Title: | Tools for Simulation Studies in Parallel |
Description: | Tools for setting up ("design"), conducting, and evaluating large-scale simulation studies with graphics and tables, including parallel computations. |
Authors: | Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Marius Hofert <[email protected]> |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
Version: | 1.0-12 |
Built: | 2025-02-23 04:02:26 UTC |
Source: | https://github.com/cran/simsalapar |
Tools for setting up, conducting, and evaluating larger-scale simulation studies, including parallel computations, in R.
Package: | simsalapar |
Version: | 1.0-12 |
Date: | 2023-04-26 |
Title: | Tools for Simulation Studies in Parallel |
Description: | Tools for setting up ("design"), conducting, and evaluating large-scale simulation studies with graphics and tables, including parallel computations. |
Author: | Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler <[email protected]> |
Maintainer: | Marius Hofert <[email protected]> |
Depends: | R (>= 3.1.0), graphics |
Imports: | stats, parallel, utils, grDevices, methods, grid, sfsmisc, gridBase (>= 0.4-6), colorspace |
Suggests: | lattice, Rmpi, Hmisc, copula, foreach, doParallel, fGarch, robustbase |
SuggestsNote: | copula is only used for the vignettes, see their VignetteDepends; fGarch: only used in demo(TGforecasts), robustbase in another demo. |
KeepSource: | yes |
License: | GPL-2 | GPL-3 |
Encoding: | UTF-8 |
NeedsCompilation: | no |
Packaged: | 2023-04-26 09:48:42 UTC; mhofert |
Date/Publication: | 2023-04-27 08:30:02 UTC |
Repository: | https://mariushofert.r-universe.dev |
RemoteUrl: | https://github.com/cran/simsalapar |
RemoteRef: | HEAD |
RemoteSha: | 72545ebfdf2f3735a81b904afdf4ab18587bc586 |
Index of help topics:
LEseeds Advancing .Random.seed for "L'Ecuyer-CMRG" dev.off.pdf Cropping and Font Embedding PDF Device doCallWE Innermost Computation: Error Catching Version of do.call() doCheck Checking a User's doOne doLapply Functions for Iterating Over All Subjobs expr2latex Translate 'plotmath' expressions to LaTeX getEl Tools For Working with Variable Specification Lists mayplot Matrix-like Plot for Arrays up to Rank 5 simsalapar-package Tools for Simulation Studies in Parallel with R subjob Subjob - Compute one Row of the Virtual Grid toLatex.ftable Convert Flat Contingency Table (ftable) and VarLists to LaTeX Table tryCatch.W.E Catching and Storing Warnings and Errors Simultaneously ul Tools For Converting To and From Arrays, Lists, and Array of Lists varlist Variable Specification List - Generation and Class wrapLaTable Wrapper for a floating LaTeX Table
()creates a variable specification list.
creates a variable specification list from given dimension names.
extracts elements from a variable list.
function for creating a grid of all variables of type
“grid”; see mkGrid()
builds a list of names from a variable list; see
extracts “n.sim”; see get.n.sim()
extracts all variables not of type
“grid”; see get.nonGrids()
catching and storing warnings and errors
simultaneously; see tryCatch.W.E()
innermost computation (return value of doOne()):
returns value, error, warning, and run time; see doCallWE()
create a list of advanced .Random.seed
's for
“L'Ecuyer-CMRG”; see LEseeds()
displays information about the sub-job just
finished; see printInfo()
computes one row of the virtual grid in a
simulation; see subjob()
creates a function to be passed to doCallWE() as
timer; see mkTimer()
sequentially iterates over all
subjobs via standard lapply()
iterates over all subjobs in parallel (via
, package foreach).
iterates over all subjobs in parallel
(via Rmpi's mpi.apply()
iterates over all subjobs in parallel (via
iterates over all subjobs
in parallel (via clusterApply()
convenience wrapper for comparing two results
of the do*
lapply-like functions; see doRes.equal()
converts a list of named 5-lists to an array of lists;
see mkAL()
(optionally) converts a result list to an
array of lists using mkAL(); see saveSim()
(optionally) reads the provided .rds
; see
gets an array of 4-lists and computes an
array of values, errors, warnings, or run times; see
conveniently converts an array to
a data.frame
:an S3 method for varlist and ftable.
essentially calls
and adds attributes ncv
to the return object.
computes ingredients for converting a character matrix with attributes to a LaTeX table.
wraps a table and tabular environment around the lines of the body of a LaTeX table.
:a matrix-like plot for arrays up to rank 5, with grid and gridBase.
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler <[email protected]>
Maintainer: Marius Hofert <[email protected]>
Marius Hofert, Martin Maechler (2016). Parallel and Other Simulations in R Made Easy: An End-to-End Study. Journal of Statistical Software, 69(4), 1–44. doi:10.18637/jss.v069.i04
Hofert, M. and Mächler, M. (2013). Parallel and other simulations in R made easy: An end-to-end study. https://arxiv.org/abs/1309.4402
## Not run: demo(TGforecasts) ## End(Not run)
## Not run: demo(TGforecasts) ## End(Not run)
is a simple wrapper for unlist()
gets a list x
with elements that are named
lists of length five, see x
below, and converts it to an
array of list
(optionally) converts a result list to an array using
and (optionally) saves it to a file via saveRDS()
if the provided ‘.rds’ file exists, this function
reads it via readRDS()
; otherwise, nothing is done.
gets an array of 4-list
s as returned
by mkAL()
, picks out the specified component comp
applies the specified function FUN
(with useful defaults),
and builds an array
auxiliary function to convert an array to a
(correctly dealing with n.sim
ul(x) mkAL (x, vList, repFirst, check=TRUE) saveSim(x, vList, repFirst, sfile, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE) maybeRead(sfile, msg=TRUE) getArray(x, comp=c("value", "error", "warning", "time"), FUN=NULL, err.value=NA) array2df(x, responseName = "value")
ul(x) mkAL (x, vList, repFirst, check=TRUE) saveSim(x, vList, repFirst, sfile, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE) maybeRead(sfile, msg=TRUE) getArray(x, comp=c("value", "error", "warning", "time"), FUN=NULL, err.value=NA) array2df(x, responseName = "value")
x |
vList |
a |
repFirst |
logical; must match the value of |
check |
sfile |
a file name, typically with extension ‘.rds’ or |
doAL |
msg |
err.value |
comp |
character string denoting the component. |
function to be applied right before the resulting array
responseName |
(for |
is useful when creating arrays from result
lists returned from large(r) simulation studies which use
. To create a proper argument x
, the function ul()
turns out to
be useful to (stepwise) unlist nested lists.
converts arrays of lists as returned by
to an array
of numeric
, see below) after applying the specified FUN
In case of an error, the corresponding entry in the resulting array is
replaced by err.value
The default FUN
converts possible errors and warnings to
(indicating whether there was a error or
warning, respectively) and run times to numeric
. For
, the situation is trickier. First of all, the
resulting array contains dimensions for variables of type
“inner” and, if greater than 1, for the variable of type
“N” (typically called "n.sim"
); see the vignette for
Use FUN = identity
to get at the full error or warning objects,
for comp = "error"
or for comp = "warning"
, respectively.
and maybeRead()
useful for creating and (re)storing arrays from large(r) simulation
studies (to avoid recomputation, to ease the data analysis etc.).
calls mkAL()
, nowadays wrapped in
, such that the simulation is not lost, even
when the resulting format cannot correctly be treated by
. Consequently, doAL
is not much needed anymore.
Note that both saveSim()
and maybeRead()
in which case nothing is saved or read.
the unlisted list; see unlist()
the array
returned by
the object read by readRDS()
or nothing (if sfile
does not exist).
an array
containing the values
of the specified component comp
after applying FUN
to them. The default FUN
produces an array
depending on comp
, of
values or err.value
(in case of an error)
logicals indicating whether there was an error
logicals indicating whether there was a warning
timings as returned by doCallWE()
i.e., typically (from mkTimer
) the number of milliseconds
of “"CPU user time"”.
a data.frame
with several columns
built from the dimnames(x)
and a column named
with the values of x
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler.
see simsalapar-package
and mkNms()
used by
. saveRDS()
, the “workhorses” of
and maybeRead()
, respectively.
## Not run: ## Get at the full error objects, notably (message, call): errObjs <- getArray(res, "error", FUN=identity) ## End(Not run) if(FALSE) ## A longer, "interesting" example is in demo(robust.mean)
## Not run: ## Get at the full error objects, notably (message, call): errObjs <- getArray(res, "error", FUN=identity) ## End(Not run) if(FALSE) ## A longer, "interesting" example is in demo(robust.mean)
is a wrapper of dev.off()
which is
meant for closing a pdf device. It also performs
cropping and font embedding if chosen.
dev.off.pdf(file="Rplots.pdf", crop=NULL, embedFonts="", ...)
dev.off.pdf(file="Rplots.pdf", crop=NULL, embedFonts="", ...)
file |
output file name including extension .pdf. |
crop |
cropping command, can be one of: |
embedFonts |
font embedding command, can be one of: |
... |
additional arguments passed to |
Marius Hofert
for closing a device,
for font embedding.
sfsmisc's pdf.end()
for another approach.
## typical usage doPDF <- !dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE) if(doPDF) pdf(file=(file <- "crop_device.pdf"), width=6, height=6) plot(1) if(doPDF) dev.off.pdf(file) if(file.exists(file)) file.remove(file)
## typical usage doPDF <- !dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE) if(doPDF) pdf(file=(file <- "crop_device.pdf"), width=6, height=6) plot(1) if(doPDF) dev.off.pdf(file) if(file.exists(file)) file.remove(file)
iterates over all subjobs (using the non-parallel
). Similarly, but in parallel, for
(based on CRAN package foreach's foreach()
(based on Rmpi's mpi.apply()
(based on parallel's mclapply()
), and
(based on parallel's clusterApply()
is simple convenience wrapper for
, for comparing two results (from the same
and doOne
arguments) of the do*
lapply-like functions above.
doLapply(vList, seed="seq", repFirst=TRUE, sfile=NULL, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE, subjob.=subjob, monitor=FALSE, doOne, ...) doForeach(vList, cluster=makeCluster(detectCores(), type="PSOCK"), cores=NULL, block.size = 1, seed="seq", repFirst=TRUE, sfile=NULL, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE, subjob.=subjob, monitor=FALSE, doOne, extraPkgs=character(), exports=character(), ...) doRmpi(vList, nslaves = if((sz <- Rmpi::mpi.universe.size()) <= 1) detectCores() else sz, load.balancing=TRUE, block.size = 1, seed="seq", repFirst=TRUE, sfile=NULL, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE, subjob.=subjob, monitor=FALSE, doOne, exports=character(), ...) doMclapply(vList, cores = if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") 1 else detectCores(), load.balancing=TRUE, block.size = 1, seed="seq", repFirst=TRUE, sfile=NULL, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE, subjob.=subjob, monitor=FALSE, doOne, ...) doClusterApply(vList, cluster=makeCluster(detectCores(), type="PSOCK"), load.balancing=TRUE, block.size = 1, seed="seq", repFirst=TRUE, sfile=NULL, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE, subjob.=subjob, monitor=FALSE, doOne, initExpr, exports=character(), ...) doRes.equal(x, y, tol = 1e-15, ...)
doLapply(vList, seed="seq", repFirst=TRUE, sfile=NULL, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE, subjob.=subjob, monitor=FALSE, doOne, ...) doForeach(vList, cluster=makeCluster(detectCores(), type="PSOCK"), cores=NULL, block.size = 1, seed="seq", repFirst=TRUE, sfile=NULL, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE, subjob.=subjob, monitor=FALSE, doOne, extraPkgs=character(), exports=character(), ...) doRmpi(vList, nslaves = if((sz <- Rmpi::mpi.universe.size()) <= 1) detectCores() else sz, load.balancing=TRUE, block.size = 1, seed="seq", repFirst=TRUE, sfile=NULL, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE, subjob.=subjob, monitor=FALSE, doOne, exports=character(), ...) doMclapply(vList, cores = if(.Platform$OS.type == "windows") 1 else detectCores(), load.balancing=TRUE, block.size = 1, seed="seq", repFirst=TRUE, sfile=NULL, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE, subjob.=subjob, monitor=FALSE, doOne, ...) doClusterApply(vList, cluster=makeCluster(detectCores(), type="PSOCK"), load.balancing=TRUE, block.size = 1, seed="seq", repFirst=TRUE, sfile=NULL, check=TRUE, doAL=TRUE, subjob.=subjob, monitor=FALSE, doOne, initExpr, exports=character(), ...) doRes.equal(x, y, tol = 1e-15, ...)
vList |
a |
cluster |
cluster object, typically generated by
cores |
the number of cores. For |
nslaves |
the number of workers for |
load.balancing |
block.size |
size of blocks of rows in the virtual grid which are computed simultaneously (load-balancing). |
seed , repFirst
see |
sfile , check , doAL
see |
subjob. |
a |
doOne |
a user-supplied |
monitor |
a logical or a |
extraPkgs |
exports |
initExpr |
expression initially evaluated on the cluster (can be missing). |
... |
additional arguments passed to |
x , y
each a result of, say |
tol |
passed to |
See the vignette or references in simsalapar-package
how to use these functions.
For reasons to choose "MPI"
as cluster type (if not on Windows),
see the discussion starting at
For doForeach()
, precisely one of cluster
has to be not NULL
. This will determine whether
the parallel computations are carried out on a cluster with multiple
nodes or on a multi-core processor.
The result of applying subjob()
to all subjobs, converted with
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler.
for computing a subjob. doCallWE()
for the return value of doOne()
. .Random.seed
information about random number generators and seeds.
if(simsalapar:::doExtras()) { ## needs some CPU demo(robust.mean) # 512 simulations, differing block sizes, ... }
if(simsalapar:::doExtras()) { ## needs some CPU demo(robust.mean) # 512 simulations, differing block sizes, ... }
performs the innermost computation of the simulation
study at hand. It is a version of do.call(f, argl, *)
with care of catching and storing both error and warnings (via
) and measures user time. This is useful
in large(r) simulation studies.
returns a function to be passed as
to doCallWE()
doCallWE(f, argl, timer = mkTimer(gcFirst=FALSE)) mkTimer(gcFirst)
doCallWE(f, argl, timer = mkTimer(gcFirst=FALSE)) mkTimer(gcFirst)
f |
a |
argl |
list of arguments for |
timer |
a |
gcFirst |
logical, passed to |
Note that gcFirst=FALSE
is default for a good reason: if a call
to doOne()
is relatively fast, calling gc()
time is unnecessarily expensive and may completely dominate the
overall simulation run time. For serious run time measurement,
is preferable, as it ensures less
variable timings, see system.time
returns a list
with components
value |
error |
error message (see |
warning |
warning message (see |
time |
time, as measured by |
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler.
set.seed(61) L <- log(abs(rt(n=100, df = 1.5))) r <- doCallWE(quantile, list(L, probs= 0.95)) ## set timer for "no timing" : u <- doCallWE(quantile, list(L, probs= 0.95), timer = function(E) { E; NULL }) stopifnot(is.null(r$error), all.equal(r$value, quantile(L, 0.95)), identical(r[1:3], u[1:3]), is.null(u[["time"]]))
set.seed(61) L <- log(abs(rt(n=100, df = 1.5))) r <- doCallWE(quantile, list(L, probs= 0.95)) ## set timer for "no timing" : u <- doCallWE(quantile, list(L, probs= 0.95), timer = function(E) { E; NULL }) stopifnot(is.null(r$error), all.equal(r$value, quantile(L, 0.95)), identical(r[1:3], u[1:3]), is.null(u[["time"]]))
checks, if possible, a user's doOne() function for
return objects of correct sizes.
doCheck(doOne, vList, nChks = ng, verbose = TRUE)
doCheck(doOne, vList, nChks = ng, verbose = TRUE)
doOne |
a user-supplied |
vList |
a |
nChks |
number of rows randomly picked from the (physical) grid
which are used for a basic test of the evaluation and return value
of |
verbose |
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler.
## definition doCheck
## definition doCheck
translates a “R graphics annotation”
expression to the corresponding LaTeX one.
, very similar to its original,
from fortunes, escapes certain character
combinations, such that the result can be used in LaTeX.
expr2latex(expr) escapeLatex(x)
expr2latex(expr) escapeLatex(x)
expr |
an R object of |
x |
a |
The expr2latex()
function is recursively rendering (sub)
expressions, until it uses the internal renderAtom()
for simple
symbols (is.symbol
We currently work with some tables of math annotation expressions,
lifted from the corresponding C source of R itself. (Hidden in
simsalpar's namespace, we have AccentTable
, RelTable
, Lgreek
and Ugreek
The current implementation is still incomplete.
a character
string with the LaTeX
expression corresponding to “R graphics annotation” expression
Martin Maechler.
for mathematical expressions to annotate R
and its ftable
expr2latex( quote( N[sim] ) ) expr2latex( quote( N[sim] ~ O(n) ) ) expr2latex( quote(x %notin% N) ) expr2latex( quote(x %+-% epsilon) ) expr2latex( quote(N[s*m^2]) ) expr2latex( quote( 2^{N[sim] - 3} ~~~ O(n^{n^2}) ) ) escapeLatex(c("#{positives}", "A | B"))
expr2latex( quote( N[sim] ) ) expr2latex( quote( N[sim] ~ O(n) ) ) expr2latex( quote(x %notin% N) ) expr2latex( quote(x %+-% epsilon) ) expr2latex( quote(N[s*m^2]) ) expr2latex( quote( 2^{N[sim] - 3} ~~~ O(n^{n^2}) ) ) escapeLatex(c("#{positives}", "A | B"))
From a variable specification list (varlist
gets elements of a variable specification
list that match the given variable type
builds a grid, e.g., for parallel evaluation,
basically by calling do.call(expand.grid, <list>)
builds a list
of names, e.g., to be used as dimnames
for a
corresponding simulation result array
extracts n.sim
or returns 1 if it
is not contained in vList
modifies or sets n.sim
in vList
extracts all variables not having
and returns n.sim
the same as
getEl (vList, type = "ALL", comp = "value") mkGrid (vList) mkNms (vList, addNms = FALSE) get.n.sim (vList) set.n.sim (vList, n) get.nonGrids(vList)
getEl (vList, type = "ALL", comp = "value") mkGrid (vList) mkNms (vList, addNms = FALSE) get.n.sim (vList) set.n.sim (vList, n) get.nonGrids(vList)
vList |
a |
type |
comp |
either a |
addNms |
logical, specifying if the resulting names should be of
the form |
n |
for |
These functions are useful when working with variable specification lists.
a named list
containing the selected
components of those variables that match the provided type
a data frame (data.frame
a named list
of the same
and with the same names()
if it is contained in vList
1 otherwise.
the varlist
with a
modified n.sim
of length 2 containing the
(possibly modified) n.sim
and a list
containing all variables not having type="grid"
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler.
, for construction of variable lists.
, the “workhorse” of mkGrid()
vList <- varlist(n.sim = list(type="N", expr = quote(N[sim]), value = 64), n = list(type="grid", value = c(20, 100, 500)), # sample sizes p = list(type="grid", value = c(3, 7, 15, 25)), # dimensions meth = list(type="grid", expr = quote(italic(method)), value = c("classical", "robust"))) getEl(vList, type="grid") # for those of type "grid", get all values ## for those of type "grid", get all components : str(getEl(vList, type="grid", comp=NA)) stopifnot(identical(as(vList, "list"), getEl(vList, type=c("N","grid"), comp = NA))) (grd <- mkGrid(vList)) stopifnot(nrow(grd) == 3*4*2, ncol(grd) == 3) getEl(vList)# -> all "value"s: the same as lapply(., `[[`, "value") : stopifnot(identical(lapply(vList, `[[`, "value"), getEl(vList))) mkNms(vList) mkNms(vList, addNms=TRUE) get.n.sim(vl. <- set.n.sim(vList, NULL)) # 1 vl.$n.sim # NULL set.n.sim(vl., 12)
vList <- varlist(n.sim = list(type="N", expr = quote(N[sim]), value = 64), n = list(type="grid", value = c(20, 100, 500)), # sample sizes p = list(type="grid", value = c(3, 7, 15, 25)), # dimensions meth = list(type="grid", expr = quote(italic(method)), value = c("classical", "robust"))) getEl(vList, type="grid") # for those of type "grid", get all values ## for those of type "grid", get all components : str(getEl(vList, type="grid", comp=NA)) stopifnot(identical(as(vList, "list"), getEl(vList, type=c("N","grid"), comp = NA))) (grd <- mkGrid(vList)) stopifnot(nrow(grd) == 3*4*2, ncol(grd) == 3) getEl(vList)# -> all "value"s: the same as lapply(., `[[`, "value") : stopifnot(identical(lapply(vList, `[[`, "value"), getEl(vList))) mkNms(vList) mkNms(vList, addNms=TRUE) get.n.sim(vl. <- set.n.sim(vList, NULL)) # 1 vl.$n.sim # NULL set.n.sim(vl., 12)
creates a list of advanced .Random.seed's for "L'Ecuyer-CMRG".
n |
number of steps to advance |
See, for example, Hofert and Mächler (2014) for how to use these functions.
A list of length n
containing the advanced .Random.seed
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler.
for information about random number
generators and seeds.
Produces a matrix-like plot for arrays up to rank 5,
using grid and gridBase which allows traditional
graphics, optionally via a user specified panel function
mayplot(x, vList, row.vars = NULL, col.vars = NULL, xvar, method = if(has.n.sim) "boxplot" else "lines", panel.first = NULL, panel.last = NULL, type = "l", pch = NULL, ylim = "global", log = "", do.legend = TRUE, spc = c(0.04/max(1,n.x-1), 0.04/max(1,n.y-1)), axlabspc=c(0.12, 0.08), labspc=c(0.04, 0.04), n.sim.spc = 0.06, auxcol = c("gray40", "gray78", "gray90", "white"), pcol = c("black", "blue", "red", "orange"), grid.lwd = 1.6, ax.lwd = 2, tx.cex = 1.2, leg.cex = 1, xlab = NULL, ylab = NA, do.n.sim = has.n.sim, verbose = getOption("verbose"), show.layout = verbose, ...)
mayplot(x, vList, row.vars = NULL, col.vars = NULL, xvar, method = if(has.n.sim) "boxplot" else "lines", panel.first = NULL, panel.last = NULL, type = "l", pch = NULL, ylim = "global", log = "", do.legend = TRUE, spc = c(0.04/max(1,n.x-1), 0.04/max(1,n.y-1)), axlabspc=c(0.12, 0.08), labspc=c(0.04, 0.04), n.sim.spc = 0.06, auxcol = c("gray40", "gray78", "gray90", "white"), pcol = c("black", "blue", "red", "orange"), grid.lwd = 1.6, ax.lwd = 2, tx.cex = 1.2, leg.cex = 1, xlab = NULL, ylab = NA, do.n.sim = has.n.sim, verbose = getOption("verbose"), show.layout = verbose, ...)
x |
numeric |
vList |
row.vars |
a dimension name of |
col.vars |
a dimension name of |
xvar |
dimension name of |
method |
panel.first , panel.last
type |
character indicating the type of plotting in the
non-boxplot case; actually any of the |
pch |
ylim |
either string |
log |
do.legend |
spc |
dimensions (x, y) in “npc” for the space between sub-plots. The default uses a simple adaption to the number of sub-plots in each direction. |
axlabspc |
vector of length two containing the width of the y axis label and the height of the x axis label in “npc”. |
labspc |
vector of length two containing the width of the box of the row labels and the height of the box of the column labels in “npc”. |
n.sim.spc |
space for |
auxcol |
auxiliary colors; vector with four components:
pcol |
plot base colors. If more colors than the provided ones
are required, |
grid.lwd |
lwd for grid |
ax.lwd |
lwd for axes |
tx.cex |
cex for row and column labels |
leg.cex |
cex of legend text and |
xlab |
x axis label (spanned over all plot columns); when
ylab |
y axis label (spanned over all plot rows): Typically a
label for the |
do.n.sim |
verbose |
logical indicating whether more information is displayed during plotting. |
show.layout |
logical indicating whether the grid layout is displayed. |
... |
optional arguments passed to |
the layout, invisibly.
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler.
and grid.layout
package grid.
vLis <- varlist(d = list(type="grid", value = c(10, 100, 1000)), family=list(type="grid", value = c("Clayton", "Gumbel")), tau = list(type="grid", value = c(0.25, 0.5)), alpha = list(type="inner", value = c(0.95, 0.99, 0.999))) iP <- c(4, 1:3)# <- permutation, putting alpha first dNms <- mkNms(vLis)[iP] ## an array as from x <- getArray( doMclapply(vLis, ..) ) : x <- array( c(6.1981, 8.0478, 8.4265, 46.883, 74.359, 86.4394, 432.585, 743.27, 859.35, 4.8508, 6.0286, 6.3965, 26.380, 35.132, 47.1517, 243.113, 311.36, 342.84, 7.8546, 8.9769, 9.2199, 78.235, 89.493, 92.2875, 785.674, 893.63, 923.62, 7.7164, 8.2866, 8.8169, 75.959, 82.806, 88.0626, 756.786, 831.65, 874.70), dim = sapply(dNms, length), dimnames = dNms) mayplot(x, vLis, row.vars="family", col.vars="tau", xvar="alpha", log="y", ylab=bquote(widehat(VaR)[alpha])) ## the same, but no xlab and no ylab : mayplot(x, vLis, row.vars="family", col.vars="tau", xvar="alpha", log="y", xlab=NA)
vLis <- varlist(d = list(type="grid", value = c(10, 100, 1000)), family=list(type="grid", value = c("Clayton", "Gumbel")), tau = list(type="grid", value = c(0.25, 0.5)), alpha = list(type="inner", value = c(0.95, 0.99, 0.999))) iP <- c(4, 1:3)# <- permutation, putting alpha first dNms <- mkNms(vLis)[iP] ## an array as from x <- getArray( doMclapply(vLis, ..) ) : x <- array( c(6.1981, 8.0478, 8.4265, 46.883, 74.359, 86.4394, 432.585, 743.27, 859.35, 4.8508, 6.0286, 6.3965, 26.380, 35.132, 47.1517, 243.113, 311.36, 342.84, 7.8546, 8.9769, 9.2199, 78.235, 89.493, 92.2875, 785.674, 893.63, 923.62, 7.7164, 8.2866, 8.8169, 75.959, 82.806, 88.0626, 756.786, 831.65, 874.70), dim = sapply(dNms, length), dimnames = dNms) mayplot(x, vLis, row.vars="family", col.vars="tau", xvar="alpha", log="y", ylab=bquote(widehat(VaR)[alpha])) ## the same, but no xlab and no ylab : mayplot(x, vLis, row.vars="family", col.vars="tau", xvar="alpha", log="y", xlab=NA)
computes one row of the virtual grid in a simulation
study, provides several seeding methods, and sub-job monitoring
(information about the sub-job just finished).
is a named list of functions optionally to be used as
in subjob()
for printing information at the end of
each sub-job.
subjob(i, pGrid, nonGrids, n.sim, seed, keepSeed = FALSE, repFirst = TRUE, doOne, timer = mkTimer(gcFirst=FALSE), monitor = FALSE, ...) printInfo # or # printInfo[["default"]]
subjob(i, pGrid, nonGrids, n.sim, seed, keepSeed = FALSE, repFirst = TRUE, doOne, timer = mkTimer(gcFirst=FALSE), monitor = FALSE, ...) printInfo # or # printInfo[["default"]]
i |
row number of the virtual grid. |
pGrid |
“physical grid” of all combinations of variables
of type |
nonGrids |
values of non-"grid"-variables (if provided, passed to
n.sim |
number of simulation replications. |
seed |
one of:
keepSeed |
repFirst |
doOne |
timer |
a |
monitor |
... |
additional arguments passed to |
See the vignette or references in simsalapar-package
how to use these functions.
The case where seed
is a numeric
vector of length
also leads to the same results no matter which variables
are of type “grid” or “inner”; see demo(robust.mean)
this is tested. This is important to guarantee since one might want to
change certain “inner” variables to “grid” variables due to
load-balancing while computing the desired statistics based on the
same seed (or generated data from this seed).
is a named list
s which produce output (cat(..)
containing information about the sub-job which subjob()
just finished. Note that components "gfile"
(“global file”) and "fileEach"
each direct the
monitoring output to files.
returns a vector of length five if keepSeed
is true
and seed
is not NA
, otherwise (also by default), of
length four. The first four components contain the
return value of doCallWE()
. If keepSeed
true, the fifth component contains .Random.seed
before the call of doCallWE()
(for reproducibility).
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler.
; .Random.seed
information about random number generators and seeds.
For examples of implicit use of subjob
, see
names(printInfo)# currently "default", "gfile", "fileEach" str(printInfo, give.attr=FALSE) ## the functions in printInfo share a common environment() with utility functions: ls.str(environment(printInfo$default)) if(FALSE) # show them all as.list(environment(printInfo$default))
names(printInfo)# currently "default", "gfile", "fileEach" str(printInfo, give.attr=FALSE) ## the functions in printInfo share a common environment() with utility functions: ls.str(environment(printInfo$default)) if(FALSE) # show them all as.list(environment(printInfo$default))
The ftable
method of toLatex()
an ftable
to a LaTeX table via tablines()
Analogously, the varlist
method of
converts an varlist
to a LaTeX table.
essentially calls format.ftable()
and adds
attributes ncv
and nrv
to the return object.
computes ingredients for converting a
with attributes to a
LaTeX table.
is a small auxiliary function which creates rows
of a LaTeX table from a given matrix.
## S3 method for class 'ftable' toLatex(object, vList = NULL, x.escape = FALSE, exprFUN = expr2latex, escapeFUN = escapeLatex, align = NULL, booktabs = TRUE, head = NULL, rsep = "\\\\", sp = if(booktabs) 3 else 1.25, rsep.sp = NULL, csep = " & ", quote = FALSE, lsep=" \\textbar\\ ", do.table = TRUE, placement = "htbp", center = TRUE, fontsize = "normalsize", caption = NULL, label = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'varlist' toLatex(object, col.vars = c("Variable", "expression", "type", "value"), exprFUN = expr2latex, escapeFUN = escapeLatex, align = NULL, booktabs = TRUE, head = NULL, rsep = "\\\\", sp = if(booktabs) 3 else 1.25, rsep.sp = NULL, csep = " & ", do.table = TRUE, placement = "htbp", center = TRUE, fontsize = "normalsize", caption = NULL, label = NULL, ...) fftable(x, lsep = " | ", quote = FALSE, method = "compact", ...) tablines(x, align = NULL, booktabs = TRUE, head = NULL, rsep = "\\\\", sp = if(booktabs) 3 else 1.25, rsep.sp = NULL, csep = " & ", quote = FALSE) cattablines(x, rsep = "\\\\", csep = " & ", include.rownames = TRUE)
## S3 method for class 'ftable' toLatex(object, vList = NULL, x.escape = FALSE, exprFUN = expr2latex, escapeFUN = escapeLatex, align = NULL, booktabs = TRUE, head = NULL, rsep = "\\\\", sp = if(booktabs) 3 else 1.25, rsep.sp = NULL, csep = " & ", quote = FALSE, lsep=" \\textbar\\ ", do.table = TRUE, placement = "htbp", center = TRUE, fontsize = "normalsize", caption = NULL, label = NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'varlist' toLatex(object, col.vars = c("Variable", "expression", "type", "value"), exprFUN = expr2latex, escapeFUN = escapeLatex, align = NULL, booktabs = TRUE, head = NULL, rsep = "\\\\", sp = if(booktabs) 3 else 1.25, rsep.sp = NULL, csep = " & ", do.table = TRUE, placement = "htbp", center = TRUE, fontsize = "normalsize", caption = NULL, label = NULL, ...) fftable(x, lsep = " | ", quote = FALSE, method = "compact", ...) tablines(x, align = NULL, booktabs = TRUE, head = NULL, rsep = "\\\\", sp = if(booktabs) 3 else 1.25, rsep.sp = NULL, csep = " & ", quote = FALSE) cattablines(x, rsep = "\\\\", csep = " & ", include.rownames = TRUE)
object |
an |
x |
for |
vList |
a variable specification list see |
x.escape |
logical indicating if the “body” entries of the
table should be escaped by |
exprFUN |
a function, by default |
escapeFUN |
a function, by default |
align |
either a |
booktabs |
head |
either |
rsep |
sp |
rsep.sp |
csep |
quote , lsep , method
see |
col.vars |
character vector of length 3 or 4 ( |
do.table |
placement |
(if |
center |
fontsize |
caption |
(if |
label |
(if |
include.rownames |
... |
additional arguments passed to |
returns an object as from wrapLaTable()
returns a formatted flat contingency table as
returned by format.ftable()
with added attributes ncv
(number of column variables) and nrv
(number of row variables).
a list with components
body |
body.raw |
head |
head.raw |
align |
alignment string. |
rsepcol |
outputs the formatted lines for copy-and-paste
into a LaTeX table.
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler.
see simsalapar-package
for how to wrap the lines of a LaTeX table
created by tablines()
in a LaTeX table and tabular environment.
## Different table layouts for the same content (ft1 <- ftable(Titanic, col.vars = 1:4)) (ft2 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1)) (ft3 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:2)) (ft4 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:3)) (ft5 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:4)) ## What tablines() returns tablines(fftable(ft2)) ## LaTeX (booktabs/non-booktabs) versions toLatex(ft1, do.table=FALSE) toLatex(ft1, booktabs=FALSE) toLatex(ft1, method="col.compact") toLatex(ft1) toLatex(ft2) toLatex(ft3) toLatex(ft4) toLatex(ft5, booktabs=FALSE) toLatex(ft5, method="col.compact") toLatex(ft5) ## ``poor-man's approach'' for creating lines of a LaTeX table set.seed(271) tab <- matrix(runif(6), ncol=3) ftab <- formatC(tab, digits=4, format="f") cattablines(ftab) rownames(ftab) <- LETTERS[1:nrow(ftab)] cattablines(ftab)
## Different table layouts for the same content (ft1 <- ftable(Titanic, col.vars = 1:4)) (ft2 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1)) (ft3 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:2)) (ft4 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:3)) (ft5 <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:4)) ## What tablines() returns tablines(fftable(ft2)) ## LaTeX (booktabs/non-booktabs) versions toLatex(ft1, do.table=FALSE) toLatex(ft1, booktabs=FALSE) toLatex(ft1, method="col.compact") toLatex(ft1) toLatex(ft2) toLatex(ft3) toLatex(ft4) toLatex(ft5, booktabs=FALSE) toLatex(ft5, method="col.compact") toLatex(ft5) ## ``poor-man's approach'' for creating lines of a LaTeX table set.seed(271) tab <- matrix(runif(6), ncol=3) ftab <- formatC(tab, digits=4, format="f") cattablines(ftab) rownames(ftab) <- LETTERS[1:nrow(ftab)] cattablines(ftab)
Catches and saves both warnings (warning
) and errors
) and in the case of a warning, also the
computed result.
expr |
expression to be evaluated, typically a function call. |
This function is particularly useful in large(r) simulation studies to check all computations and guarantee their correctness.
with components
value |
value of |
warning |
warning message (see |
Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler, based on hints from Luke Tierney and Bill Dunlap, see https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2010-December/262626.html.
see simsalapar-package
the base function tryCatch()
. Also, doCallWE()
, of which
is the “workhorse”.
## Adapted from demo(error.catching) : str(r1 <- tryCatch.W.E( log( 2 ) ) ) str(r2 <- tryCatch.W.E( log(-1 ) ) ) str(r3 <- tryCatch.W.E( log("a") ) ) stopifnot(is.null(r1$warning), is.na (r2$value), inherits(r2$warning, "warning"), is.null(r3$warning), inherits(r3$value, "error"))
## Adapted from demo(error.catching) : str(r1 <- tryCatch.W.E( log( 2 ) ) ) str(r2 <- tryCatch.W.E( log(-1 ) ) ) str(r3 <- tryCatch.W.E( log("a") ) ) stopifnot(is.null(r1$warning), is.na (r2$value), inherits(r2$warning, "warning"), is.null(r3$warning), inherits(r3$value, "error"))
Generate variable specification lists. These are objects of the
formal (aka “S4”) class "varlist"
. This class
simply extends "namedList"
and has a validity
method (see validObject
varlist(...) dimnames2varlist(dmn) ## S4 method for signature 'varlist' show(object)
varlist(...) dimnames2varlist(dmn) ## S4 method for signature 'varlist' show(object)
... |
of the form
i.e, a “list” of variable specifications using “sub
lists” |
dmn |
object |
a |
is typically an atomic vector (is.atomic
or a list
, e.g., of function
s; in the
latter case, typically with names
can be one of "N"
, "frozen"
, "grid"
, or
. In short:
This type is reserved for a (single) variable
named n.sim
which provides the simulation replications;
if it is not given, n.sim
is implicitly treated as 1.
Variables of this type remain fixed (they do
not vary) throughout the whole simultion study. They affect the
final result but do not appear as a dimension in the result
array of the simulation study. This is the default
(apart from n.sim
which defaults to "N"
Variables of this type are used to build a
(physical) grid (a data.frame
) with number of rows
equal to the product of the lengths of all variables of this
type. The simulation will use this grid to iterate n.sim
times over all of its rows for conducting the required
computations. Conceptually, this corresponds to
iterating over a virtual grid seen
as n.sim
copies of the (physical) grid pasted together.
The computations for one row in this virtual grid form one
sub-job. One can use one of
, doForeach()
, doMclapply()
, or
to iterate over all sub-jobs.
Variables of this type are all dealt with within a sub-job for reasons of convenience, speed, load balancing etc.
The dimnames2varlist()
functions creates a varlist
a named list of character
vectors, typically
resulting from dimnames(tt)
of a table
, see the Titanic example below.
For more details, see Hofert and Mächler (2014), and
also the examples in demo(package="simsalapar")
an object of formal (aka “S4”) class "varlist"
Martin Maechler.
; getEl
for easy
extraction of elements from a "varlist"
The toLatex
method for varlist
, doForeach()
, doMclapply()
for the functions to iterate over the
virtual grid.
showClass("varlist") vList <- varlist( n.sim = list(value = 1000, expr = quote(N[sim])), # type = N n = list(type="grid", value = c(20, 100, 500)), # sample sizes meth = list(type="grid", expr = quote(italic(method)), value = c("classical", "robust")), alpha = list(value = 0.95)) # default type = "frozen" str(vList)# note the default 'expr' for n and alpha; and type of alpha ## For more extensive examples, see also demo(package="simsalapar") ## coerce to simple list .. and back : lvl <- as(vList, "list") stopifnot(identical( do.call(varlist, lvl), vList )) ## From a data.frame to a LaTeX table : str(dimnames(Titanic)) vlTitan <- dimnames2varlist(dimnames(Titanic)) vlTitan # default 'type = "grid"' here toLatex(vlTitan)
showClass("varlist") vList <- varlist( n.sim = list(value = 1000, expr = quote(N[sim])), # type = N n = list(type="grid", value = c(20, 100, 500)), # sample sizes meth = list(type="grid", expr = quote(italic(method)), value = c("classical", "robust")), alpha = list(value = 0.95)) # default type = "frozen" str(vList)# note the default 'expr' for n and alpha; and type of alpha ## For more extensive examples, see also demo(package="simsalapar") ## coerce to simple list .. and back : lvl <- as(vList, "list") stopifnot(identical( do.call(varlist, lvl), vList )) ## From a data.frame to a LaTeX table : str(dimnames(Titanic)) vlTitan <- dimnames2varlist(dimnames(Titanic)) vlTitan # default 'type = "grid"' here toLatex(vlTitan)
wraps (a table and tabular environment) around
the lines of the body of a LaTeX table and utilizes
to write the LaTeX table.
wrapLaTable(x, align, do.table = TRUE, placement = "htbp", center = TRUE, fontsize = "normalsize", booktabs = TRUE, caption = NULL, label = NULL)
wrapLaTable(x, align, do.table = TRUE, placement = "htbp", center = TRUE, fontsize = "normalsize", booktabs = TRUE, caption = NULL, label = NULL)
x |
a |
align |
table columns alignment string (e.g.,
do.table |
placement |
(if |
center |
fontsize |
booktabs |
caption |
(if |
label |
(if |
Note that necessary LaTeX packages (such as tabularx
) have to
be loaded in the preambel of the corresponding .tex or .Rnw file.
a “LaTeX table”, of class "Latex"
(where the
method uses writeLines()
Marius Hofert.
see simsalapar-package
where it is used to create
a LaTeX table.
ftab <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:2) fftab <- fftable(ftab) tlist <- tablines(fftab) wrapLaTable(structure(tlist$body, head = tlist$head), align = tlist$align, caption="The Titanic data set.", label="tab:titanic")
ftab <- ftable(Titanic, row.vars = 1:2) fftab <- fftable(ftab) tlist <- tablines(fftab) wrapLaTable(structure(tlist$body, head = tlist$head), align = tlist$align, caption="The Titanic data set.", label="tab:titanic")