "skewness"), method = c("direct", "chol"))



(n, d)-matrix of data.


character string indicating the type of test:


Anderson-Darling test as computed by the underlying ad.test().


Kolmogorov-Smirnov test as computed by the underlying ks.test().


Mardia's kurtosis test (based on Mahalanobis distances).


Mardia's skewness test (based on Mahalanobis angles).


distribution to check against.


method for computing the Mahalanobis angles.


additional arguments passed to the underlying ad.test() or ks.test().


An htest object (for maha2_test the one returned by the underlying ad.test() or ks.test()).


Marius Hofert


U <- matrix(runif(3 * 200), ncol = 3)
X <- cbind(qexp(U[,1]), qnorm(U[,2:3]))
maha2_test(X) # at the 'edge' of rejecting
maha2_test(X, type = "ks.test") # at the 'edge', too
mardia_test(X) # clearly rejects at 5%
mardia_test(X, type = "skewness") # clearly rejects at 5%

“Analytical” Best and Worst Value-at-Risk for Given Marginals


Compute the best and worst Value-at-Risk (VaR) for given marginal distributions with an “analytical” method.


## ``Analytical'' methods
crude_VaR_bounds(level, qF, d = NULL, ...)
VaR_bounds_hom(level, d, method = c("Wang", "Wang.Par", "dual"),
               interval = NULL, tol = NULL, ...)
dual_bound(s, d, pF, tol = .Machine$double.eps^0.25, ...)



confidence level α\alpha for VaR and ES (e.g., 0.99).


d-list containing the marginal quantile functions. In the homogeneous case, qF can also be a single function.


dimension (number of risk factors; 2\ge 2). For crude_VaR_bounds(), d only needs to be given in the homogeneous case in which qF is a function.


character string. method = "Wang" and method = "Wang.Par" apply the approach of McNeil et al. (2015, Proposition 8.32) for computing best (i.e., smallest) and worst (i.e., largest) VaR. The latter method assumes Pareto margins and thus does not require numerical integration. method = "dual" applies the dual bound approach as in Embrechts et al. (2013, Proposition 4) for computing worst VaR (no value for the best VaR can be obtained with this approach and thus NA is returned for the best VaR).


initial interval (a numeric(2)) for computing worst VaR. If not provided, these are the defaults chosen:

method = "Wang":

initial interval is [0,(1α)/d][0,(1-\alpha)/d].

method = "Wang.Par":

initial interval is [cl,cu][c_l,c_u], where clc_l and cuc_u are chosen as in Hofert et al. (2015).

method = "dual":

in this case, no good defaults are known. Note that the lower endpoint of the initial interval has to be sufficiently large in order for the the inner root-finding algorithm to find a root; see Details.


tolerance for uniroot() for computing worst VaR. This defaults (for tol = NULL) to 2.220410162.2204*10^{-16} for method = "Wang" or method = "Wang.Par" (where a smaller tolerance is crucial) and to uniroot()'s default .Machine$double.eps^0.25 otherwise. Note that for method = "dual", tol is used for both the outer and the inner root-finding procedure.


dual bound evaluation point.


marginal loss distribution function (homogeneous case only).


ellipsis argument passed to (all provided) quantile functions.


case method = "Wang" requires the quantile function qF() to be provided and additional arguments passed via the ellipsis argument are passed on to the underlying integrate(). For method = "Wang.Par" the ellipsis argument must contain the parameter shape (the shape parameter θ>0\theta>0 of the Pareto distribution). For method = "dual", the ellipsis argument must contain the distribution function pF() and the initial interval interval for the outer root finding procedure (not for d = 2); additional arguments are passed on to the underlying integrate() for computing the dual bound D(s)D(s).


ellipsis argument is passed to the underlying integrate().


For d = 2, VaR_bounds_hom() uses the method of Embrechts et al. (2013, Proposition 2). For method = "Wang" and method = "Wang.Par" the method presented in McNeil et al. (2015, Prop. 8.32) is implemented; this goes back to Embrechts et al. (2014, Prop. 3.1; note that the published version of this paper contains typos for both bounds). This requires one uniroot() and, for the generic method = "Wang", one integrate(). The critical part for the generic method = "Wang" is the lower endpoint of the initial interval for uniroot(). If the (marginal) distribution function has finite first moment, this can be taken as 0. However, if it has infinite first moment, the lower endpoint has to be positive (but must lie below the unknown root). Note that the upper endpoint (1α)/d(1-\alpha)/d also happens to be a root and thus one needs a proper initional interval containing the root and being stricticly contained in (0,(1α)/d(0,(1-\alpha)/d. In the case of Pareto margins, Hofert et al. (2015) have derived such an initial (which is used by method = "Wang.Par"). Also note that the chosen smaller default tolerances for uniroot() in case of method = "Wang" and method = "Wang.Par" are crucial for obtaining reliable VaR values; see Hofert et al. (2015).

For method = "dual" for computing worst VaR, the method presented of Embrechts et al. (2013, Proposition 4) is implemented. This requires two (nested) uniroot(), and an integrate(). For the inner root-finding procedure to find a root, the lower endpoint of the provided initial interval has to be “sufficiently large”.

Note that these approaches for computing the VaR bounds in the homogeneous case are numerically non-trivial; see the source code and vignette("VaR_bounds", package = "qrmtools") for more details. As a rule of thumb, use method = "Wang" if you have to (i.e., if the margins are not Pareto) and method = "Wang.Par" if you can (i.e., if the margins are Pareto). It is not recommended to use (the numerically even more challenging) method = "dual".


crude_VaR_bounds() returns crude lower and upper bounds for VaR at confidence level α\alpha for any dd-dimensional model with marginal quantile functions specified by qF.

VaR_bounds_hom() returns the best and worst VaR at confidence level α\alpha for dd risks with equal distribution function specified by the ellipsis ....

dual_bound() returns the value of the dual bound D(s)D(s) as given in Embrechts, Puccetti, Rüschendorf (2013, Eq. (12)).


Marius Hofert


Embrechts, P., Puccetti, G., Rüschendorf, L., Wang, R. and Beleraj, A. (2014). An Academic Response to Basel 3.5. Risks 2(1), 25–48.

Embrechts, P., Puccetti, G. and Rüschendorf, L. (2013). Model uncertainty and VaR aggregation. Journal of Banking & Finance 37, 2750–2764.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Hofert, M., Memartoluie, A., Saunders, D. and Wirjanto, T. (2017). Improved Algorithms for Computing Worst Value-at-Risk. Statistics & Risk Modeling or, for an earlier version,

See Also

RA(), ARA(), ABRA() for empirical solutions in the inhomogeneous case.

vignette("VaR_bounds", package = "qrmtools") for more example calls, numerical challenges encoutered and a comparison of the different methods for computing the worst (i.e., largest) Value-at-Risk.


## See ?rearrange

Worst and Best Value-at-Risk and Best Expected Shortfall for Given Marginals via Rearrangements


Compute the worst and best Value-at-Risk (VaR) and the best expected shortfall (ES) for given marginal distributions via rearrangements.


## Workhorses
## Column rearrangements
rearrange(X, tol = 0, tol.type = c("relative", "absolute"),
          n.lookback = ncol(X), max.ra = Inf,
          method = c("worst.VaR", "best.VaR", "best.ES"),
	  sample = TRUE, is.sorted = FALSE, trace = FALSE, ...)
## Block rearrangements
block_rearrange(X, tol = 0, tol.type = c("absolute", "relative"),
                n.lookback = ncol(X), max.ra = Inf,
                method = c("worst.VaR", "best.VaR", "best.ES"),
                sample = TRUE, trace = FALSE, ...)

## User interfaces
## Rearrangement Algorithm
RA(level, qF, N, abstol = 0, n.lookback = length(qF), max.ra = Inf,
   method = c("worst.VaR", "best.VaR", "best.ES"), sample = TRUE)
## Adaptive Rearrangement Algorithm
ARA(level, qF, N.exp = seq(8, 19, by = 1), reltol = c(0, 0.01),
    n.lookback = length(qF), max.ra = 10*length(qF),
    method = c("worst.VaR", "best.VaR", "best.ES"),
    sample = TRUE)
## Adaptive Block Rearrangement Algorithm
ABRA(level, qF, N.exp = seq(8, 19, by = 1), absreltol = c(0, 0.01),
     n.lookback = NULL, max.ra = Inf,
     method = c("worst.VaR", "best.VaR", "best.ES"),
     sample = TRUE)



(N, d)-matrix of quantiles (to be rearranged). If is.sorted it is assumed that the columns of X are sorted in increasing order.


(absolute or relative) tolerance to determine (the individual) convergence. This should normally be a number greater than or equal to 0, but rearrange() also allows for tol = NULL which means that columns are rearranged until each column is oppositely ordered to the sum of all other columns.


character string indicating the type of convergence tolerance function to be used ("relative" for relative tolerance and "absolute" for absolute tolerance).


number of rearrangements to look back for deciding about numerical convergence. Use this option with care.


maximal number of (considered) column rearrangements of the underlying matrix of quantiles (can be set to Inf).


character string indicating whether bounds for the worst/best VaR or the best ES should be computed. These bounds are termed sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N in the literature (and below) and are theoretically not guaranteed bounds of worst/best VaR or best ES; however, they are treated as such in practice and are typically in line with results from VaR_bounds_hom() in the homogeneous case, for example.


logical indicating whether each column of the two underlying matrices of quantiles (see Step 3 of the Rearrangement Algorithm in Embrechts et al. (2013)) are randomly permuted before the rearrangements begin. This typically has quite a positive effect on run time (as most of the time is spent (oppositely) ordering columns (for rearrange()) or blocks (for block_rearrange())).


logical indicating whether the columns of X are sorted in increasing order.


logical indicating whether the underlying matrix is printed after each rearrangement step. See vignette("VaR_bounds", package = "qrmtools") for how to interpret the output.


confidence level α\alpha for VaR and ES (e.g., 0.99).


d-list containing the marginal quantile functions.


number of discretization points.


absolute convergence tolerance ϵ\epsilon to determine the individual convergence, i.e., the change in the computed minimal row sums (for method = "worst.VaR") or maximal row sums (for method = "best.VaR") or expected shortfalls (for method = "best.ES") for the lower bound sN\underline{s}_N and the upper bound sN\overline{s}_N. abstol is typically 0\ge0; it can also be NULL, see tol above.


exponents of the number of discretization points (a vector) over which the algorithm iterates to find the smallest number of discretization points for which the desired accuracy (specified by abstol and reltol) is attained; for each number of discretization points, at most max.ra-many column rearrangements are of the underlying matrix of quantiles are considered.


vector of length two containing the individual (first component; used to determine convergence of the minimal row sums (for method = "worst.VaR") or maximal row sums (for method = "best.VaR") or expected shortfalls (for method = "best.ES") for sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N) and the joint (second component; relative tolerance between the computed sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N with respect to sN\overline{s}_N) relative convergence tolerances. reltol can also be of length one in which case it denotes the joint relative tolerance; the individual relative tolerance is taken as NULL (see tol above) in this case.


vector of length two containing the individual (first component; used to determine convergence of the minimal row sums (for method = "worst.VaR") or maximal row sums (for method = "best.VaR") or expected shortfalls (for method = "best.ES") for sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N) absolute and the joint (second component; relative tolerance between the computed sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N with respect to sN\overline{s}_N) relative convergence tolerances. absreltol can also be of length one in which case it denotes the joint relative tolerance; the individual absolute tolerance is taken as 0 in this case.


additional arguments passed to the underlying optimization function. Currently, this is only used if method = "best.ES" in which case the required confidence level α\alpha must be provided as argument level.


rearrange() is an auxiliary function (workhorse). It is called by RA() and ARA(). After a column rearrangement of X, the tolerance between the minimal row sum (for the worst VaR) or maximal row sum (for the best VaR) or expected shortfall (obtained from the row sums; for the best ES) after this rearrangement and the one of n.lookbackn.lookback rearrangement steps before is computed and convergence determined. For performance reasons, no input checking is done for rearrange() and it can change in future versions to (futher) improve run time. Overall it should only be used by experts.

block_rearrange(), the workhorse underlying ABRA(), is similar to rearrange() in that it checks whether convergence has occurred after every rearrangement by comparing the change to the row sum variance from n.lookback rearrangement steps back. block_rearrange() differs from rearrange in the following ways. First, instead of single columns, whole (randomly chosen) blocks (two at a time) are chosen and oppositely ordered. Since some of the ideas for improving the speed of rearrange() do not carry over to block_rearrange(), the latter should in general not be as fast as the former. Second, instead of using minimal or maximal row sums or expected shortfall to determine numerical convergence, block_rearrange() uses the variance of the vector of row sums to determine numerical convergence. By default, it targets a variance of 0 (which is also why the default tol.type is "absolute").

For the Rearrangement Algorithm RA(), convergence of sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N is determined if the minimal row sum (for the worst VaR) or maximal row sum (for the best VaR) or expected shortfall (obtained from the row sums; for the best ES) satisfies the specified abstol (so ϵ\le\epsilon) after at most max.ra-many column rearrangements. This is different from Embrechts et al. (2013) who use <ϵ<\epsilon and only check for convergence after an iteration through all columns of the underlying matrix of quantiles has been completed.

For the Adaptive Rearrangement Algorithm ARA() and the Adaptive Block Rearrangement Algorithm ABRA(), convergence of sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N is determined if, after at most max.ra-many column rearrangements, the (the individual relative tolerance) reltol[1] is satisfied and the relative (joint) tolerance between both bounds is at most reltol[2].

Note that RA(), ARA() and ABRA() need to evalute the 0-quantile (for the lower bound for the best VaR) and the 1-quantile (for the upper bound for the worst VaR). As the algorithms, due to performance reasons, can only handle finite values, the 0-quantile and the 1-quantile need to be adjusted if infinite. Instead of the 0-quantile, the α/(2N)\alpha/(2N)-quantile is computed and instead of the 1-quantile the α+(1α)(11/(2N))\alpha+(1-\alpha)(1-1/(2N))-quantile is computed for such margins (if the 0-quantile or the 1-quantile is finite, no adjustment is made).

rearrange(), block_rearrange(), RA(), ARA() and ABRA() compute sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N which are, from a practical point of view, treated as bounds for the worst (i.e., largest) or the best (i.e., smallest) VaR or the best (i.e., smallest ES), but which are not known to be such bounds from a theoretical point of view; see also above. Calling them “bounds” for worst/best VaR or best ES is thus theoretically not correct (unless proven) but “practical”. The literature thus speaks of (sN,sN)(\underline{s}_N, \overline{s}_N) as the rearrangement gap.


rearrange() and block_rearrange() return a list containing


computed sN\underline{s}_N or sN\overline{s}_N.


reached tolerance (i.e., the (absolute or relative) change of the minimal row sum (for method = "worst.VaR") or maximal row sum (for method = "best.VaR") or expected shortfall (for method = "best.ES") after the last rearrangement).


logical indicating whether the desired (absolute or relative) tolerance tol has been reached.


vector containing the computed optima (minima for method = "worst.VaR"; maxima for method = "best.VaR"; expected shortfalls for method = "best.ES") for the row sums after each (considered) rearrangement.


(N, d)-matrix containing the rearranged X.


vector containing the row of X.rearranged which leads to the final optimal sum. If there is more than one such row, the columnwise averaged row is returned.

RA() returns a list containing


bivariate vector containing the computed sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N (the so-called rearrangement range) which are typically treated as bounds for worst/best VaR or best ES; see also above.

reached relative tolerance (also known as relative rearrangement gap) between sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N computed with respect to sN\overline{s}_N.


bivariate vector containing the reached individual absolute tolerances (i.e., the absolute change of the minimal row sums (for method = "worst.VaR") or maximal row sums (for method = "best.VaR") or expected shortfalls (for mehtod = "best.ES") for computing sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N; see also tol returned by rearrange() above).


bivariate logical vector indicating convergence of the computed sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N (i.e., whether the desired tolerances were reached).


bivariate vector containing the number of column rearrangments of the underlying matrices of quantiles for sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N.


list of length two containing the computed optima (minima for method = "worst.VaR"; maxima for method = "best.VaR"; expected shortfalls for method = "best.ES") for the row sums after each (considered) column rearrangement for the computed sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N; see also rearrange().


initially constructed (N, d)-matrices of quantiles for computing sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N.


rearranged matrices X for sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N.


rows corresponding to optimal row sum (see X.rearranged.opt.row as returned by rearrange()) for sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N.

ARA() and ABRA() return a list containing


see RA().

see RA().


trivariate vector containing the reached individual (relative for ARA(); absolute for ABRA()) tolerances and the reached joint relative tolerance (computed with respect to sN\overline{s}_N).


trivariate logical vector indicating individual convergence of the computed sN\underline{s}_N (first entry) and sN\overline{s}_N (second entry) and indicating joint convergence of the two bounds according to the attained joint relative tolerance (third entry).


actual N used for computing the (final) sN\underline{s}_N and sN\overline{s}_N.


see RA(); computed for N.used.


see RA(); computed for N.used.


see RA(); computed for N.used.


see RA(); computed for N.used.


see RA(); computed for N.used.


Marius Hofert


Embrechts, P., Puccetti, G., Rüschendorf, L., Wang, R. and Beleraj, A. (2014). An Academic Response to Basel 3.5. Risks 2(1), 25–48.

Embrechts, P., Puccetti, G. and Rüschendorf, L. (2013). Model uncertainty and VaR aggregation. Journal of Banking & Finance 37, 2750–2764.

McNeil, A. J., Frey, R. and Embrechts, P. (2015). Quantitative Risk Management: Concepts, Techniques, Tools. Princeton University Press.

Hofert, M., Memartoluie, A., Saunders, D. and Wirjanto, T. (2017). Improved Algorithms for Computing Worst Value-at-Risk. Statistics & Risk Modeling or, for an earlier version,

Bernard, C., Rüschendorf, L. and Vanduffel, S. (2013). Value-at-Risk bounds with variance constraints. See

Bernard, C. and McLeish, D. (2014). Algorithms for Finding Copulas Minimizing Convex Functions of Sums. See

See Also

VaR_bounds_hom() for an “analytical” approach for computing best and worst Value-at-Risk in the homogeneous casse.

vignette("VaR_bounds", package = "qrmtools") for more example calls, numerical challenges encoutered and a comparison of the different methods for computing the worst (i.e., largest) Value-at-Risk.


### 1 Reproducing selected examples of McNeil et al. (2015; Table 8.1) #########

## Setup
alpha <- 0.95
d <- 8
theta <- 3
qF <- rep(list(function(p) qPar(p, shape = theta)), d)

## Worst VaR
N <- 5e4
system.time(RA.worst.VaR <- RA(alpha, qF = qF, N = N, method = "worst.VaR"))
                    RA.worst.VaR$bounds[["up"]], tol = 1e-4))

## Best VaR
N <- 5e4
system.time( <- RA(alpha, qF = qF, N = N, method = "best.VaR"))$bounds
          $bounds[["up"]], tol = 1e-4))

## Best ES
N <- 5e4 # actually, we need a (much larger) N here (but that's time consuming)
system.time( <- RA(alpha, qF = qF, N = N, method = "best.ES"))$bounds
          $bounds[["up"]], tol = 5e-1))

### 2 More Pareto examples (d = 2, d = 8; hom./inhom. case; explicit/RA/ARA) ###

alpha <- 0.99 # VaR confidence level
th <- 2 # Pareto parameter theta
qF <- function(p, theta = th) qPar(p, shape = theta) # Pareto quantile function
pF <- function(q, theta = th) pPar(q, shape = theta) # Pareto distribution function

### 2.1 The case d = 2 #########################################################

d <- 2 # dimension

## ``Analytical''
VaRbounds <- VaR_bounds_hom(alpha, d = d, qF = qF) # (best VaR, worst VaR)

## Adaptive Rearrangement Algorithm (ARA)
set.seed(271) # set seed (for reproducibility)
ARAbest  <- ARA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), method = "best.VaR")
ARAworst <- ARA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d))

## Rearrangement Algorithm (RA) with N as in ARA()
RAbest  <- RA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), N = ARAbest$N.used, method = "best.VaR")
RAworst <- RA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), N = ARAworst$N.used)

## Compare
stopifnot(all.equal(c(ARAbest$bounds[1], ARAbest$bounds[2],
                       RAbest$bounds[1],  RAbest$bounds[2]),
                    rep(VaRbounds[1], 4), tolerance = 0.004, check.names = FALSE))
stopifnot(all.equal(c(ARAworst$bounds[1], ARAworst$bounds[2],
                       RAworst$bounds[1],  RAworst$bounds[2]),
                    rep(VaRbounds[2], 4), tolerance = 0.003, check.names = FALSE))

### 2.2 The case d = 8 #########################################################

d <- 8 # dimension

## ``Analytical''
I <- crude_VaR_bounds(alpha, qF = qF, d = d) # crude bound
VaR.W     <- VaR_bounds_hom(alpha, d = d, method = "Wang", qF = qF)
VaR.W.Par <- VaR_bounds_hom(alpha, d = d, method = "Wang.Par", shape = th)
VaR.dual  <- VaR_bounds_hom(alpha, d = d, method = "dual", interval = I, pF = pF)

## Adaptive Rearrangement Algorithm (ARA) (with different relative tolerances)
set.seed(271) # set seed (for reproducibility)
ARAbest  <- ARA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), reltol = c(0.001, 0.01), method = "best.VaR")
ARAworst <- ARA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), reltol = c(0.001, 0.01))

## Rearrangement Algorithm (RA) with N as in ARA and abstol (roughly) chosen as in ARA
RAbest  <- RA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), N = ARAbest$N.used,
              abstol = mean(tail(abs(diff(ARAbest$opt.row.sums$low)), n = 1),
                            tail(abs(diff(ARAbest$opt.row.sums$up)), n = 1)),
              method = "best.VaR")
RAworst <- RA(alpha, qF = rep(list(qF), d), N = ARAworst$N.used,
              abstol = mean(tail(abs(diff(ARAworst$opt.row.sums$low)), n = 1),
                            tail(abs(diff(ARAworst$opt.row.sums$up)), n = 1)))

## Compare
stopifnot(all.equal(c(VaR.W[1], ARAbest$bounds, RAbest$bounds),
                    rep(VaR.W.Par[1],5), tolerance = 0.004, check.names = FALSE))
stopifnot(all.equal(c(VaR.W[2], VaR.dual[2], ARAworst$bounds, RAworst$bounds),
                    rep(VaR.W.Par[2],6), tolerance = 0.003, check.names = FALSE))

## Using (some of) the additional results computed by (A)RA()
xlim <- c(1, max(sapply(RAworst$opt.row.sums, length)))
ylim <- range(RAworst$opt.row.sums)
plot(RAworst$opt.row.sums[[2]], type = "l", xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
     xlab = "Number or rearranged columns",
     ylab = paste0("Minimal row sum per rearranged column"),
     main = substitute("Worst VaR minimal row sums ("*alpha==a.*","~d==d.*" and Par("*
                       th.*"))", list(a. = alpha, d. = d, th. = th)))
lines(1:length(RAworst$opt.row.sums[[1]]), RAworst$opt.row.sums[[1]], col = "royalblue3")
legend("bottomright", bty = "n", lty = rep(1,2),
       col = c("black", "royalblue3"), legend = c("upper bound", "lower bound"))
## => One should use ARA() instead of RA()

### 3 "Reproducing" examples from Embrechts et al. (2013) ######################

### 3.1 "Reproducing" Table 1 (but seed and eps are unknown) ###################

## Left-hand side of Table 1
N <- 50
d <- 3
qPar <- rep(list(qF), d)
p <- alpha + (1-alpha)*(0:(N-1))/N # for 'worst' (= largest) VaR
X <- sapply(qPar, function(qF) qF(p))
cbind(X, rowSums(X))

## Right-hand side of Table 1
res <- RA(alpha, qF = qPar, N = N)
row.sum <- rowSums(res$X.rearranged$low)
cbind(res$X.rearranged$low, row.sum)[order(row.sum),]

### 3.2 "Reproducing" Table 3 for alpha = 0.99 #################################

## Note: The seed for obtaining the exact results as in Table 3 is unknown
N <- 2e4 # we use a smaller N here to save run time
eps <- 0.1 # absolute tolerance
xi <- c(1.19, 1.17, 1.01, 1.39, 1.23, 1.22, 0.85, 0.98)
beta <- c(774, 254, 233, 412, 107, 243, 314, 124)
qF.lst <- lapply(1:8, function(j){ function(p) qGPD(p, shape = xi[j], scale = beta[j])})
set.seed(271) <- RA(0.99, qF = qF.lst, N = N, abstol = eps, method = "best.VaR")
print(format($bounds, scientific = TRUE), quote = FALSE) # close to first value of 1st row
res.worst <- RA(0.99, qF = qF.lst, N = N, abstol = eps)
print(format(res.worst$bounds, scientific = TRUE), quote = FALSE) # close to last value of 1st row

### 4 Further checks ###########################################################

## Calling the workhorses directly
ra <- rearrange(X)
bra <- block_rearrange(X)
stopifnot(ra$converged, bra$converged,
          all.equal(ra$bound, bra$bound, tolerance = 6e-3))

## Checking ABRA against ARA
ara  <- ARA (alpha, qF = qPar)
abra <- ABRA(alpha, qF = qPar)
stopifnot(ara$converged, abra$converged,
          all.equal(ara$bound[["low"]], abra$bound[["low"]], tolerance = 2e-3),
          all.equal(ara$bound[["up"]],  abra$bound[["up"]],  tolerance = 6e-3))